
家族で楽しめる【PHOTO PARK】:10/8(土)~10/10(月・祝)開催


会期 / Dates:10/8(Sat)~10/10(Holiday)10:00-16:30
会場 / Venue:TOKYO TORCH Park

[企画①]『DRIVE EXHIBITION 』powered by YADOCAR-iドライブ



参加料 / Admission:無料 (Free)  
参加方法 / Participation:会場にて先着受付 (first comes first served)
出展作家 / Artist:沖 昌之 (OKI Masayuki) 
対象年齢 / age requirmetns:小学生以下の方は保護者同伴、乳幼児は抱っこひももしくは両親の膝上に抱えてのみ乗車可能 / Children under 12 are required to be accompanied by guardians. 
企画協力 / cooperation:東海クラリオン 株式会社 (Tokai Clarion)

沖 昌之《必死すぎるネコ》 / OKI Masayuki

猫写真家。インスタフォロワー28万人。1978年、神戸生まれ。アパレルを経て偶然出会った猫「ぶさにゃん先輩。」の導きにより2015年、独立。猫の心が見えそうな所作や表情を瞬間的にきりとる。現在、「AERA 」「猫びより」「 デジタルカメラマガジン 」で連載中。2022年 3D巨大猫「新宿東口の猫」で知られるクロス新宿ビルにて写真展「新宿の中心で必死すぎるネコ 写真展」を開催するなど精力的に活動中。

Cat photographer Masayuki Oki was born in Kobe in 1978 and has 280,000 Instagram followers. After a stint in the apparel sector, his chance encounter with the stray cat Busanyan Senior led him to start his own business in 2015. He captures moments of cats’ movements and expressions showing their feelings quite clearly. Today, his photographs are published as serials in periodicals like AERA, Neko Biyori [Perfect weather for cats], and Digital Camera Magazine. His photographic activities include a 2022 photo exhibition featuring stray cats living in the heart of Shinjuku, which was held in the Cross Shinjuku building, famous for a realistic giant 3D cat on the building at Shinjuku Station’s east exit.

沖 昌之(OKI Masayuki)




「YADOCAR-i ドライブ」の試運転、PR動画

【企画②】『写真釣り / Photo Fishing』

『写真釣り / Photo Fishing』


参加料 / Admission:無料 (free)  
参加方法 / Participation:会場にて先着受付 (first comes first served)

野村 浩《写真釣り / Photo Fishing》/ NOMURA Hiroshi

野村浩 / 美術家 1995年東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科油画専攻修了。在学中から写真を中心にメディアを横断する作品を発表し続けている。近年では写真とカメラにまつわる“写真論”コミック本「CAMERAer」(2019年/go passion)を上梓。ゲストキュレーターとして平成30年度横浜市所蔵カメラ・写真コレクション展「暗くて明るいカメラーの部屋」(横浜市民ギャラリーあざみ野)、その後中国・成都のA4 Art Museumにて巡回展。主な著書に「EYES」(2007年/赤々舎)「Slash」(2010年/N/T WORKS)など。第31回写真の会賞(2019年)受賞。

Artist Hiroshi Nomura graduated from the Oil Painting Course of the Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts in 1995. Since his student years, he has continued to release works in various media centering on photography. In 2019, he published CAMERAer, a comic book about photography and cameras (publisher: Go Passion). He was a guest curator of “The Dark and Bright Room of CAMERAer,” an exhibition of cameras and photographs in the collection of Yokohama City (fiscal 2018, Yokohama Civic Art Gallery Azamino), which then became a traveling exhibition, shown at the A4 Art Museum in Chengdu, China. His major publications include EYES (2007, AKAAKA Art Publishing Inc.) and Slash (2010, N/T WORKS). He won the Excellence Award at the 3rd and 5th Canon New Cosmos of Photography Competitions in 1992 and 1993, respectively, and was awarded the Society of Photography Award in 2019.

野村 浩(NOMURA Hiroshi)
