
特別展『金田剛 新作展 《Ecotone》』T3 STUDENT PROJECT Grand Prix 受賞作家 × 大丸東京店 (KANEDA Tsuyoshi 《Ecotone》)


T3 STUDENT PROJECT 2020にてグランプリを受賞した金田剛による新作「Ecotone」をデジタルサイネージにて紹介、10/5(水)からは1Fのショーウィンドウでも展示します。本作は、東京の陸域で撮影されたイメージと地方で撮影された自然の水域のイメージという異なる空間と時間を、なだらかな諧調によって繋ぎ合わせた作品。都会にいながら、どこか遠い自然に流れる時間に対して思いを馳せらせてくれるイメージは、都市の喧噪の中で、ふと立ち止まり、私たちの暮らすこの世界のあるべき姿について考えさせられるかもしれません。尚、本展示企画では、QRコードをスキャンするだけで入手できる大丸東京との「コラボNFT」をプレゼントします。こちらも是非お楽しみください。
As environmental problems often come up during conversations these days, I believe we should consciously reflect on the way time flows in nature somewhere far away. The main visual element of this work entitled Ecotone features a photograph with gentle gradations combining images of two different moments in time and space—the image of a land area in Tokyo and that of natural water in the countryside. I created this work to evoke a sense of nature, which urbanites are often unconscious of in their everyday lives. Initiatives to solve environmental problems, such as sorting household waste and forgoing plastic shopping bags when shopping at the supermarket, do not make a significant change in our everyday lives. Just as humans have an inherent instinct to wish to connect with nature, considering the way time passes in nature, which differs from the way time passes in our everyday lives, will bring about the necessary change in people’s mindset to essentially resolve environmental problems. I hope this work will provide a clue to connecting the space occupied by Tokyo Station with nature in faraway places.
Visitors can receive a free NFT simply by scanning the QR code at the event. The NFT is created in collaboration with Daimaru Tokyo.

会期 / Dates:9/28(Wed)~10/27(Thr)
参加料 / Admission :無料 (Free)
会場 / Venue:大丸東京店 1階 JR側デジタルサイネージ&ショーウィンドウ / DAIMARU TOKYO 1F Digital Signage + display window 

金田剛 / KANEDA Tsuyoshi《Ecotone》

KANEDA Tsuyoshi 《Ecotone》

金田 剛(かねだつよし)/ KANEDA Tsuyoshi

1997年新潟県生まれ、東京都在住。東京工芸大学大学院芸術学研究科博士前期課程メディアアート専攻写真メディア領域修了。作品のコンセプトに関連した緻密なリサーチを元に、架空の出来事や物語を写真によって再現し、リアリティーのあるフィクションを追求している。最近の主な展示に浅間国際フォトフェスティバル2022 PHOTO ALT(長野/2022年)、KUMA EXHIBITION 2022(ANB TOKYO/2022年)、M(72Gallery/2022年)など。主な受賞歴にART AWARD TOKYO MARUNOUCHI 2022 ノミネート(東京/2022年)、IMA next#28「OTHER HISTORIES」ショートリスト(東京/2022年)、PITCH GRANT ファイナリスト(京都/2022年)、T3 STUDENT PROJECT グランプリ(東京/2020年)、写真新世紀 優秀賞(東京/2020年)などがある。
Tsuyoshi Kaneda was born in Niigata Prefecture in 1997 and currently resides in Tokyo. He earned a master’s degree from the Tokyo Polytechnic University Graduate School of Arts (the Field of Photographic Media), and pursues realistic fiction by recreating fictional incidents and stories through photography based on meticulous research of matters related to the concepts of his works. Major exhibitions where his works have recently been displayed include the Asama International Photo Festival 2022 PHOTO ALT (Nagano, 2022), KUMA EXHIBITION 2022 (ANB Tokyo, 2022), and M (72 Gallery, 2022). He was nominated for the Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2022 (Tokyo, 2022), was one of the winners of theme #28 Other Histories in the “IMA next” photography competition (Tokyo, 2022), was one of the Pitch Grant finalists (Kyoto, 2022), and a grand-prix winner of the T3 Student Project (Tokyo, 2020). He also won the Excellent Award at the New Cosmos of Photography (Tokyo, 2020) among other commendations.

金田 剛 (かねだつよし) / KANEDA Tsuyoshi
