

The miracle morning

(English is under the Japanese sentences.)












Tomorrow is the anniversary of my best friend Yuka's death. She passed away when she was only 20 years old. Yuka had a boyish personality and was not the type to open her heart to others. However, she was very open with me and my college professor, Maylene.

I have always cared for Yuka. I always keep the few memories I have of her in my heart, but since then, I have lived an unchanged life, sometimes left behind. We became friends when I accidentally forgot my English textbook and Yuka was kind enough to stick her desk together and show it to me. After that, she quickly fell ill and went to the other side of the world. One day, she gave me a book as her  only my birthday present, and it is now on the far right-hand side of the brown bookshelf in my small room. It's not so much on the shelf as it is on display. It is a treasure.

The book is one of my favorite novels of all time, a translated version by a Canadian author. It is about a miraculous childhood friendship between two girls with cute illustrations. Yuka understands my taste very well, I think again. The spine has a gorgeous butterfly.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of Yuka's death, so my heart has been heavy since last night. My feelings were not simply depressed and heavy, but I told myself that it was good that she had finally left for heaven after suffering through her terminal cancer, that she was liberated. I ground coffee beans, opened the window on a dusky morning, and passed the time in a daze. At that time. I casually looked outside and saw a fantastic butterfly with blue and purple wings fluttering past me. And then it entered the room. So easily. As I watched in amazement, the butterfly perched on the spine of the book.

It felt as if Yuka was trying to tell me something. I stood there, and for some reason, a hot feeling ran deep in my chest.

Then a strange thing happened. The butterfly on the spine of the book seemed to be actually spreading its wings like a butterfly and staring at me. It may have been an illusion. But there was no doubt that the illustration was moving and fluttering its wings.

I was speechless with excitement and emotion and just kept staring at the butterfly. And although I tried not to say it out loud, I was able to express my gratitude to Yuka in my heart. I said, "Thank you, for meeting me. I'll come see you someday, so just watch over me from there."

After that, the butterfly that came from the window quietly soared up and flew away somewhere on the wind. “Don't be so gloomy, Satsuki." Yuka's usual tone of voice. I thought I heard Yuka's voice. I stood there for a while, and when I came to, I couldn't hold back my tears, and a single drop fell into my coffee cup. The sadness that I had carried in my heart for years slowly faded away. I look down at table. I stared at the coffee cup, a mixture of milk, tears, and then bitter coffee.

This event was an experience that cannot be described in words. Yuka was only 20 years old. But to me, her family, her boyfriend. The memories she left us, her thoughts in this beautiful book, a birthday present to me, and the author's masterpiece will live with us forever in our hearts.

Tomorrow, on the anniversary of Yuka's death, I wonder if I will pick up that book again and speak to my heart about my feelings for her. As I read it, I will be flooded with many thoughts. I am sure. Her existence has given my life great meaning. With the courage and hope I inherited from her, and with gratitude for this irreplaceable life, I will cherish her memory. I will never forget her. Thank you, Yuka.

The sun will soon rise outside the window, and today is a sunny day. It's sunny today.
