
小さな幸せの瞬間を大切に Embracing small moments of happiness


I am in Bali again this week.


Gelato eaten on a cold winter day is delightful, but gelato enjoyed in the heat of summer while sweating is also exceptional. Gelato, in a sense, might be a microcosm of life. Gelato eaten on a hot day melts quickly, and once melted, it becomes just a sweet liquid, losing its original deliciousness. In life, too, there are many such moments. Gelato symbolizes happiness. This happiness passes by moment by moment, and we often fail to notice it. Even if we try to act quickly, various constraints slow us down, and by then, the gelato has already started to melt, preventing us from enjoying the peak of happiness.


Especially when you go to eat gelato with someone, your gelato melts quickly while waiting for the other person to receive theirs. To truly attain happiness, it might be necessary to somewhat exclude the presence of others. For instance, some ramen shops have partitions that allow each person to focus on their ramen. This makes sense because ultimate happiness doesn't depend on others but on how you feel and act.


Thinking about such things, I was eating gelato with a friend on a hot afternoon in Bali. The moment I held the gelato, its cool sensation transferred to my hand, and with each bite, the sweetness spread, making me momentarily forget the heat. I felt that this is one of the small happinesses. To not miss such small happinesses, it is important to notice the trivial joys in everyday life.


While enjoying the luxurious moment of eating gelato on the beach in Bali, listening to the sound of the waves, I thought: Isn't it truly important to cherish such moments in life? If you can find the small happiness in front of you, cherish it, and savor it, that might be true richness.


As I savor the taste of gelato, I also listen to the conversation with my friend. Hearing about my friend's dreams and goals and feeling their enthusiasm and passion stimulates me too. In life, connections and empathy with others are part of happiness, and such connections enrich our hearts. This time spent with friends is also special.

Through this moment in Bali, I feel anew that what is important in life is not material wealth but the richness of the heart, and that can be found in small moments of daily life. Even the seemingly simple act of eating gelato is enriched by the emotions and memories behind it.


The beautiful scenery of Bali, enjoyable time with friends, and the taste of gelato—these intersecting moments are my ultimate happiness. And to feel that happiness, I realized again that it is necessary to cherish and wholeheartedly enjoy the present moment.



