完全自動化された広告管理システムは必要か?(Eric Seufert)
デジタル広告に関するブログMobile Dev Memoを運営するEric Seufert氏さんのツイートにアタラ杉原剛さんがリツイートしている内容が興味深かったので記録しておこうと思います。
Eric Seufert氏のツイート
With the prominence of Advantage+ and PMax, as well as Generative AI tools like Stable Diffusion, it's common for marketing teams to develop the ambition to build a wholly automated, end-to-end advertising system. My advice: build exoskeletons, not cyborgs (1/X).
prominence 目立つこと
With the prominence of 〜の卓逸性で
wholly 完全に
exoskeleton 外骨格
2/ The desire to automate digital advertising is not new, but Advantage+ / PMax and text-to-image tools make it seem much more accessible now than it ever has -- deceptively so. Advertising automation appears to be as simple as connecting a few APIs.
decetively 我慢的に
3/ I classified the different tiers of advertising automation in this piece from 2020. At the time, I proposed that most teams were at Level 1 automation, which entailed automating tedious tasks away but leaving judgment decisions to humans.
4/ I still think that's true, but now, more teams have the ambition to reach Level 4 -- total automation and *integration* -- than did three years ago. There are compelling reasons to not pursue this.
5/ First: achieving total automation would likely require giving the largest platforms control of ad creative production, which cedes brand management to them. And the platforms would optimize for short-term objectives, potentially ignoring brand standards.
cede 譲る
6/ Second: media spend represents the single largest expense for many direct response advertisers. Can this really be entrusted with a totally automated system that might encounter unexpected edge cases or be afflicted with bugs? Is that an acceptable risk?
edge case
be afflicted with
7/ And third, would most advertisers really benefit from total automation vs. having additional efficiency unlocked from their team members via tools? Investments into these systems, from experience, follow the Pareto rule.
※パレートの法則 | 用語解説 | 野村総合研究所https://www.nri.com/jp/knowledge/glossary/lst/ha/pareto_princ
8/ Exoskeletons, not cyborgs: it’s often more economical and efficient to build tools that unlock additional productivity from members of a team than to build tools that are designed to entirely replace them.
9/ Stanislav Petrov, an officer in the Soviet Air Defence Forces, likely averted World War 3 when he ignored an alert from the nuclear attack warning system that he oversaw. Humanity is lucky that he did. The stakes are lower with advertising automation, but the lesson resonates.
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