
Unusual snow at the end of March

【Culture & Lifestyle Vol.2】Unusual snow at the end of March

Hi folks! How are you doing today?

Government announced that we shouldn’t go out unless we really need to. And surprisingly it was snowing in Tokyo yesterday right?  It has been 32 years since 1988.
If snow accumulate in the tokyo area, transportation will be affected, but it may be good timing just because of self-control. Please be careful your health from temperature difference.

By the way, the snowing day was out of season but we were worried about lack of snow from end of last year to this February, which makes it hard to go without enough snow. I guess some people looked forward to skiing and snowboarding on this season. 

My hometown in Akita hold an annual event “Yuki-Matsuri”(Snow Festival). The event features hundreds of large and small snow domes called Kamakura which placed in line. A lot of tourists come to visit from all over the world. However there was possibility of cancellation due to lack of snow this year. However somehow it snowed a lot just before the event it was held this year. 

That would be sad If these temperature difference constantly continue it and the traditional festival can’t hold in near the future,we cherish seasons of Japan and so beautiful each different seasons. 

I think a lot of people look forward to event of every season.
Lack of snow, out-of-season snow, No Ohanami viewing, many people may be disappointed because you can’t do a lot of fun, but it would be great if everyone could get over and enjoy the seasonal events!

(Written By SACCI & MINO)








