


The Promise Under the Starry Sky

In the quiet forest at midnight, the sky was filled with countless stars. Haruka Kajiwara and her best friend, Ryo Mikami, walked deeper into the woods, guided only by the light of a small camping lantern. They had been best friends since high school, and even after starting university, they kept in touch and cherished their occasional escapes into nature.

“Haruka, let’s sit here,” Ryo suggested, pointing to a hill that offered a panoramic view of the starry sky. They spread out a blanket from their backpacks and sat down on the grass. The cold night breeze brushed against their cheeks as they silently gazed up at the stars.

“It’s beautiful,” Ryo murmured. Haruka nodded, staring at the twinkling lights above, feeling that no words were needed in moments like these.

“Actually,” Ryo began after a while, “there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you.”

Haruka looked at him in surprise. Ryo’s expression was serious, indicating that he had something important to say.

“What is it?” she asked. Ryo took a deep breath and started to speak. “I’m going abroad next year. It’s a long-term project, and I probably won’t be back in Japan for a while.”

Haruka was momentarily speechless. She had never imagined a life without Ryo always being there. It was an assumption she had never questioned.

“Where are you going?” she managed to ask. “To America. I’ll be participating in a project in Silicon Valley,” he replied.

“That’s amazing,” Haruka smiled, but her smile was strained. Ryo noticed and said gently, “Haruka, if you support me, I can do anything.”

Haruka felt a warmth spread through her chest at his words. “Of course, I’ll support you. But I’ll miss you,” she admitted.

Ryo nodded, “I’ll miss you too. But I don’t want to miss this chance. You understand, don’t you?”

After a moment of reflection, Haruka said firmly, “I understand. Go for it.” Ryo looked relieved and took her hand in his.

That night, under the starry sky, they made a promise for the future. They vowed to pursue their dreams, even if they were apart, and to continue growing until the day they would meet again.

The next day, Ryo headed to the airport, and Haruka watched his back as he left. Though she felt a pang of sadness, her faith in his success was stronger. After Ryo left Japan, Haruka worked hard towards her own goals, keeping the day of their reunion as her motivation.

Years later, Ryo returned to Japan, having succeeded in his project. By then, Haruka had achieved her dream and was working as an independent designer. When they reunited, they celebrated each other’s growth and took new steps towards the future.

The promise made under the starry sky became an eternal bond for them. As they continued on their individual paths, they always felt connected in their hearts.


The Promise Under the Starry Sky

In the quiet forest at midnight, the sky was filled with countless stars.

  • 主語 (Subject): the sky (空)

  • 動詞 (Verb): was filled (満たされていた)

  • 補語 (Complement): with countless stars (無数の星で)


Haruka Kajiwara and her best friend, Ryo Mikami, walked deeper into the woods, guided only by the light of a small camping lantern.

  • 主語 (Subject): Haruka Kajiwara and her best friend, Ryo Mikami (梶原遥と彼女の親友、三上涼)

  • 動詞 (Verb): walked (歩いた)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): deeper into the woods (森の奥へと)

  • 分詞構文 (Participle phrase): guided only by the light of a small camping lantern (小さなキャンプランプの光だけを頼りに)


They had been best friends since high school, and even after starting university, they kept in touch and cherished their occasional escapes into nature.

  • 主語 (Subject): They (彼ら)

  • 動詞 (Verb): had been (ずっとだった)、kept (続けた)、cherished (大切にした)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): since high school (高校時代から)、even after starting university (大学に入学した後も)、their occasional escapes into nature (自然への時折の逃避行を)


“Haruka, let’s sit here,” Ryo suggested, pointing to a hill that offered a panoramic view of the starry sky.

  • 主語 (Subject): Ryo (涼)

  • 動詞 (Verb): suggested (提案した)

  • 目的語 (Object): “Haruka, let’s sit here” (「遥、ここに座ろう」)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): pointing to a hill (丘を指しながら)、that offered a panoramic view of the starry sky (星空の全景が見える)


They spread out a blanket from their backpacks and sat down on the grass.

  • 主語 (Subject): They (彼ら)

  • 動詞 (Verb): spread out (広げた)、sat down (座った)

  • 目的語 (Object): a blanket (敷物)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): from their backpacks (リュックから)、on the grass (草の上に)


The cold night breeze brushed against their cheeks as they silently gazed up at the stars.

  • 主語 (Subject): The cold night breeze (冷たい夜風)

  • 動詞 (Verb): brushed (撫でた)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): against their cheeks (彼らの頬を)、as they silently gazed up at the stars (彼らが静かに星を見上げている時)


“It’s beautiful,” Ryo murmured.

  • 主語 (Subject): Ryo (涼)

  • 動詞 (Verb): murmured (つぶやいた)

  • 目的語 (Object): “It’s beautiful” (「綺麗だね」)


Haruka nodded, staring at the twinkling lights above, feeling that no words were needed in moments like these.

  • 主語 (Subject): Haruka (遥)

  • 動詞 (Verb): nodded (頷いた)、staring (見つめながら)、feeling (感じて)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): at the twinkling lights above (上のきらめく光を)、that no words were needed in moments like these (こんな瞬間に言葉は必要ないと)


“Actually,” Ryo began after a while, “there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you.”

  • 主語 (Subject): Ryo (涼)

  • 動詞 (Verb): began (始めた)

  • 目的語 (Object): "Actually, there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you" (「実は、ずっと君に話したいことがあったんだ」)


Haruka looked at him in surprise.

  • 主語 (Subject): Haruka (遥)

  • 動詞 (Verb): looked (見た)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): at him (彼を)、in surprise (驚いて)


Ryo’s expression was serious, indicating that he had something important to say.

  • 主語 (Subject): Ryo’s expression (涼の表情)

  • 動詞 (Verb): was (だった)

  • 補語 (Complement): serious (真剣な)

  • 分詞構文 (Participle phrase): indicating that he had something important to say (重要なことを話そうとしていることを示している)


“What is it?” she asked.

  • 主語 (Subject): she (彼女)

  • 動詞 (Verb): asked (尋ねた)

  • 目的語 (Object): “What is it?” (「何?」)


Ryo took a deep breath and started to speak.

  • 主語 (Subject): Ryo (涼)

  • 動詞 (Verb): took (取った)、started (始めた)

  • 目的語 (Object): a deep breath (深呼吸)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): to speak (話し始めるために)


“I’m going abroad next year. It’s a long-term project, and I probably won’t be back in Japan for a while.”

  • 主語 (Subject): I (僕)

  • 動詞 (Verb): am going (行く予定だ)、won’t be (戻らないだろう)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): abroad next year (来年海外に)、for a while (しばらく)


Haruka was momentarily speechless.

  • 主語 (Subject): Haruka (遥)

  • 動詞 (Verb): was (だった)

  • 補語 (Complement): momentarily speechless (一瞬言葉を失った)


She had never imagined a life without Ryo always being there.

  • 主語 (Subject): She (彼女)

  • 動詞 (Verb): had never imagined (想像したことがなかった)

  • 目的語 (Object): a life without Ryo always being there (涼が常にそばにいる生活)


“Where are you going?” she managed to ask.

  • 主語 (Subject): she (彼女)

  • 動詞 (Verb): managed to ask (何とか尋ねた)

  • 目的語 (Object): “Where are you going?” (「どこに行くの?」)


“To America. I’ll be participating in a project in Silicon Valley,” he replied.

  • 主語 (Subject): I (僕)

  • 動詞 (Verb): will be participating (参加する予定だ)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): in a project in Silicon Valley (シリコンバレーのプロジェクトに)

  • 彼の発言 (Direct speech): “To America. I’ll be participating in a project in Silicon Valley” (「アメリカだよ。シリコンバレーでのプロジェクトに参加するんだ」)


“That’s amazing,” Haruka smiled, but her smile was strained.

  • 主語 (Subject): Haruka (遥)

  • 動詞 (Verb): smiled (微笑んだ)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): but her smile was strained (しかし、その笑顔はぎこちなかった)


Ryo noticed and said gently, “Haruka, if you support me, I can do anything.”

  • 主語 (Subject): Ryo (涼)

  • 動詞 (Verb): noticed (気付いた)、said (言った)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): gently (優しく)

  • 彼の発言 (Direct speech): “Haruka, if you support me, I can do anything” (「遥、君が応援してくれるなら、僕はどんなことでも頑張れるよ」)


Haruka felt a warmth spread through her chest at his words.

  • 主語 (Subject): Haruka (遥)

  • 動詞 (Verb): felt (感じた)

  • 目的語 (Object): a warmth spread through her chest (胸に広がる暖かさ)


“Of course I’ll support you. But I’ll miss you,” she admitted.

  • 主語 (Subject): she (彼女)

  • 動詞 (Verb): admitted (認めた)

  • 目的語 (Object): “Of course I’ll support you. But I’ll miss you” (「もちろん応援するよ。でも、寂しくなるね」)


Ryo nodded, “I’ll miss you too. But I don’t want to miss this chance. You understand, don’t you?”

  • 主語 (Subject): Ryo (涼)

  • 動詞 (Verb): nodded (頷いた)、said (言った)

  • 彼の発言 (Direct speech): “I’ll miss you too. But I don’t want to miss this chance. You understand, don’t you?” (「僕もだよ。でも、このチャンスを逃したくないんだ。君も分かってくれるよね?」)


After a moment of reflection, Haruka said firmly, “I understand. Go for it.”

  • 主語 (Subject): Haruka (遥)

  • 動詞 (Verb): said (言った)

  • 目的語 (Object): “I understand. Go for it.” (「分かってるよ。頑張って」)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): firmly (力強く)


Ryo looked relieved and took her hand in his.

  • 主語 (Subject): Ryo (涼)

  • 動詞 (Verb): looked (見えた)、took (取った)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): relieved (安心したように)

  • 目的語 (Object): her hand in his (彼女の手を自分の手に)


That night, under the starry sky, they made a promise for the future.

  • 主語 (Subject): they (彼ら)

  • 動詞 (Verb): made (交わした)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): under the starry sky (星空の下で)

  • 目的語 (Object): a promise for the future (未来の約束を)


They vowed to pursue their dreams, even if they were apart, and to continue growing until the day they would meet again.

  • 主語 (Subject): They (彼ら)

  • 動詞 (Verb): vowed (誓った)

  • 目的語 (Object): to pursue their dreams, even if they were apart, and to continue growing until the day they would meet again (離れていても互いの夢を追い続け、再会する日まで成長し続けることを)


The next day, Ryo headed to the airport, and Haruka watched his back as he left.

  • 主語 (Subject): Ryo (涼)、Haruka (遥)

  • 動詞 (Verb): headed (向かった)、watched (見た)

  • 目的語 (Object): to the airport (空港へ)、his back (彼の背中)


Though she felt a pang of sadness, her faith in his success was stronger.

  • 主語 (Subject): she (彼女)

  • 動詞 (Verb): felt (感じた)

  • 目的語 (Object): a pang of sadness (悲しみの痛み)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): her faith in his success was stronger (彼の成功を信じる気持ちの方が強かった)


After Ryo left Japan, Haruka worked hard towards her own goals, keeping the day of their reunion as her motivation.

  • 主語 (Subject): Haruka (遥)

  • 動詞 (Verb): worked (努力した)

  • 目的語 (Object): towards her own goals (自分の目標に向けて)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): After Ryo left Japan (涼が日本を離れてから)、keeping the day of their reunion as her motivation (彼が戻ってくる日を心の支えにして)


Years later, Ryo returned to Japan, having succeeded in his project.

  • 主語 (Subject): Ryo (涼)

  • 動詞 (Verb): returned (戻った)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): having succeeded in his project (プロジェクトを成功させて)


By then, Haruka had achieved her dream and was working as an independent designer.

  • 主語 (Subject): Haruka (遥)

  • 動詞 (Verb): had achieved (達成していた)、was working (働いていた)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): as an independent designer (独立したデザイナーとして)


When they reunited, they celebrated each other’s growth and took new steps towards the future.

  • 主語 (Subject): they (彼ら)

  • 動詞 (Verb): reunited (再会した)、celebrated (祝った)、took (踏み出した)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): each other’s growth (互いの成長を)、new steps towards the future (未来に向けて新たな一歩を)


The promise made under the starry sky became an eternal bond for them.

  • 主語 (Subject): The promise (約束)

  • 動詞 (Verb): became (なった)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): made under the starry sky (星空の下で交わした)

  • 補語 (Complement): an eternal bond (永遠の絆)


As they continued on their individual paths, they always felt connected in their hearts.

  • 主語 (Subject): they (彼ら)

  • 動詞 (Verb): continued (続けた)、felt (感じた)

  • 修飾語 (Modifier): on their individual paths (それぞれの道を歩みながら)、connected in their hearts (心の中で常に繋がっていることを)

























