
Which should we prioritize, fun or efficiency?

There is something that I've been struggling with lately with a project that I'm participating in(but this is not for a job. It's a kind of a private hobby). It started with the idea that everyone who participates here has to have fun, so we dared not to make any rules. It was going relatively well.

But one of us suggested that we should set aside a definite time and do it from now on. As you know the emergency restrictions have been lifted. That means our lifestyle--including the way we work--will be back to normal. In fact, some of us had to stop working from home and start going to work again. I guess she thought it would be better to go efficiently instead of wasting time. She has a point.

But at the same time, I'm afraid that if this proposal will make the project cramped and uninteresting. I want everyone to relax and feel comfortable participating. Otherwise, I don't think it can continue for long.

I'm torn on whether or not I should convey this at the next meeting...
