


Heikichi, though, does not drink just because his body is physiologically thirsty for alcoholic beverages just as he insists. So is his mind, and he just cannot help. That is because he can become bold when he gets drunk so that he feels somewhat stronger against anybody: he can dance whenever he wants to; he falls asleep whenever he is sleepy. Nobody blames him. Heikichi feels most thankful for this. Why he feels so grateful he is not sure himself.

Heikichi just knows that, when he gets drunk, he is far from what he usually is. True, after performing his usual farcical dance and getting back sober, he, told by others about him having danced energetically the night before, feels quite embarrassed, telling them a clichéd lie in reply, ‘It seems I go somewhat undisciplined when I get drunken … why, I don’t remember what I was doing. Waking up this morning, it seems as if I’d been dreaming.’ He, though, still vividly remembers dancing, sleeping and everything else. And then, comparing himself in his memory with his usual self, he can never accept the fact that they are actually one and the same person. Asked which one is the real Heikichi, he would have no clear answer to offer. He is drunk only for a while, and he is almost always sober. Then, you may accordingly be tempted to maintain it is the sober Heikichi that is real, but he cannot make a clear-cut affirmation. That is because, in many cases, it is when Heikichi is drunk that he does anything that seems silly even to himself when he recalls it later; to say nothing of that farcical dance, he bets at cards, pays for a prostitute, and once in a while, does something too horrible to write here. He cannot believe that the guy who does them all is sane at all.

A god named Janus has two faces. Which one is his real face no one knows for sure. Heikichi is just like him.

I told you that the sober Heikichi and the drunken Heikichi are different. It may be that nobody else tells more lies than he does when he is sober: Heikichi himself sometimes thinks so. Nonetheless, having said that, it does not follow at all that Heikichi does so in a calculated move. Above all, he tells lies almost without so much as knowing he does. It is true that he realises he has told a lie on so doing, but he is not even aware of the outcome at the instant he is actually lying.

Heikichi himself has no idea why he cannot help telling so many lies, but, when talking to others, he unconsciously tells a lie that he never means to. However, he does not find it particularly troublesome, nor does he feel that he has done anything wrong. Thus, Heikichi tells lies every day without shame.

 Janus という神様には、首が二つある。どっちがほんとうの首だか知っている者は誰もいない。平吉もその通りである。
