
Fabric Art Object "ArtFlower : KEISHU" Exihibition in NAGOYA


Catch and create the moment of nature.

"KEISHU" is solo exhibition of an ArtFlower artist "Keishu Iida".
Artflower is made by fabric.

He dyes and shapes fabrics to recreate elaborate natural beauty.
Capturing a fleeting moment of a passing flower, his works are both sculptures and three-dimensional paintings.

Many people saw the artflowers say, “It is just as alive!" About 20 exquisite works of art, including new works, will be exhibited.

KEISHU in Nagoya

15th - 19th Dec. 12:00-18:00
at Esplanade gallery  Admission free
Artworks available for sale

dyeing operation

About "Art Flower"

Founded by Miyuki Iida (1903-2007).
In 1945 she made flowers from an old gown. That is the beginning.
Inspired by Western clothing culture, she refined it from her unique essence,
completing a style of art.

Coloring to cloth like a watercolor, Molding it by heat iron like a sculputre.
This is a "Three-Dimensional Painting".
So she named it "Art Flower".

The studio has produced many students for over 70 years.
MIYUKI Art Flower Exhibitions are still being held all over Japan.

Now, Keishu Iida is serving as the 3rd generation Grand Master.
Lessons are held daily at the studio in Higashinakano.

Miyuki Art Flower Master / Keishu Iida

About "Keishu Iida"

In childhood, He had interested to “MiyukiArtFlower”
from some TV show and magazines. He bought a textbook of
MiyukiArtFlower and started to make Art Flowers.
After that, He joined the Miyuki Studio and learned under
Miyuki Iida and Tomoko Iida.

Miyuki Iida gave him the tradional family name “KEISHU IIDA”
and appointed him as Grand Master of Miyuki Art Flower in 2012.

His aesthetics include not only making but also teaching.
He has been making more better shape of flower petal cloth
for students easy work.
He keep to create so many flower works over 100 in one year.

How to make "ArtFlower"

The true sense of the word "Artificial"

Artificial flowers we see in the market. Although they are called artificial flowers, most of them are produced by machines.
Flowers produced in mass production all have the same shape and color.
They might be called printed flowers rather than artificial.

Each flower has its own individuality, produced by human hands. They are artificial flowers in the true sense of the word.
Please come and see for yourself the works created by the artist's skillful use of color and shape.


Fabric Art Object "ArtFlower : KEISHU" Exihibition in NAGOYA|Kukkula / SS MIYUKI studio Inc.