



「心臓病など死亡リスク 週1~2日8000歩以上歩くことで8%余低下」NHK 、2023/3/30


本研究は内科外来で患者さんから聞かれた次の質問から始まりました。『先生、たくさん歩く必要があることはわかりました。でも忙しくて平日はそんなに歩くことができません。週末にためて歩いても問題ないでしょうか?』この問いに答えるべく文献検索をしたところ、身体活動量については週2回だけ運動しても十分に健康のベネフィットが得られるという先行研究を見つけたものの(これを“Weekend warrior”と呼びます)、歩数についてはエビデンスがないことに気づき、本研究を遂行するに至りました。本結果が外来で質問された患者さんをはじめ多くの人々にとって役立つ歩行指針として世の中に貢献できますと臨床研究者として嬉しく思います。



そこで、京都大学が公開している、この研究のurlを見ました。それによると、調査対象は、20 歳以上の参加者 3101 人で、平均年齢は50.5歳、女性は51%でした。年齢層別人数の情報は書かれていません。


1 週間の歩行パターンと死亡リスクの関連を明らかに」京都大学

週に一度も 8000 歩/日以上歩いていない人に比べて、1-2 日歩いている人は 14.9%、3 日以上ある人いる人は全死亡率が16.5%低かった。同様に心血管死亡率についても、週に一度も 8000 歩/日以上歩いていない人に比べて、1-2 日歩いている人は 8.0%、3 日以上ある人いる人は 8.4%低かった。








「週末だけのウォーキングでも効果 毎日行うと何が変わる?」糖尿病ネットワーク、2017/3/6




Walking 8,000 steps or more a day or two a week reduces the risk of dying from heart disease

As I wrote in this article, I try to walk as much as possible. However, I don't walk much on rainy and windy days, and I was wondering how much walking in a week would be effective, and I found this article.

Kyoto University and others announced that an analysis of American data showed that walking more than 8,000 steps a day one or two days a week reduces the risk of dying from heart disease by more than 8%. There was no significant difference in the risk of death compared to walking three or more days a week.

"Risk of death from heart disease, etc. Decreased by more than 8% by walking more than 8,000 steps 1-2 days a week" NHK, March 30, 2023

Regarding the reason for starting this survey, the researcher stated on the Kyoto University website as follows.

This study began with the following question asked by a patient at an internal medicine outpatient clinic. "Doctor, I know I need to walk a lot. But I'm so busy that I can't walk that much on weekdays. Would it be a problem to store and walk on weekends? "
When I searched the literature to answer this question, I found a previous study that showed sufficient health benefits even if I exercised only twice a week (this is called the "Weekend warrior"). , I realized that there was no evidence for the number of steps, and this research was carried out.
As a clinical researcher, I am happy that these results can contribute to the world as a walking guideline that is useful for many people, including patients who have asked questions at outpatient clinics.

“Clarification of the relationship between weekly walking patterns and mortality risk - Can walking well twice a week maintain health?” Kyoto University, March 30, 2023

I think it's a good study that sincerely answered the patient's question. However, the number of samples was not written in the article.

So, I saw the url of this research published by Kyoto University. They surveyed 3101 participants aged 20 or over, with an average age of 50.5 and 51% female. Information on the number of people by age group is not recorded.

Also, in this article, the graph and explanation below are listed, but there is no explanation of the meaning of the bar graph and line graph. Therefore, I do not understand the connection between the graph and the explanation.

All-cause mortality was 14.9% lower for those who walked 1-2 days and 16.5% lower for those who walked more than 3 days compared to those who did not walk more than 8000 steps/day at least once a week. Similarly, the cardiovascular mortality rate was 8.0% lower for those who walked 1-2 days and 8.4% lower for those who walked more than 3 days compared to those who did not walk more than 8,000 steps/day at least once a week. 


The poor explanation of the graph makes me wonder if this study is okay. It is unfortunate.

I asked Bing how much I should walk on weekends if I can't walk much during the week.

It is said that you should aim for 8,000 steps a day for your health on weekends. 20% of those steps, or 1,600 steps, should be medium intensity.
Moderate intensity means walking at a slightly faster pace.
If you do not walk a lot on weekends, it is recommended that you increase the chances of walking on weekdays as well.
It is important to incorporate physical activity into your daily life, such as walking to work, shopping, and climbing stairs.
To increase the amount of walking you do on weekends, it is also effective to find your purpose and enjoyment of walking.
For example, walking while enjoying the scenery and music, walking with friends and family, and attending walking events.
Please adjust the amount of walking on the weekend according to your physical strength and time. Don't overdo it and keep walking happily.


Bing is like a health and physical education teacher. This article proves it.

A team of researchers, including the University of Sydney, surveyed 63,591 adults living in England and Scotland between 1994 and 2012.
The researchers called people who collectively did the recommended amount of exercise over the weekend "weekend exercisers."
A total of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise was recommended to be achieved in 1-2 sessions.
A total of 8,802 deaths were observed during the study period, including 2,780 cardiovascular deaths and 2,526 cancer deaths.
Results showed that weekend athletes had a 30% lower risk of all-cause mortality, a 40% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, and an 18% lower risk of dying from cancer than those who did not exercise at all. It was revealed.
On the other hand, those who exercised evenly over the course of a week had a 35% lower risk of all-cause mortality, a 41% lower risk of heart disease, and a 21% lower risk of cancer-related disease.

"Walking only on the weekends works. What happens if you do this every day?"Diabetes Network, 3/6/2017

Six years before Kyoto University, a similar study had been announced.
Good, Bing. Did Kyoto University researchers search for similar studies in the past?

Looking at the results of the pedometer on my smartphone, on days when I took a lot of steps, I took less than 8,000 steps, and on days when I thought I walked well, I finally exceeded 10,000 steps. 

The title photo is quoted from Nikkei Crosstech, 2021/12/28, "I actually walked to see how accurate the iPhone's built-in pedometer is."
According to this article, "It has been demonstrated that the step count measurement with the iPhone alone has an error of less than 0.5% in the back pocket of pants, and an error of around 1% even when it is hanging in a handbag."
