
新美南吉作『木の祭り(Festival for the Tree)』対訳版

リクエストをいただいたので、『手袋を買いに』に続いて『木の祭り』を英訳しました。原文は青空文庫のテキストです。平易にかつ極力オリジナルに忠実になるよう訳していますが、ご意見、ご助言などいただければ幸いです。こちらのノートへのコメント、instagram @shigetaka3にお知らせください。ご自由にお読みいただければと思いますが、転載はお控えください。

English translation of a warm tale of Nankichi Niimi "Festival for the Tree" prepared on request. Comments and advice are much welcome. Feel free to read but do not reprint, please.



Once upon a time there was a tree in the middle of a green meadow where people rarely visited. Many beautiful white flowers bloomed on the tree and she was very happy about how pretty she was, but a little sad because no one came to praise her.


A gentle wind blew right beside her to bring the smell of the flowers softly over a brook, passed over a wheat field, and slid down a cliff to reach a potato patch where lots of butterflies flew around.


"Oh!", said a butterfly sniflling on a leaf of a potato plant.


"How fragrant!  How attracting!"


"Flowers must have bloomed somewhere", said another butterfly on a different leaf.


"I'm sure that the tree in the middle of the meadow must have bloomed a lot!"


Other butterflies in the potato patch became aware of the fragrance in the air brought by the winds and cried "oh!" and "oh!" with joy.


The butterflies couldn't ignore the good fragrance of the flowers anymore because they loved it so much. So they decided to fly to the tree to hold a  festival for it.


The butterflies fluttered up to the tree led by the largest one with patterned wings, followed by those with white wings, yellow wings, fallen-leave-like wings, and small clam-like wings. they flew up the cliff, flew over the wheat field and passed over the brook.


However, a gossamer-winged butterfly was the smallest and her wings were not strong enough to fly for a long time.  She had to take a rest on a leaf of a grass near the brook. Then, she noticed that there was an unfamiliar insect dozing off on a leaf next to her.


"Who are you?" she asked.


"I am a firefly." the insect woke up and replied.


"There is a festival at the tree in the middle of the meadow. Why don't you join us" invited the butterfly.


"Very kind. But, you cannot become friend with us since we live in night."


"We can be friends!"  The butterfly persuaded the firefly and finally brought him to the festival.


What a happy festival it was! The butterflies flew from a flower to another like large snowflakes and rested on the flowers to stuff their stomach with the nectar. However, the sunlight became dim and the evening was approaching.


They sighed and said "we want to continue the party but it will be pitch black, soon". Then, the firefly flew back to the brook to bring many of his friends. Each firefly glowed on each flower to light the tree. The tree turned bright as if it had numerous small lanterns. The butterflies were so delighted and played there until late evening.

おわり(The End)


底本:「ごんぎつね 新美南吉童話作品集1」てのり文庫、大日本図書 1988(昭和63)年7月8日第1刷発行 底本の親本:「校定 新美南吉全集第三巻」大日本図書 1980(昭和55)年7月31日初版第1刷発行 初出:「幼稚園と家庭 毎日のお話」育英書院 1936(昭和11)年11月15日 入力:めいこ 校正:鈴木厚司、もりみつじゅんじ 2003年9月29日作成 2012年5月8日修正

Special thanks to Y.A. for editing the text. 
