映画「新青春」の制作ドタバタをつづります。冷や汗とあぶら汗と悔し涙と嬉し涙とともに。I'm going to write about the slapstick producti…
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映画制作日記 #20 「食卓」 | Production Notes #20 "The Dining Table"
This film is symbolized by the scene at the dinner table. The slapstick start of the daily breakfast. The night when Haruka tells her family about her illness. The family gathers not in the living roo
もっとみる映画制作日記#17「学は藤井草馬」 | Production Notes #17 “Manabu is Soma Fujii"
I previously directed a feature film called "youth" in 2017. It was set in Tokushima, Japan, and it was about a day in the life of a local 20-something. At that time, Soma Fujii played the role of Man