
英語学習日記 #35 "Chatter"

・嫌な思い出やマイナスの感情から距離を置く方法(distanced self-talk, fly-on-the-wall perspective)




Chatter by Ethan Kross
- The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It -

chatter – a loop of negative self-talk と説明されている通り、この文章に登場する「chatter」が意味するものは、頭の中で繰り返されるネガティブ思考、つまりrumination(反芻思考)のことですね。脳内のネガティブな声をどう振り払って、自分の味方にするか、という内容です。






Our inner voices have been annoying humans for a long time; both the early Christian mystics and Chinese Buddhists were frustrated by their inner voices’ ability to incessantly interrupt their meditation. It’s also interesting to note that people who stutter out loud say their inner voices speak clearly. And deaf people report using sign language to speak to themselves.



In the 1980s, psychologist Bernard Rimé discovered that we’re driven to talk about our negative thoughts. In other words, when there’s too much chatter, we have to get it out. But ironically, the more we share with sympathetic friends, the more we push them away. After all, relationships demand that we listen, too. But people suffering intense negative emotions have trouble knowing when it’s time to stop talking.

1980年代、心理学者Bernard Riméが、私たち人間は思考がネガティブになると、それを口から吐き出したくなることを発見した。皮肉なことに、マイナスな話をすればするほど、友人は減っていく。

Picture one of your negative memories as if it were a video on your phone. Now, picture that event as if it were happening to someone else and you’re just another person in the room. The author refers to this as the fly-on-the-wall perspective. In various studies, participants who used this technique emerged with more clarity about their problems, while also showing lower stress and emotional responses in the brain.



fly-on-the-wall perspectiveは、直訳すれば「壁に止まったハエ目線」となります。一人称視点でなく、第三者視点で、というニュアンスがわかりやすいですね。

Another helpful perspective-taking technique is temporal distancing. Say you’re under a stressful work deadline – thinking about how little it will matter in ten years helps put it in perspective. 


これはtemporal distancingと呼ばれます。
ちなみに、このtemporalは「臨時的な」「一時的な」ではなく、「時間的な」という意味。temporal manner=時系列順。temporal discretization=時間的離散化(spacial discretization=空間的離散化 と同様に、有限要素法などの数値計算の分野で登場する言葉ですね)。

Unconsciously, he was practicing distanced self-talk – a technique that has been repeatedly shown to help lessen shame and embarrassment, lower stress, and promote wiser reasoning. And it all starts with saying your name.

Normally, our chatter comes in the first person singular – what’s known as I-talk. For example, we might think Why did I get so angry earlier? or Why was I so stupid? I-talk has been closely linked with negative thought spirals. For instance, one study found that bouts of depression could be predicted by analyzing the frequency of I-talk in people’s Facebook posts.

But a study conducted by the author found that when people used distanced self-talk to address themselves – whether by saying their name or using second and third-person pronouns – emotional turmoil decreased. When the author measured this method using an electroencephalogram machine, which registered electrical activity in the brain, he was amazed at how quickly it worked. Within just one second of employing distanced self-talk, emotional activity decreased.




これ、すごいですね。英語圏とは違って、日本語ではyouやhe, sheに相当する言葉を使うことはあまりないので、日本人が実践する際は自分を自分の名前で呼んでみるのがベストでしょうが、研究結果の通り、本当に呼んだ瞬間から効果を感じました。






Now let’s get back to Mr. Rogers. By using distanced self-talk, he was reframing the threat of failure as a challenge. And a challenge, unlike a threat, is something that a person can tackle. This not only helps reduce chatter but, as studies have shown, it also makes a difference on a cardiovascular level. When people are stressed, arteries tend to constrict, but in a challenge mindset, they’re more relaxed.



Unfortunately, when we’re in pain, we tend to focus on empathy over perspective. And the people we look to for help tend to go along with this, in a practice called co-rumination. They ask us for the play-by-play of the situation, offering condolence and empathy. But as we relate what happened, we relive the negative event and feel worse. They ask more questions . . . and so on.


Later studies done in England and Canada backed up these findings, showing that exposure to green space leads to more happiness. Why? Because nature engages our attention in a very particular way, one that draws us away from chatter and allows us to recharge.


ちなみに、植物(自然)と幸福度の関係については、第5回に読んだLosing Edenでより詳しくまとめています。↓こちら。

Not all attention is created equal. In fact, there are two types: involuntary and voluntary. Voluntary attention requires your willpower to engage it, as it does when you do a crossword puzzle or drive a car. Because of that, voluntary attention costs you energy. It can even be exhausting.

Involuntary attention
, on the other hand, is engaged when something draws you in – a beautiful sunset, for example – and it actually helps you recharge. In the 1970s, psychologists Stephen and Rachel Kaplan posited that exposure to nature helped refresh people’s attention spans. How? Well, nature engages your involuntary attention and fills you with a sense of awe – a powerful and transcendent emotion that helps you get outside of yourself. This lets your voluntary attention levels recharge.


sense of awe(自然などに感動して、畏敬の念を抱くこと)で満たされると、人は自分のことなんてどうでも良くなるんですね。雄大な自然、立派な建築、素晴らしい絵画作品、オーケストラの演奏などに圧倒されて、このような状態になった経験は皆さんにもあるはずです。

研究室にいてリフレッシュしたいと思ったとき、外に出て風に揺られる木々の葉を眺めたりするのですが、voluntary attentionに必要な集中力が、確かに回復するのを実感できます。今は新緑の季節で、柔らかな日差しを浴びて燦然と輝く様子が、俺にfelling of aweをもたらしてくれます。

Feeling in control helps you believe you can achieve your goals and affects how much effort you put into doing so. And one of the easiest and most effective ways of instilling order is to organize your physical environment – something to consider the next time you’re tempted to put off cleaning the house!




a shame[used to say that sth is a cause for feeling sad or disappointed]

類語はpity。This is such a pityと同じ感じで、It's a shame thatって使えるのか。覚えとこう。

console[to give comfort or sympathy to sb who is unhappy or disappointed]



今日英英辞典で調べた単語・表現は次の57個です!ここに書いてある単語 = 今日初めて見た単語 というわけではなく、前から知っている単語も意識的に調べて、例文を音読したり、自分が知っている意味以外での用例を確認したりしています。





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