
英語学習日記 #16 "It's All Possible"

・growth mindsetとfixed mindsetの違い






It's All Possible by Rob Hartnett
- How to lead an epic life and unleash the high performance hero within you -





Up until the 1950s, scientists believed no person could run a four-minute mile. Then Roger Bannister wowed the world by running one in three minutes and 59 seconds.

In his youth, people told Doug Flutie he was too short for sports. Yet he trained hard, honed his skills, and became an NFL quarterback.

When Jessica Cox was born without arms, doctors expected her to live a sedentary life. Undeterred, she earned a black belt in taekwondo.

Roger, Doug, and Jessica may sound like uniquely amazing individuals. And it's true that each of them accomplished incredible things. Yet they all share one quality in common. They all refused to set limits on their lives. Instead of focusing on barriers and boundaries, they saw a world where anything was possible.



The way we see reality is shaped by our habits, beliefs, opinions, and experiences, or HBOEs. Many of our HBOEs are so ingrained we don't even notice how they're holding us back. (中略) After you become aware of your HBOEs, you can start making a conscious effort to change them. One strategy is to push back against recurring negative thoughts with positive, aspirational visualizations.



Nothing is possible without a positive mindset.


positive framingというキーワードが出てきたので、近いうちに詳しく調べてみようと思います。

Another trick is always to adopt a growth mindset. Many negative attitudes are rooted in a fixed mindset that says all our problems are permanent or intrinsic. We may think we're "just lazy" or "can't stay organized". In contrast, a growth mindset recognizes that these are changeable, temporary conditions. In this mindset, these thoughts become "I'm working on staying motivated", and "there's room to improve my planning".

growth mindset(対立概念はfixed mindset)。自分のものにしたい。現状はまだまだ。

One very effective method for structuring your effort is the CHAMPION process.
C: chunk it out(分解する)
H: have a go(やる)
A: assess your results(反省する)
M: maintain your mindset(ポジティブでい続ける)
P: hang out with the right people(付き合う人を選ぶ)
I: investigate the best(最善を追求する)
O: own the result(結果に責任を持つ)
N: never give up(決して諦めない)

When you approach life with an "It's all possible" mindset, you never know where it will take you. You also can't predict what challenges you'll face and what skills you'll need to overcome them. That's why it's important always to be ready to expand your knowledge and develop new abilities, talents, and areas of expertise.


lay out sth[to present a plan, an argument, etc. clearly and carefully]

This practical guide to approaching work and life lays out a four-step model for creating change.

類語はset out。

anecdote[a short, interesting or amusing story about a real person or event]

Filled with useful advice and illustrative anecdotes, this practical guide puts any aim within your reach.

undetterred[if sb is undeterred by sth, they do not allow it to stop them from doing sth]

When Jessica Cox was born without arms, doctors expected her to live a sedentary life. Undeterred, she earned a black belt in taekwondo.

subconscious[connected with feelings that influence your behaviour even though you are not aware of them]

First, you need to interrogate your own subconscious understanding of the world.

fantasize[to imagine that you are doing sth that you would like to do, or that sth that you would like to happen is happening, even though this is very unlikely]

So, fed up with merely fantasizing, she finally went for it.

calling[a strong desire or feeling of duty to do a particular job, especially one in which you help other people]

As Sarah's story shows, when you find your true calling in life, it's much easier to focus your energy and efforts.

fork[a place where a road, river, etc divides into two parts]

Every time you reach a fork in the road or need to make a decision, you can ask yourself, "Which path will bring me closer to my ultimate destination?"


settle on[to choose or make a decision about sth after thinking about it]

Once you've settled on your goal, you need a strategy to bring it to fruition, involving all the steps you'll take to make your vision real.






