
Episode17: The City Remains Of The Day*

From the hill where Pražský Hrad stands solemnly, I look down on the red-roofed houses spread all over the city as well as the Voltava that flows to separate the city. The red sky of sundown will make it more beautiful soon. It feels like the city has been trapped in time since the Middle Ages.

Prague is called as the city of a hundred towers. It lives up to its reputation. On both sides of the Charles Bridge on which Tom Cruise was running past its statues of 30 saints during Mission Impossible.

This mysterious city continues to fascinate many film directors. Amadeus being one of my favourites. Prague is also a city of music. Many musicians play in the streets as well as in the music halls and churches.

When I saw a carriage running on a cobblestone street, I was dazzled by the feeling of being back in the Middle Ages. Various reliefs and panels on the walls of houses recount the history of the buildings. Address, famous peoples life stories, shop and hotel’s names, all tell of the city’s lives.

 In this fairy city, the National Nederlanden Building, nick-named the Dancing house, or Fred and Ginger, looks quite outstanding. Walking in the streets, sometimes I find Cubism and Avantgarde style’s buildings. It gives me a strange feeling.

While watching the Voltava flowing calmly, I could hardly believe the city so beautiful had had so many terrible experiences in its past.

*タイトルはThe Remains of The Day(『日の名残』)より
※この記事は、The Traveler’s Time vol.2に収録。

第17話 日の名残る街*





