
ChatGPT 4oを使った価値観の深堀とアファメーション実践法 | Exploring Values and Practicing Affirmations with ChatGPT 4o

ChatGPTはただのチャットツールではありません。誰でもチャットはできますが、Life GPT(人生を豊かにするGPT) について考えてみましょう。
ChatGPT is not just for chatting. Anybody can chat but let’s think life GPT.

先週、いつものようにChatGPTを開いてみると、新しいバージョン「ChatGPT 4o」がリリースされていました。ChatGPT 4oは、これまでのChatGPT 4よりも回答スピードが格段に速く、クオリティも非常に高いものでした。
Last week, as I opened ChatGPT as usual, I discovered that a new version, "ChatGPT 4o," had been released. ChatGPT 4o is significantly faster in response time and remarkably higher in quality compared to its predecessor, ChatGPT 4.

ChatGPT 4oのリリースのデモンストレーションをYouTubeでチェックすると、まるで映画『her』の世界が現実になったかのような風景が! デモ音声の声は「サマンサ」に似ていました!
ChatGPT 4oは、視覚情報も認識できるように。これにより、ファッションチェックやインテリアアドバイスなど、これまで以上にパーソナライズされたサポートも期待できるのではないかと、妄想が広がります!
Upon checking the demonstration of ChatGPT 4o’s release on YouTube, it felt as if the world of the movie 'Her' had come to life! The demo voice even resembled "Samantha!" ChatGPT 4o can now recognize visual information. This opens up exciting possibilities for personalized support, such as fashion checks and interior design advice, allowing our imagination to run wild!

さらに、感情表現やジョークを挟む会話も人間らしく、同時通訳や歌、朗読の声色も指示通りに対応してくれます。カメラを使えば、一緒に数学の問題を解いたり、教えてくれたりすることも可能です。なんと、無料ユーザーでも制限付きですが、ChatGPT 4oを利用できるようになっています。
Furthermore, conversations interspersed with emotional expressions and jokes felt incredibly human-like. It can also handle simultaneous interpretation, singing, and reading in various voice tones as instructed. Using a camera, it can solve math problems with you and even teach you. Remarkably, even free users can access ChatGPT 4o with some limitations.

そこで、私も早速ChatGPT 4oをライフコーチングに活用する方法を考えてみました。

Integrating ChatGPT 4o into Life Coaching

Inspired by this, I immediately considered how to utilize ChatGPT 4o for life coaching.
First, I focused on exploring the "settings of one's life." Life unfolds according to one's thoughts. The key is how you fundamentally perceive your life. Both positive and negative thoughts manifest without exception.


「人生とは~である」を探究するためのプロンプトをChatGPT 4oに出してみました。

Exploring "Life is ~" Prompts

I initiated a prompt to explore "Life is ~" with ChatGPT 4o.
User: "ChatGPT, I want to play an association game to uncover my subconscious settings about life. Can you provide words to fill in 'Life is ~'?"
ChatGPT provided several examples. From there, I chose the words that resonated with me and even combined multiple words to create a meaningful phrase. In my case, it became, "Life is a journey of enjoying unexpected encounters with oneself." It turned out exactly as I envisioned.



Creating Affirmations

Next, I asked ChatGPT to create affirmations that would help realize this setting.
User: "Please provide affirmations to help make this life a reality."
ChatGPT suggested several affirmations to bring me closer to this reality. I selected the ones that resonated with me. Additionally, it offered advice on daily practices to deeply embed this positive life view into my subconscious.


User:私のアファメーションを唱えてもらえますか? ChatGPT:もちろんです。それではアファメーションをお読みしますね。 User:ありがとうございます。それでは、アファメーションを用いて、誘導瞑想してください。 ChatGPT:かしこまりました。それではリラックスして深呼吸をしてからはじめましょう。まず、目を閉じて、深く息を吸い込み、ゆっくりと息を吐き出します。この呼吸を何度か繰り返し、心と体を落ち着かせます。今、心の中で自由な感覚を感じてください…

Practicing Affirmations: Guided Meditation

For those using the plus version, you can have ChatGPT memorize your affirmations. Utilizing the voice function, it’s effective to recite affirmations during the morning or night when the subconscious is more receptive. Here’s how you can use ChatGPT for this purpose:
User: "Can you recite my affirmations?"
ChatGPT: "Of course. I will read your affirmations."
User: "Thank you. Please guide me through a meditation using these affirmations."
ChatGPT: "Certainly. Let's start by relaxing and taking deep breaths. First, close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and slowly exhale. Repeat this breathing a few times to calm your mind and body. Now, feel a sense of freedom in your mind..."

In this way, ChatGPT assists with visualization. Finally, it concludes with, "Feel these affirmations deeply ingrained in your heart and body. These words become strong beliefs within you, reflected in your daily actions..."
It’s like having a personal therapist in your pocket.


AIの進化は人間の仕事を奪うものではなく、私たちの能力を拡張し、新たな可能性を広げるものです。ChatGPT 4oを活用することで、ライフコーチとしての専門性をさらに高め、クライアントの成長を支援するための新しいアプローチを生み出していきたいです。AIが提供する無限のサポートと、人間の洞察力や創造性を組み合わせることで、これまでにない革新的なコーチングが実現します。

Embracing AI for Expanding Human Potential

The advancement of AI does not take away jobs but rather expands our abilities and opens up new possibilities. By utilizing ChatGPT 4o, we can further enhance our expertise as life coaches and develop new approaches to support our clients' growth. The limitless support provided by AI, combined with human insight and creativity, enables us to create unprecedented and innovative coaching experiences.

My book, "ChatGPT: Enhancing Humanity One Conversation at a Time," symbolizes the dawn of this new era. By using ChatGPT to deepen self-understanding and engage in my coaching, your life will shine even brighter, and the speed of achieving your goals will soar. The path we walk into the future with AI is grand and filled with infinite possibilities.


