
インタビューの本質〜二人の間にある景色を見る〜 The essence of the "interview" ~ The sharing of views between 2 people, to arrive at previously undiscovered thoughts and ideas. ~



































Two of my roles in our company are those of Human Resources and advertising. Part of fulfilling these roles has been my work in interviewing students all across Hokkaido.
I also take part in the Air-G radio show, playing these students' recorded voices directly into the microphone during the broadcast.
In this role, I interact with many people younger than I am, and I have been inspired by their passion.

I started these interviews in April, and instantly realized the profundity of the situation. Not necessarily the answers themselves (although there were many profound answers as well), but also just the act of doing an interview.
The things they would talk about and their tone of voice would change dramatically once they were given a platform and asked the right questions.
A good question, first and foremost, is one that sparks the interest of the speaker, letting them talk about something they want to.

This is quite difficult. 
It is often the case that the speaker doesn't even know what they want to say, and so it is up to the question to bring it out of them — to reach down to the bottom of their heart and pull out the message that they didn't even know they were capable of delivering.
I work on this everyday.

I had a conversation with my friend the other day, and she said "an interview is the sharing of views between 2 people."
When I heard this, I was struck by the true essence of what it means to have an interview.
I realized that an interview is trying to reach a place, that we would never be able to reach on our own, with the help of each other, hand in hand, and the shared view in between.

If we were capable of seeing everything on our own, there would be no need for interviews.
The point of an interview is to offer new vantage points by asking questions to a speaker who previously may not have seen things a certain way.

This is a bit off-topic, but I think the concept is also intertwined with that of education. "Education" has many meanings, but for me it has less to do with teaching, and more to do with bringing out something that was already there. It is not providing students with the answers, but rather asking the right questions to lead the students on the right path, in which they may arrive at their own answers.

In the same manner, I think an interview places emphasis on drawing something out of the speaker. The interviewer has to be able to do this without even know what the answer is themselves.

The interviewer can research what the speaker has accomplished and what kind of experiences they've had, but the interviewer cannot imagine something that the speaker themselves has not yet thought of either.

It is as if the interviewer and speaker are on a boat together, headed to a place they have not yet discovered.
The interviewer provides the speaker with a new way of thinking, in an attempt to bring out a thought that the speaker had not yet previously come up with.
If the speaker is able to arrive at this magical place in their mind, a special moment is shared between the interviewer and the speaker.
This is the best part of the interview.

Taken literally, the two halves of the word — "inter" and "view" — provide it's most basic meaning.
"An interview is the sharing of views between 2 people."
Thanks to my friend, I've come to understand the true essence of the interview.
I will continue to meet countless students and strive to bring out their deepest thoughts from the bottom of their hearts.
I'm excited to see what magical places we can discover together.
