
何をやるかより、誰と働くか。It's not what you do, it's who you do it with.(English is below.)











































I’m sure you’ve heard this sentence, or sentiments that resemble it, at some point before; rather than what you do for work, it’s who you do it with that truly matters.

I have an unwavering belief in this concept.

Back in university, I was trying to create a new company with my nakama *(see bottom for definition of “nakama”)*, and we were struggling greatly. (We call this “the time that we lost our way.”) More so than progress, our purpose became simply staying afloat. This lasted for over half a year, until we realized that it was due to not having a clear reason for having started a company. We put emphasis on the “what to do”, and kept going without any clear cut goals.

Curiously, we never reached that point of exhaustion, where we felt we’d worn ourselves out completely. There were of course times when we felt we were out of our league and were on the borderline of giving up. We weren’t getting anything done, while our peers were getting jobs left and right. We were getting impatient.

I realize now that If I’d tried to make a company on my own, I would have fallen by the wayside long ago. If I’m being honest, I am, in essence, a weak person. With such seemingly insurmountable circumstances, someone like myself could only have managed to keep pushing forward with the help of friends who had the same ambition - who were willing to pursue our goal together.

I knew that our harsh situation was affecting them in the same way, but when I looked at them, all they showed me was their optimism and positive energy. It inspired me to the point that I had no thought other than “I’ve gotta do my best.”

I will always appreciate Taka and Shun having gone through this particularly bleak period of time with me.

We got past that point, and the amount of nakama in our company has increased to 9. With them, we run 2 hostels in Sapporo, Hokkaido. I could enjoy doing anything with them - it wouldn’t have to be hostels. Don’t get me wrong, I love our hostels, but with these nakama, I could enjoy running ramen restaurants, clothing shops, garbage collection, etc, the point being that it doesn’t matter. Fortunately, I’m working with nakama who I want to work with while actually doing what I want to do at the same time.

I feel blessed.

I’m sure there are many people that I can create something new and interesting with. However, if searching for people I want to create new memories with, who I want to be a part of my achievements and failures and everything in between, the number of viable people is significantly smaller.

This is what is important to me. There are many things I’m conscious of when I hire people, but this is the condition I consider most important.

When you make a company with someone, it’s essentially like getting married and having a child. To give birth to a baby (the company) is to share in someones pain and suffering and think of them 24/7 in order to raise them properly. If there are in trouble, you have to hasten to be there.

It does not matter if you have to make sacrifices in a business sense or on a more personal level, because the company is your baby. When it comes to who you work with, even if they were’t part of it all from the start, they must feel the same way towards the company as you. Ask yourself “Can I leave my baby to this person?”

It is big decision.

We really take our time when deciding who we want to work with.

If you want to start a company, or simply do something new with someone, first of all I recommend you talk with your nakama to make sure you understand each other from bottom of your hearts, rather than discussing what you will do.

Perhaps you can do this over a drink while you talk the night away. If you’re going to call someone your nakama, you should know their happiest and saddest moments, their traumatic experiences and the thing they are most proud of, what people have influenced them the most, their favorite books and movies, and how their relationship with their family is. If you neglect details like these, your foundation will not be strong enough to withstand the coming challenges ahead.

Whether your company does well or not, it is your nakama who you will experience that with.

Your life, along the same lines, will mostly be impacted by those who are a part of it.

What I’m suggesting is a change in mentality, from “what kind of company do I want to work for?” to “what kind of people do I want to work with?”

It’s not what you do, but who you do it with that matters.

Where do you place your emphasis? If you are a student reading this blog, I want to suggest that when considering your future options, you choose a company based on the presence of people you’d like to work with.

*Nakama is a Japanese word that has no exact equivalent in English. It is something along the lines of mates or comrades - people you can call your close friends, but with the added condition that you are working towards a common goal together. I consider the members of my company my nakama - more than co-workers or employees, they are the people that I’m chasing dreams with.

