
500 Founder Academy in partnership with KOBE に参加できることになったのでご報告

Please click here for the English version. 




ウェブジョブズではコンサルティング業務以外に、ユーザー行動分析・データ収集ツール QA ヒートマップアナリティクス のサービス提供を行っています。



そして知識をさらに磨くため、短期集中型起業家支援プログラム「500 Founder Academy in partnership with KOBE」に、ウェブジョブズが参加できることになりました。

そのご報告と、「500 Founder Academy in partnership with KOBE」がどんなプログラムなのかについて、インターン生の私が教えてもらった内容をご紹介します!

「500 Founder Academy in partnership with KOBE」選考通過!参加決定!!

株式会社ウェブジョブズは、兵庫県神戸市とアメリカのベンチャーキャピタル「500 Global」が連携する「500 Founder Academy in partnership with KOBE 第2期」の選考を通過し、2021年11月15日より参加することが決定いたしました!

▼500 Globalとは



・テクノロジー分野におけるスタートアップ企業への投資を実施し成長させてきた、実務経験が豊富な500 Globalから直接学べること


「500 Global」のCEOであるChristine Tsaiは、元Googleのメンバーだったそうです。GoogleがUrchinを買収し、「0」からGoogle Analyticsをグロースさせたメンバーの1人です。

QA ヒートマップアナリティクスを「0」からグロースさせたい私たちにとって、憧れの存在でもあります。

また最近、時価総額1兆円に手が届くと話題になった「GitLab」にも「500 Global」は投資を行っており、成長の一端を担っているそうです。

「500 Founder Academy in partnership with KOBE」プログラムに参加することで、ウェブジョブズのチームメンバーはさらに成長することでしょう。
各種サービスやQA ヒートマップアナリティクスの進化などにより、みなさんに私たちメンバーが力にした知識をシェアし、ウェブ業界の発展に貢献していきます!

500 Founder Academy in partnership with KOBEとは?

「500 Founder Academy in partnership with KOBE」とは、神戸市とアメリカのベンチャーキャピタル「500 Global」が2016年から連携して開催している短期集中型起業家支援プログラムです。

▼500 Ecosystems | 500 Founder Academy in partnership with Kobe





(引用:神戸市:世界中からスタートアップ50社が集結!500 Globalと連携した起業家育成オンラインプログラム第2期「500 Founder Academy」参加企業を9月21日より募集開始

プログラム内容として、マーケティング・セールス・資金調達などのレクチャー動画を受講+500 GlobalのメンターによるQAセッション(4回/期)が用意されています。




「500 Founder Academy in partnership with KOBE」に参加した感想やメンバーが学んだことは、そのうち内容を教えてもらって記事にしようと思いますのでお楽しみに!


Report on being accepted into 500 Founder Academy in partnership with KOBE ( English version )

Hi! I'm Shibata, an intern working in the QA department.

Since the fall of 2018, I have been gaining a variety of experiences as an intern at WebJobs. Inc, the company that runs QA Heatmap Analytics.
When I joined this company, I was a freshman in college. I was impressed by CEO Maruyama, who spoke passionately about the company's mission: " to grow ourselves, share our knowledge and know-how, and contribute to the development of the online business, which is changing at a tremendous speed ".

In addition to consulting services, WebJobs provides QA Heatmap Analytics, a user behavior analysis and data acquisition tool.
I'm spending my days learning about QA as an intern, but I'll write more about it in another article.

" to grow ourselves "
I thought that studying ends when I graduate from college.
As an intern, I realized that my thought was completely wrong.

In order to keep growing day by day, every member of the WebJobs team is dedicated to improving their knowledge as a professional. I was very surprised to see this.

Besides, WebJobs team members are going to join the "500 Founder Academy in partnership with KOBE", a short-term intensive entrepreneurship support program.

Here's a report on the program and 500 Founder Academy in partnership with KOBE!

Accepted to the 500 Founder Academy in partnership with KOBE!

WebJobs, Inc. has accepted to participate in the "500 Founder Academy in partnership with KOBE" by 500 Global in Partnership with the City of Kobe.

From what I hear, there are so many applications each time that sometimes it takes several tries to get accepted.
We are very happy that WebJobs was accepted this time!
Team members are also looking forward to it despite their expectations and concerns.

The 2021 program will be held online.
In the batch 1, which ran from September 6 to October 1, 50 companies from 22 countries joined in the program.
Batch2 program start with 52 startups from 18 countries!

The program includes lecture videos on marketing, sales, fundraising, etc., plus 4 AMA sessions (per term) with 500 Global mentors.

The lecture videos are subtitled in Japanese, and the AMA sessions are supported by simultaneous interpretation if necessary.

From WebJobs, CEO, engineers, and marketing/sales join in the program.
Some of the team members were not good at English, so they were relieved to hear that there would be interpreters and subtitles.

# Learn directly from 500 Global, a company with a wealth of practical experience in investing in and growing technology startups
# Be inspired by startups from around the world

These are the two most attractive points of this program.

Christine Tsai, the CEO of 500 Global, was formerly a member of Google, and was one of the members who helped Google acquire Urchin and grow Google Analytics from "0".

For those of us who want to grow our QA Heatmap Analytics from "0", She is a person to admire.

By participating in the "500 Founder Academy in partnership with KOBE", the members of WebJobs will be able to grow even more.
As our services and QA Heatmap Analysis evolve, we would like to share the knowledge we have gained with you and contribute to the development of the online business!
