
世界遺産「ポン・デュ・ガール」についての英語長文 英検2級 オリジナル問題


The Pont du Gard

The Pont du Gard, an ancient aqueduct bridge located in southern France, stands as a testament to the ingenuity of Roman engineering. Built over 2,000 years ago, this architectural marvel was designed to carry water across the Gardon River to the Roman colony of Nemausus, now known as the city of Nîmes. The bridge's three-tiered design not only showcases the Romans' mastery of stone construction but also their understanding of the principles of water flow.

Professor Chisato Nakamura, a Japanese researcher from Abiko International University, finds the Pont du Gard's blend of functionality and beauty particularly fascinating. She highlights how the Romans achieved such precision and durability without the use of modern technology. The aqueduct's ability to stand the test of time, maintaining its structure and partial function, intrigues Nakamura. She views it as a symbol of how ancient civilizations applied practical knowledge to improve societal living standards.

The impact of the Pont du Gard extends beyond its engineering prowess. Its presence has also influenced local culture and tourism. As a UNESCO World Heritage site, it attracts visitors from around the world, eager to witness the grandeur of Roman architecture. However, the aqueduct bridge is not just a relic of the past; it serves as a reminder of the importance of water management, a topic that remains critically relevant today.

In Nakamura's opinion, the Pont du Gard represents more than just historical significance; it embodies the Roman Empire's legacy of innovation and efficiency. This ancient structure continues to inspire engineers, historians, and enthusiasts alike, demonstrating that the lessons of the past can still influence the present.


  1. What was the primary purpose of the Pont du Gard?

    • A) To serve as a tourist attraction

    • B) To showcase Roman art

    • C) To act as a bridge for Roman soldiers

    • D) To carry water to the Roman colony of Nemausus

  2. According to Professor Chisato Nakamura, what aspect of the Pont du Gard is most captivating?

    • A) Its size

    • B) Its age

    • C) Its blend of functionality and beauty

    • D) Its location

  3. What does the Pont du Gard symbolize, based on Nakamura's viewpoint?

    • A) The innovation and efficiency of the Roman Empire

    • B) The lasting impact of Roman law

    • C) The challenge of ancient construction

    • D) The importance of modern technology in archaeology




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