

★タイトル title★

Marriage of pear and grape cake 2020

★コンセプト concept★

まずはじめに、日本では料理と料理の相性がいいことを俗に「マリアージュ」といいます。                                I
First of all, in Japan, the good compatibility between dishes is commonly called "marriage".


This time, the theme is "connection", so I drew a "delicious relationship" in association with what I think is delicious and cute.

★ストーリー story★

自分が好きな美味しくて可愛いもので「繋がり」を表現すべく、まず、自分の周りにあるものから探しはじめました。In order to express "connection" with delicious and cute things that I like, I started looking for things around me.

At that time, I found the "grape cake" I wanted to eat at my favorite cake shop and received a pear with a soft texture, so I thought that it would be delicious if these two foods were combined, and I drew that image. It is a cake.

In Japan, it seems that "mariage" is often used as a word to convey "the goodness of cooking and cooking", and I used that as the title.

Acrylic paintings I draw are often mistaken for watercolors.

The general appeal of acrylic paintings is that they can be used to create excitement and thick coating like oil paintings on paper, and because they have a short drying time and good color development, they are easy to handle.

However, unlike watercolor, I am attracted to the fact that it becomes insoluble in water when it dries, and the good coloring and short drying time, so I color watercolor paper with acrylic paint.

描画は顔料ペンで、淡目に絵の具で着色したのち、質感が出るメディウムという媒体を使い、果物の皮の抑えた艶やフルーツの光沢感、クリームの滑らかさ、スポンジ部分の少しがっちりしている感じを表現しました。The drawing is done with a pigment pen, and after lightly coloring with paint, using a medium called medium that gives a texture, the luster of the fruit skin is suppressed, the luster of the fruit, the smoothness of the cream, and the sponge part is a little firm. I expressed the feeling.

I was worried about whether to draw the eyes and mouth until the end, but I added it because it was an indispensable element to express "good compatibility".

癒しもテーマに描いているので、ご覧になって心地よくなっていただけたら嬉しいです。Healing is also the theme, so I hope you will find it comfortable.


