Hello Guys,

Today, I was very busy and met my friends to celebrate new year :)

First, I went to my best friend’s family house with my another friend’s couple. And we had a small pot lack party in there then talked a lot, played with their children and ate a lot of food!!!

After the party, we went back home each other. I went for meeting another yoga friends to celebrate new year.
We went to Izakaya and talked and ate again...
I ate and talk almost all day long😂

I feel like getting fat. Actually these days, I’m getting fat than last summer. I have to go on the diet so I’m going to the personal gym to gain my weight and get strong muscle!!!

Until this summer, I promise to lose my weight about minus 8kg from now💪

Good luck me.

How was your new year days? Did you eat too much??
I’m always full in few days🐖🐖🐖
