elegy inhuman perfection 哀歌 天衣無縫

Why would action cause imperfection?
Why would tears not fill all emptiness?
Is human wisdom not the end?
Why recollection needs must fade, and upon the vague
remembrance there is no eternal judgement?
Who upholds justice for not only the burning star, but the discarded
who is to mourn for the dried dew of mud?
do firebugs lack will, have no power, and are their fate destined for self-destruction?
where is the ocean i am searching for, empty-pocketed and sooty-handed.
holding only a burning torch covered with blackest tar?
where are the tides that beckon me to home.
where are the tides that beckon me to home.
where is my island home away from uncertainty's shore, from all the black mud.
where is the verdant home i saw once in the mirror of the pond.
the mirror of the sea, the palace under the water.
that i remember nevermore?
am I, whose memory is doomed to fail.
forever barred from my flight? the flight of mind.
towards infinity's far shore?
