実験的格言 洞窟の奥底へ Experimental Aphroism into the depths of the Cave

What has impeded our Progress? Pride, principle, reason, identification with a race's or culture's ethos and birthrights, or indulgence in the pathos of much too human sympathy?
What has fettered our imagination? Why must we not think of the unthink able, tempt and challenge the Devil like a crusading knight of Truth?
 To those too eager to escape the image of the Cave so they might find light outside----if you have a modicum of respect for science,
facing the dark mysteries of the world, one does not escape into dogmatism or fantastic notions in metaphysics.
but further and further into the darkness of the Cave we must delve, and dwell.
Illumination must come from within, from Sense and Reason while we fight with the poeticized Inspiration of an eternally nightless Humane Kingdom.
