Yin Yang, and essence of Soul

There is Yin Yang but it is only a relative metaphysical position, light and shadow in the sense that they come into contrast by information standard.
There is soul immanent and all-comprising, it is made of Aratama 荒魂 and Aratama only, there is no other qualities of soul. The Aratama essence derives itself from its nature of engaging in metaphysical or monadological dialogue with other objects of knowledge, without knowledge there is no emanation of essence. 
Soul in Yin position is called 魄 Paku, and in Yang position called 魂 kon. in Human's life span, for example, youth and old age is exemplified by an excess of 魄 Paku and low value of 魂 kon, giving them flexibility and tractability, at the same time being unpredictable and is capable of great destruction due to a general free and lax soul. in adulthood through education 魂 kon is made manifest and could bring certainty in action and clarity in words, but thus in turn loses its higher ability to adapt and reform and accept flexible conducts, and it becomes harder to demand obedience against the ideological configuration of their current soul state. But all can be made changeable through increasing malleability, by introducing 魄 Paku from the environments; this can come in many forms, such as reduction of 魂 kon in natural aging, or a disaster causing immense sorrow, or touching songs, verses or philosophical learnings that introduce instability to understanding. In other words, events that were perceived as music or the agents capable of delivering music, which is tragedy in Greek terms.
Kon gives one preposition to confront other things like forces of Yang, Paku the preposition to promote complex motions through calculations---enveloping things like a mist of Yin, all round from other dimensions, or giving one mystic visions, or in-dwelling of knowledge and such. They are like Body and Mind in a sense.   Mind does not necessarily mean intellect, and Body not necessarily biological functions. Yin and Yang's imbalance causes rigid thinking, wrong applications of laws, delusions and phantoms, obsessions. Those in their materialized forms cause great harms in any kind of organized being, including human, country, ideology… even an artwork can be made into a harmful form through wrong configurations and it could introduce instability as ways to adjust the wrongs and reintroduce the expected stability to the system of souls' commerce. Those are Ayakashi妖. This can be analysed as intentional or unintentional oath-breakings and their consequences, Karmaphala of all perceivable and experienceable things.
Death and the time before birth has greater Paku, and even greater as time passes though knowledge themselves diminish (transformed into greater energies such as emotions that drive on unknowingly, from an older and obscure source we cannot acknowledge.). And thus those very ancient and those in very distant futures we could not experience, by their nature lend themselves greater ability to introduce change; this invokes fear in the primitive men. Thus those distant points in the nebulous minds are mystified to have immaterial powers in order to subjugate their unpredictable nature, given names or concepts as a verbal representation and obligation of their just purposes, and through those verbal contracts---we bind them into the constructive social life of souls.
This is the origin of divine and demonical spirit. Signs, omens. And the origin of knowledge and art. Without a way to cope with death and the time before birth one is thrown into confusion and self-mystification in vain, for those things we cannot touch and control with our Kon. by assigning them guardians one feels at ease but also gives up potential to be driven by them to cause unknown changes.
From a chronological perspective of viewing in the mind's theatre, sex precedes pregnancy and brings life, therefore it is assigned a role of unspeakable power. And thus a kind of emotion is attached to it with a complex sensation as way to conquer its instability. This is love. It is different in every organized system, vary by place, time, individual.
In death a kind of emotion is similarly created, and thus actions that cause deaths we consider as punishments, and the emotion is called righteousness, or faith in justice. This righteousness also vary in the same way as love.
Spirits, angels etc.. are assigned to be symbolic representations of the whole system of karmaphala involved in certain things---their partial or entire processes of engendering or redirecting changes, or a resemblance of becoming changeless. 
They are said to be the causes in the same way as sex causes life and a sharp-edged axe upon the skull causes death. To regulate their population and movements so reality will not be destroyed through imbalance in souls, turning everything into unpredictable Yin, a certain system of morals will be predictably created.  Those are delicate things with their own lives and are prone to be born or be killed. Thus there is a system to regulate commerce of morals themselves, philosophy, jurisprudence, and faith. In human for example, people struggle daily with what they perceive as consequences of morals and they become busy coming terms with those morals---to feel those morals are meaningful and would uphold life and dependencies on life, or what they perceive as a process greater than life. The strong interactions of those moral motivations bring forth organized beings to enforce certain desired trends in morals. This becomes the birth of nations, ideas and ideologies---faith in a certain standard, and expected justice. 
All beings in the world comprise of only aratama, with potentials to birth and kill, and aratama only exists as their nature of being engaged in karma. The reality exists as a messy soup and coincidences that allow configurations of yin and yang to change would happen at each and every turning instance possible and introduce change, this is Time itself, when consciousness allows a way to dance their away out of the old form they dance. Thus in modern times, the world seems to embody a kind of strangeness when we see reality before us, due to the superannuated monuments of changes lying in naked contrast with the perceived forms of what is currently in action---proving that many long epochs had passed in changing and we are alienated in so many ways from our common origin of sex and death. The interactions are more delicate and complex, fine or gross, sometimes unacceptably ugly and strayed from the sacred origins. This is how alchemical interactions of phenomenological universe knowable in one's being appear to be from limited perspectives of a certain moment in life. Returning to the ancient roots of marriage and observing death in faith is a tradition to address this imbalance, this introduces the trend to trace a path to a focal point in order to stay in a meaningful structure. There are also those who choose to accept dissolution and define focal points according to what they seem important desultorily on whim. Or maybe other new ways of thinking. This is a matter of personal faith and should be left to oneself in deciding over what actions or inactions to take. Admitting those focal points create for one body a biding contract, and actual deeds are equivalent to signing the names of the participants on it. Those are what motivates the heart called (emotive) sentiments, and the nations and larger bodies as promises for a kind of state, prosperity or divinity or others. But all motivations can be broken short, shifted, turned drifting, or transmuted through introducing a Yin informing body. That is why a tired man listens to music to refresh the spirit, or a world-weary middle-aged man suddenly can be motivated by an eloquent politician arguing for what is truly good for the country's aging population and their future---from their empty promises, or promises that include focal points set in probably unrealizable positions in infinity. This introduces greater energy than the organized being in their motion state stays in and drives them to different directions or on the course at greater velocity. 
Yang is probably just a slower, decaying state of Yin, in reference to a state of being. in adulthood when a great deal of information-processes entangle themselves they seem to reach a state of relative standstill. thus adults don't grow heights or get sick as often, and get stuck in a rutted process of thinking. and they tend to drop things after a decisive tussle yielding something resembling a fruit. Periods of drastic change in moods and attitudes in life. Sudden enlightenment. Orgasms of souls from binging too much, to be frank.
This is rudimentary metaphysical thinkings from reading and reading into things. This is only interpretative. And most of all this has no promise over anything other than seeing what I see the universe as. Do not read and make this your faith when even mine over it is fairly uncertain, balanced on how dumb and sottishly young I am.

