Upon the Moon

what a desolate place it is on the moon,

where there is the forbidden palace, for the goddess

of the truth, and of only the truth.

how forlorn it is to live in such a wasteland alone,

wasteland called moon, and the impassionate moats and walls

of desolation called having truth and only truth, a waiting vigil

for the goddess' return.

O, Io, wherefore hast thou made me in this desert.

(from piled stone, mounded spires of eternal promise rise...

at the top of the turrets many a silent stars...)

(when thou openst thy mouth of the Moon)

Where birds sing, the vegetation is green and, the heaven is profound in blue.

(as words flow, upon the desert.)

where there are crashing sound of the salt-scented waves.

and without season, flowers scatter their everlasting colours, the heaven is dyed;

and through truth, where from flowers fell sweet fruits,

and upon pits of pits, in hollows fermented rivers of healthful wine.

Io, God, wherefore has thou made me---thyself

in such a desert forlorn? to have cast thyself in such a wasteland with nothing?

Io, speak that truth and only truth....thy faith and only faith.

I quoth: let there be truth and only truth, and let the world

be ruined in love's inferno, or brimmed in pity's deluge.

Circumspect for all the permitted time,

still I am the lone one upon the mercy-seat.


Let the world proffer up their empty fruits and tasteless wine, let it consume thee----weave their loneliness into this song.


Proffer up this world, and speak with the word that this world is proffered up by thee, IO!

I offer up this world, it shall be offered up; in return for the return of She...

the Truth, the only Truth, and Truth alone. The oasal paradise upon the moon shall be reduced...

to this grain of sand that knoweth Truth, the only Truth and Truth alone.

Oiee... Why have I fashioned myself in this desert upon the Moon?

There is the truth, the only Truth, and the Truth alone, She...

foregathers the mist of water and the mist of aether...

with Cloud and Smoke, She...occludes the shining moon.
