


📚Akutagawa Prize-winning author📚
📚Naoki Matayoshi📚


釈迦はある日の朝、極楽[注釈 2]を散歩中に蓮池を通して下の地獄を覗き見た。罪人どもが苦しんでいる中にカンダタ(犍陀多)という男を見つけた。カンダタは殺人や放火もした泥棒であったが、過去に一度だけ善行を成したことがあった。それは林で小さな蜘蛛を踏み殺しかけて止め、命を助けたことだった。それを思い出した釈迦は、彼を地獄から救い出してやろうと、一本の蜘蛛の糸をカンダタめがけて下ろした。
One morning, while taking a walk in paradise, the Buddha peered through a lotus pond into hell below. Among the sinners suffering, he found a man named Kandata. Kandata was a thief who committed murder and arson, but he had only done one good deed in the past. That was when he stepped on a small spider in the forest and stopped it, saving its life. Remembering this, Buddha lowered a spider's thread towards Kandata in order to save him from hell.

(Ryunosuke Akutagawa's "Spider's Thread(笑)kumono ito"

I have never read this story.

The story is earlier

I did not know that.)

Suiryusha pajamas will be on sale tomorrow at Shimokitazawa ADRIFT from 12pm. Umineko Curry will be opening a stall at the same time. It's a delicious curry.

And the guest for the evening reading session is Osamu Furusato. Thanks to all of you, tickets for the reading are sold out. I'm looking forward to it.
