



Do you know what kind of an invention can be granted as a Patent?

Do you know what kind of an invention can be granted as a Patent?

An invention, whether a jet plane, cellphone, or watermelon, is not really an invention unless it is new.
But workers sometimes engage in a routine problem-solving, and their creations, even though th

What’s happen before and after filing Patent 
- Schedule before and after patent filing to PTO -

What’s happen before and after filing Patent - Schedule before and after patent filing to PTO -

You should know what is going on, an invention before and after the filing to PTO (Patent and Trademark Office).
The law describes the details of the process but let me simplify the process as much as


How to save JP Patent Cost?

Some people told me Japanese Patents are one the most expensive IP in the world.
I can advise them to consider Discounting program in JP Patent & Trademark office. The discounting rate is up to 70%!!!

How to file patents in Multi-Countries? - Big Picture -

How to file patents in Multi-Countries? - Big Picture -

Hello, I’m Yoshi.
Today, I want to talk about the multi country IP protections.
Our most important service is to support for the multi country IP protections.
The reason why we open FIVE (5) branches

What is Intellectual Property (IP)? - Big Picture -

What is Intellectual Property (IP)? - Big Picture -

Hello, I’m Yoshi.
Let me talk today about what is Intellectual Property (IP).
IP refers to any product of the human mind or intellect, such as an idea, invention, expression, unique name, business met

What’s IP Business – Our case -

What’s IP Business – Our case -

Hello, I’m Yoshi, founder of Masuvalley and Partners.
Today, let’s talk about our IP business.

Our main servicesMasuvalley is an international intellectual property (IP) firm offering specialized ser

Patent waiver for COVID-19 vaccines is the simple but the wrong answer.

Patent waiver for COVID-19 vaccines is the simple but the wrong answer.

Less wealthy countries are relying on a vaccine-sharing such as Africa, S. America, Asia, and Oceania .
The decision of the US Gov. to support a patent waiver for COVID-19 vaccines is the simple but t


Casino has many patent ideas!

Everyone wants to get a license income from your IP rights.
It sounds like not easy to get license incomes, however there are so many potentials around our world.

In fact, slot machine business field


New Chinese Intellectual Property Policy

China announced Pro-Patenting policy and the policy was made public on Feb 2021.
The policy would be most-advanced approach as the East Asian high-tech country.

Five times counter as the punitive da
