Casino has many patent ideas!

Everyone wants to get a license income from your IP rights.
It sounds like not easy to get license incomes, however there are so many potentials around our world.

In fact, slot machine business field are so active IP enforcement field.
The US slot machine maker, IGT takes lots of actions against some slot machine manufactures.
In Asia, Japanese slot machine giant, Arze has an aggressive IP strategy against other entities in the same business.
Arze has Japanese national IP damages record in patent litigation history in Japan.

I can say that IP rights in casino technologies must be available to expect the highest potential outcomes in other technical fields.
You can find a treasure box in slot machine patents easier than others, if you like Casino.

Why Casino IPs?

I am not sure you know that one slot machine is almost equal price to a luxury auto mobile?
Now a days, sot machines have large flat display, network connection with host PC, some complicated internal software and atm functions.

The calculation method in IP damages, are based on the prices of the infringement products.
Thus, patent owner can get more financial outcomes if their items are expensive.

One standard title of slot machines are not only sold in the US but also imported to several countries such as Australia, Korea, Makao and Europe.

As long as the slot machine title is made in the US, patent owner may claim all of world amount of damages.
That is super!

Need very simple ideas

Some people may say that patent ideas must be complicated and very difficult to be granted.
That is not easy to imagine and make up precious inventions for lay people.

I can say that it is not necessary to worry too much about slot machine inventions.

Great patent needs every player can understand its gambling spirits, other words what is interesting production for players?
If slot machine player may think your idea is interesting in, that is the high potential ideas for great invention.

Good luck!

One Stop Asian IPs
Masuvalley and Partners
