専門知識と翻訳・通訳 Expertise and translation/interpretation
I recently had the opportunity to exchange information online with a medical interpreter/translator who teaches at Juntendo University (a registered member of E1N (English Proficiency Test Level 1 Qualified Network)).
She told me that thanks to AI, translation work is increasingly being done only in areas where AI is not possible, or only in areas that are difficult to translate even for AI.
It is needed for humans to coexist with AI in many fields, and it seems that more and more fields will require a level of ability obtained by the real experiences that can surpass even AI.
Conversely, AI is sufficient to cover translation and interpretation in general fields, so general interpreters and translators will need a combination of several specialties and expertise.
E1N (Eiken Level 1 Qualified Network, 150 people, since 2014) has registered people with both expertise and English language skills in many fields, and we can introduce them to you if necessary.