








Today, we're talking about RADWIMPS. 

 Recently, I've been organizing my personal affairs and selling them at Mercari. Among them, I found the RADWIMPS goods that I had collected in the past. When I listen to it again, there are so many good songs that I still like RAD. I remember how I felt when I was in junior high and high school.

 When I was in the fifth grade of elementary school, I learned about RAD from NHK's soccer theme song, "You, Sheep and Blue," and my family fell in love with it, listened to it on YouTube, borrowed a CD from TSUTAYA, baked it into a CD, and listened to it for about six years. Living in the countryside with only a car, the music I was playing in the car was either RAD or BUNP, and I felt like I was studying and lounging around listening to it all the time even after I got home. At that time, however, I had no friends around me who were listening to RAD or music, and it was almost my mother and younger brothers who were talking about the melody of this song and the lyrics of this song.Among them, what was often on the agenda was "Which song do you like best?" (Of course, I can't decide which song is the best.) My mother often gave "Tayuta" and my younger brother gave "Live Broadcast" and I gave "Closed Light" or "Customized."

 My favorite lyrics of "Closed Light" are that I want to live in a bare, rambling manner.Even though it's a calm song among RADs, I really like Yojiro-bushi.I wonder if there's anyone who can relate to it.

 My younger brother and I went to the side ants live in fear of the city on the highway bus, and we took a break from club activities and went live.I got help studying at high school and watched videos of playing the hyperventilation guitar riff."Also, I think everyone has thought about it at least once, but at the beginning of the class, I wanted to try ""sitting"" from RADWIMPS2 to developing."

 The last thing you should not forget is the existence of miso soup's. Not only "Johnifer Yamada-san" but also "God's Nose Laughter" and "Futen" are left behind. I've never seen live, but when I watch it on CD or YouTube, it's really cool even though I'm joking.I'm Japanese, so I like miso soup.

  It might have been difficult to read because it's not organized.But thank you for reading it to the end.

To me 10 years ago. I'm still listening.
