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  • アメリカに渡る前、長い間日本で運転をしていたため、右側通行であるアメリカで誤って逆走してしまう恐れがあったこと

  • 私が住んでいる地域は、荒い運転をする人が多かったこと

  • 言語や性格の関係で、事故にあったとき、相手に言いくるめられる可能性が高かったこと








彼女は優しく微笑んで、"You'd do the same if I were in your situation" (私があなたの状況に置かれたら、あなたは私に同じことをするわ)と答えました



Circle of Kindness

This is a story from right after I lost "B," the person who meant the most to me.

During most of my time in the US, I didn't have an American driver's license.

The reasons were:

  • Before coming to the US, I had been driving in Japan for a long time, and I was afraid of accidentally driving on the wrong side of the road in the US, where people drive on the opposite side compared to Japan.

  • The area where I lived had many aggressive drivers.

  • Due to language barriers and my personality, I was worried about being talked into a corner if I got into an accident.

Because of these reasons, "B" drove me to and from the university every day.

After "B"'s death, I had to use Lyft to get to the university because I lived in an area too far to commute by bus.

It took me about three months to get back on my feet and obtain an American driver's license.

When my three friends from graduate school found out that I was taking Lyft to school every day, they talked among themselves and offered to drive me to and from school in turns to save on transportation costs and to keep me company during the rides.

They offered this to me despite the fact that I hardly hung out with them outside of school. After I obtained my learner's permit, they even helped me practice driving.

One day, I asked one of them, "Why are you being so kind to me?" She gave me a gentle smile and replied, "You'd do the same if I were in your situation." Her words deeply resonated with me.

I sincerely want to be the kind of person who can say the same thing. It was their kindness and support that allowed me to move forward.

#死別 #アメリカ #親切 #優しさ #思いやり #Kindness #thoughtfulness
