

(English follows Japanese.)
みなさま,しばらくご無沙汰しました.てんやわんやがありまして,先週末に無事英国入りいたしました. 前回投稿から,なんと1ヶ月以上も空いてしまいました.その1ヶ月,何をしていたのかというと,やはりビザのための活動でした.





今回のやりとりで学んだのは,通常のサバティカル(大学関係者等の研究休暇)はたいてい一年で,2年のCoSが必要なビザ(Tier5, Government Authorized Exchange Visa)は申請する人がそれほど多くない可能性.年収の提示も必要なため,「一年のVisaにしてはどうか?」と最初に言われました.海外学振特別研究員が2年滞在するケースや医学部の若手研究者が2年滞在するケースがインターネットでは見つかりました.年収が聞かれることも知っていたので,迷わず年収を示し,CoSを無事申請していただけました.



Hello everyone, it's been a while. It has been a busy time for me, and I arrived safely in the UK last weekend. It has been more than a month since my last post. What I did during that month was, of course, to apply for my visa.

The CoS I explained in the last post, the staff at my host university (Paris, pseudonym) sent me the following information

The staff at my host university (Paris, pseudonym) asked for my name, address, date and place of birth, nationality, gender, passport number (including issue date and expiration date), and monthly or annual income.

and the amount of my monthly or annual income. I had already received certificates of my monthly and annual income from my organization in Japan, so I attached them. I also attached the English translation of my family register, as I had already sent it to a company. I also attached my address in Scotland, housing contract, and PhD certificate (in English), just in case. It was 11:00 p.m. Japan time on July 18 (3:00 p.m. UK time).

Then I received the CoS at 3pm Japan time (8am UK time) on July 19. How fast it was.... Paris, what a good worker you are....

What I learned from this exchange is that normal sabbaticals are usually for one year, and not many people apply for the visa that requires a two-year CoS (Tier 5, Government Authorized Exchange Visa). Since I needed to show my annual income, I was first asked, "Why don't you apply for a one-year visa? I was told "Why don't you apply for a one-year visa? On the Internet, I found cases of JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows staying for two years and young researchers from medical schools staying for two years. I knew that I would be asked about my annual income, so I indicated my annual income without hesitation, and the CoS was successfully applied for.

With the CoS in hand, the next step was to apply for a UK visa online. This was really complicated. And there were many traps.

To be continued.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
