
At first, to understand, then ... *Add*

Today, I thought of why I'm learning English to read something now but not to listen, and I realized that reading is just the way to see the order of each word in some sentence you tell. The listening might be missing or wrong in some words in the sentence I receive.

I'm learning English to read because it is the most convenient and easy to get sentences. And I have been learning the grammar to understand them right.

That's the understanding there is before the reading.
Even if I can see the form of sentences by reading or listening, I can't just know the meaning of the sentences without understanding them.
So, I need to understand before reading, listening, writing, and speaking.

That's :
    The reading or listening is
            to know the form of sentences and to understand their meaning.
    The writing or speaking is
            to create sentences after understanding their form and meaning.
    In addition, the listening and speaking are
            to put letter sounds of words into me or out of me
                                                                  after understanding their sounds.
    Moreover, the reading and writing are
            to put words into me or out of me
                                          after understanding their letters and spelling.
    The doings are all based on understanding.

From now;
When speaking, I'd tell you something with an easy and short sentence to tell right. And when writing, I'm to tell you something even with a bit of a long sentence.

Added: a sentence of bold type    2024.5.4 

