
ネットワークビジネスとは? What is a network business?

◼️ネットワークビジネス(MLM)の発祥 Birthplace of Network Business (MLM)

ネットワークビジネス(MLM:Multi-Level Marketing)は、アメリカ合衆国で1930年代に始まったビジネスモデルの一つです。このビジネスモデルの初期の形態は、カール・レンボルグ(Carl F. Rehnborg)によって設立されたカリフォルニアの企業である「カリフォルニア・ビタミン・カンパニー」にさかのぼります。彼は製品を販売し、顧客に製品を紹介する代わりに報酬を受け取る仕組みを導入しました。

ネットワークビジネスはその後、1940年代と1950年代にアメリカ国内で拡大しました。リチャード・デヴォス(Richard DeVos)とジェイ・ヴァン・アンデル(Jay Van Andel)が創設した「アムウェイ」は、この時期に成功したネットワークビジネス企業の一つで、家庭用製品を販売し、独自の販売代理店ネットワークを構築しました。


Network business (MLM: Multi-Level Marketing) is a business model that began in the United States in the 1930s. The earliest form of this business model dates back to the California Vitamin Company, a California company founded by Carl F. Rehnborg. He introduced a system whereby he sold products and received compensation in exchange for referring customers to his products.

Network businesses later expanded throughout the United States in the 1940s and 1950s. Amway, founded by Richard DeVos and Jay Van Andel, was one of the more successful network business companies of this period, selling household products and building its own network of distributors.

Network businesses have since expanded into many different industries and product categories, and a variety of companies have adopted this business model. Some companies have been successful, while others have run into legal problems. Although network business is controversial and its reputation is diverse, it is one business model with a long history.

◼️MLM(Multi-Level Marketing)の語源 Etymology of MLM (Multi-Level Marketing)

"MLM" は "Multi-Level Marketing" の略であり、日本語では「多層式マーケティング」や「ネットワークビジネス」とも呼ばれています。"Multi-Level" は「多層」または「多段階」を意味し、このビジネスモデルが多層の報酬構造を持つことを示しています。マーケティングや販売活動が多くの階層やレベルを通じて行われ、上位メンバーが下位メンバーの販売活動から報酬を受け取ることが特徴です。この用語は、このビジネスモデルの特性を簡潔に表すために広まりました。

"MLM" stands for "Multi-Level Marketing," also known as "multi-layered marketing" or "network business" in Japanese." Multi-Level" means "multi-layered" or "multi-step," indicating that this business model has a multi-tiered compensation structure. It is characterized by the fact that marketing and sales activities are conducted through many tiers or levels, with higher-level members receiving compensation from the sales activities of lower-level members. This term was popularized to succinctly describe the characteristics of this business model.

◼️ネットワークビジネスの特徴 Characteristics of Network Business


A network business is a sales and marketing model with the following characteristics



1.Multi-layered structure

A network business builds a network of independent distributors and members. By recruiting new members, who in turn recruit new members, a multi-layered structure is formed



2.Selling Products or Services

Network businesses typically sell specific products or services. These products or services are offered to customers through members.



3.Compensation Structure

Members receive compensation not only from profits from their own sales, but also from the sales of new members they recruit. This compensation is paid based on a multi-tiered structure, governed at different levels from the highest to the lowest member.



4.Recruitment and Training

It is common for network businesses to recruit new members and provide them with the training and support they need to succeed. This allows the network to grow and enables new members to build their own businesses.



5.Non-Stock Keeping

Typically, members do not carry inventory; products are ordered when they are in demand. This avoids inventory risk.



Network businesses can be criticized for several reasons. Some of the common criticisms include



1.Pyramid Structure

Network businesses have a pyramid structure in which new members are recruited, who in turn recruit new members. This structure has been criticized because the top members benefit while the bottom members may not benefit as much.



2.Expensive starter kits

Sometimes it is necessary to purchase an expensive starter kit or product to join a network business, and this can be seen as pressure on the consumer.



3.Uncertainty of revenue

Since success requires recruiting many new members and making sales, and success is not guaranteed, it is highly unlikely that many participants will generate revenue.



4.Product Quality

Some network businesses may not offer products or services of real value, leading some people to question the quality of their products.



5.Legal Issues

Some network businesses can run into legal problems and are viewed as illegal pyramid schemes and are therefore suspect.


However, not all network businesses deserve criticism. Some network businesses operate in a legal and honest manner and can be successful. Therefore, it is important to carefully research and weigh the risks and benefits before joining a network business.

