
63. 巨大なユダヤ酒造会社とその経歴(Gigantic Jewish Liquor Trust and Its Career)

by Henry Ford

It has been shown how the American Whisky business became Jewish. The distillers of pure whisky which required years to make, were driven out by the manufacturers of drugged and chemicalized liquors which could be made in three or four hours. The latter, being cheaper and more intoxicating, so completely usurped the market that the public never knew that it was not whisky. It had stolen the name of whisky, and under that name the righteous indignation of the people prohibited it; and under that name still it is being sold by bootleggers at an advance of 1,000 per cent. The use of the fraudulent label is not new, It is not a product of Prohibition days; it began with the advent of Jewish capital into the liquor business. Whisky, carefully and scientifically made, purified by long years of repose in the warehouse, was an American product; "red eye," "forty rod stuff," "knock 'em dead" and "squirrel whisky" mixed and sold the same day, were Jewish products.

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アメリカのウイスキービジネスがどのようにしてユダヤ人化したかが示されている。製造に何年もかかる純粋なウイスキーの蒸留業者は、3〜4時間で製造できる薬品や化学を使った酒の製造業者によって駆逐された。後者は、より安く、より酔わせることができ、市場を完全に奪ったので公衆はそれがウイスキーではないことを決して知らなかった。ウィスキーの名前を盗んで、その名前の下で、人々の正当な憤りがそれを禁止した;そしてその名前で、今でも1,000%の増額で密造者によって売られている。詐欺的なラベルの使用は新しいものではありません、それは禁酒法時代の産物ではありません;それはユダヤ資本の酒類事業への参入と一緒に始まりました。注意深く科学的に作られ、倉庫で長い年月をかけて精製されたウイスキーは、アメリカの製品だった;「red eye」、「forty rod stuff」、「knock 'em dead」、「squirrel whisky」などを混ぜて同日に販売されたのは、ユダヤ人の産物であった。

The Pure Food Law came into the fight to protect the American industry, but it was flouted at every turn. Bad liquor was in such a deep state of public disgrace that the people paid little attention to Chief Chemist Wiley's efforts. They thought when he said "whisky" he meant the stuff that they knew as "whisky," and they disregarded him. The degeneracy of the liquor business became deeper and deeper, to the amazement of both its friends and its foes, and no one had the key to the situation because no one saw, or seeing, had the courage to expose, the Jewish program behind the scenes.


To resume the story: Even after the cheap compounded liquors which masqueraded as "whisky" had won a commanding place in the market, to the serious detriment of the business in pure brands, the Jewish compounders were far from satisfied. There remained a few American brands whose names, by reason of their dependability , topped the list. Their very quality, though of limited quantity, was a constant challenge to the vicious mixtures of which the rectifiers produced millions of gallons a year.



How to remove those standard American brands, with their honest labels, from the market? -- that was the problem which the leaders of the Jewish compounding business tackled. The first resort was, characteristically, to trickery. Shipments of pure goods would be sidetracked somewhere en route, while the rectifiers drew off half the whisky and refilled the barrels with mixed compounds. People who have been amazed at the stunts of the bootleggers -- the sidetracking of whisky shipments, the "robbery" of loaded trucks, and so on -- would not be so surprised if they knew that every trick was used by the compounders of bad liquor twenty years ago! It was Jewish then, as it is Jewish now, but no one dared say so. Merely to list the tricks would require too much space. It was a nasty business from any point of view.

誠実なブランドを持つ標準的なアメリカのブランドを、どうやって市場から排除するのか?-- それがユダヤの調合事業のリーダーたちが取り組んだ問題でした。最初の手段は、特徴的に、策略であった。純粋な商品の出荷は途中のどこかで横道にそれ、精留業者はウイスキーの半分を取り出し、混合化合物を混ぜ合わせることで樽を補充する。密造酒業者の大胆な行為 -- ウイスキー出荷の横流し、積み荷を積んだトラックの「強奪」など -- に驚いた人々は、あらゆる策略が20年前に悪い酒の調合業者によって使われていたことを知ってもそれほど驚かないだろう!当時はユダヤ人だったし、今もユダヤ人だが、誰もあえてそうは言わなかった。単に策略を列挙するだけではあまりにも多くの余白が必要になるだろう。それはどう見ても酷いビジネスだった。

But still the standard brands held their place in public confidence. The Jew who claims to be the superior of the American in skill did not think of making a better whisky and thus winning the market; he thought to get rid of the better whisky that the vicious, adulterated product might own the field.


It was the day of Trusts. Big Business was amalgamating. It occurred to the leaders of the compounding business that if they could sweep all the honest distilleries into a combine with all the backroom rectifying places, put them all under one management and run down the quality of famous brands to the standard of cheap ones -- cashing in on the names of the brands, and doubly profiting by decreasing the cost which quality requires -- they could thus accomplish in a financial way what had been formerly tried by less respectable methods.

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それは信託の日でした。大企業は合併していた。調合事業の指導者たちは、もしすべての誠実な蒸留所をすべての裏方の精留所と一緒にして、1つの管理下に置き、有名なブランドの品質を安いものの基準 -- ブランドの名前を現金化し、品質に必要なコストを下げることによって2重の利益を得る -- まで下げることができれば、以前はあまりまともではない方法で試みられていたことを経済的な方法で達成することができるだろうと思いついた。

The inception of the idea of a "whisky combine" was legitimate. The Kentucky distillers (who must at all times be distinguished from compounders and rectifiers) endeavored in 1898 to establish a combination that would unite all the legitimate distilleries in the fight against the flood of counterfeit whisky. It is, however, significant that there was not enough capital in the legitimate whisky business to finance the plan. But when the idea was picked up by the makers of spurious liquor, there were millions of dollars at their command -- just as today, with industry suffering, there are millions of Jewish capital at the disposal of the motion picture business!

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「ウイスキー連合」という考えの始まりは正当だった。1898年、ケンタッキー州の蒸留業者 (調合業者と精留業者は常に区別しなければならない) は、氾濫する偽造ウイスキーに対抗するため、すべての合法的な蒸留酒製造業者を団結させようと努力しました。しかし、合法的なウイスキー事業に計画の資金を調達するのに十分な資本がなかったことは重要である。しかし、この考えが偽物の酒の製造業者に採用されたときには、何百万ドルもの金が彼らの意のままになっていた -- ちょうど今日のように、業界が苦しんでいるときには、何百万ドルものユダヤ資本が映画ビジネスに自由に使えるように!

In the Louisville Courier-Journal, February, 1899, the story of the first operations toward a combine is told, the language being inflated, of course, that hesitant distilleries might be stampeded. "Absorbed Kentucky Distilleries in a Mammoth Combine. Capital Stock $32,000,000. Some of the Biggest Plants in the State Involved. Sixteen in Louisville. Controls 90 per cent of the Product and Nearly All Standard Brands."

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Louisville Courier-Journal誌1899年2月号に、連合に向けた最初の作戦の話が、躊躇している蒸留所が殺到するかもしれないということを、もちろん言葉は誇張されて、書かれている。「ケンタッキー州の蒸留所を吸収合併したマンモス連合。資本金3200万ドル。州内最大の工場の一部が関与しています。ルイビルで16カ所。製品の90%とほぼすべての標準ブランドを支配する。」

"Levy Mayer, of Chicago, has acted as counsel in the drawing up of the papers. He becomes the general counsel of the new company."

「シカゴ在住のLevy Mayer氏が、書類の作成において弁護団としての役割を果たした。彼は新会社の総合弁護士になる。」

This article contained a list of Kentucky distilleries, all of them American -- that is, non-Jewish. It was the well-established brands, the names of quality, that were sought. These names were all non-Jewish.

この記事にはケンタッキー州の蒸留所のリストが載っていて、それらはすべてアメリカ人 -- つまり非ユダヤ人だった。求められていたのは、定評のあるブランド、品質の高い名前だった。これらの名前はすべて非ユダヤ人でした。

"Levy Mayer, the general counsel of the new company said tonight: 'The Kentucky Distilleries and Warehouse Company is a reality and will bring prosperity to the state of Kentucky where depression has prevailed for some years on account of the discord which has existed among the distillers of Bourbon whisky, who for a generation prior enjoyed a great prosperity.'"

「新会社の法律顧問であるLevy Mayerは今夜、次のように語った:『Kentucky Distilleries and Warehouse Companyは現実のものであり、前の世代のために大きな繁栄を享受していたバーボンウイスキーの蒸留業者の間に存在していた不和のために数年間不況が蔓延していたケンタッキー州に繁栄をもたらすだろう。』」

A most ingenuous statement. But Mr. Mayer is a most ingenuous man. However, there is some truth in his statement: it was true that the legitimate distillers had suffered from depression, not because the American people were not consuming liquor, however, but because the American people had been turned from pure whisky to "red eye"; and Mr. Mayer's smooth statement that this depression was "on account of the discord which has existed among the distillers of Bourbon whisky" needs revision to "the fight between the non-Jewish makers of real whisky and the Jewish makers of compounded liquor."

実に率直な発言です。しかし、Mayer氏はとても純真な人です。しかしながら、彼の言葉には真実が含まれている:合法的な蒸留業者が不況に苦しんでいたのは事実であった、それはアメリカの人々が酒を飲まなくなったからではなく、また一方、アメリカの人々が純粋なウイスキーから「red eye」に変わってしまったからである;そしてこの不況は「バーボンウイスキーの蒸留業者の間に存在している不和のため」であるというMayer氏の滑らかな声明は、「本物のウイスキーの非ユダヤ人メーカーと調合酒のユダヤ人メーカーとの戦い」と訂正する必要がある。

In the story of the combine a great deal is heard of Mr. Mayer and Alfred Austrian. Mayer is a Chicago Jew who is worth a story by himself. He is one of those Jews with whom candidates for the American presidency -- mostly those candidates who are in debt -- feel it is necessary to stay, when he invites them. Mr. Austrian is sufficiently well known by his connection with the baseball scandal. He was attorney for Rothstein, the gambler, whose name figured so prominently in that scandal and who is credited with doing things to the grand jury testimony in a way that makes a pretty tale. Austrian also appeared for two St. Louis Jew gamblers, implicated in the baseball scandal, who were afterward indicted. Austrian is also credited with being the author of the so-called "Lasker Plan" of baseball reorganization. The services of Mayer and Austrian to the liquor interests of Chicago and Cook County, were and are important.

連合の物語では、Mayer氏とAlfred Austrianについて多くのことが語られている。Mayerはシカゴのユダヤ人で、彼だけでも物語になる。彼は、アメリカ大統領の候補者たち -- ほとんどが借金を抱えている候補者たち -- が彼らを招待したときに、滞在する必要があると感じているユダヤ人の1人です。Austrian氏は野球スキャンダルとのつながりで十分に知られている。彼はギャンブラーのRothsteinの弁護士で、彼の名前はそのスキャンダルで非常に目立つように象徴し、大陪審の証言を美談にするようなやり方をしたと信用されています。Austrianはまた、野球スキャンダルに関与し、後に起訴された2人のセントルイスのユダヤ人ギャンブラーのために登場した。Austrianは、野球再編のいわゆる「Lasker Plan」を考案したことでも知られている。シカゴとクック郡の酒類業界に対するMayerとAustrianの貢献は重要であった。

There were Jewish names previously appearing. About 1889 Nathan Hoffheimer had tried to bring all the Kentucky whisky business under one head, and later Morris Greenbaum tried it. It will probably be conceded that both these men are Jews, and it is provable by the records that they were endeavoring to consolidate the whisky business. But the big stunt was really pulled off under the guidance of the two Chicago Jews, Mayer and Austrian.

以前に登場しているユダヤ人の名前がありました。1889年頃、Nathan Hoffheimerはケンタッキー州のウイスキー事業をすべて1個にまとめようとし、後にMorris Greenbaumがそれを試みた。おそらく2人ともユダヤ人であることは認められるだろうし、2人はウィスキー事業を強化しようとしていたことは記録によって証明可能である。しかし、この大離れ業は、シカゴのユダヤ人であるMayerとAustrianの指導の下で実際に行われました。

"The various companies forming the Trust are:


"American Spirits Manufacturing Company, $35,000,000; Kentucky Distilling and Warehouse Association, $32,000,000; The Rye Whisky Distillers Association $30,000,000; the Standard Distilling Company, $28,000,000; and the Spirits Distributing Company, $7,500,000.

American Spirits Manufacturing Company、3500万ドル;Kentucky Distilling and Warehouse Association、3200万ドル:The Rye Whisky Distillers Association 3000万ドル;Standard Distilling Company、2800万ドル;そしてSpirits Distributing Company、750万ドル。

"The forerunner of the gigantic combination of the whisky interests of the country was the organization of the American Spirits Manufacturing Company upon the ruins of the old whisky trust which was controlled and directed by Joseph Greenhut. ...

その国のウィスキー利権の巨大な結合の先駆けは、 Joseph Greenhutによって支配され指揮されていた古いウィスキー信託の廃墟の上にAmerican Spirits Manufacturing Companyの組織化であった。…

"Attorney Levi Mayer, of Chicago, who has been legal adviser of the whisky people from the inception of the American Spirits Manufacturing Association, was called to New York Saturday last to confer over the legal form of the charter and the closing of the negotiations."

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American Spirits Manufacturing Associationの設立当初からウイスキー愛好家の法律顧問であるシカゴのLevi Mayer弁護士は、憲章の法的形式と交渉の終結について協議するため先週土曜日にニューヨークに呼ばれた。」

The italicized portions indicate the connection, and it was a connection maintained to the end, and may indeed be continued yet.

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Then, in the current accounts of this merger of the liquor business under Jewish control, another name appears. On March 15, 1899:


"Angelo Meyer, a big whisky buyer of New York, is in Louisville trying to buy a big lot of whiskies." It appears that Mr. Meyer put on a poor mouth and told how hard it was to buy whisky in big lots.

「ニューヨークのウイスキーの大口購入者であるAngelo Meyerは、ルイビルでウイスキーを大量に買おうとしている。」Meyer氏は口を悪くして、ウイスキーを大量に買うのがいかに大変かを語ったようです。

And then on March 17, two days later, this appeared: "Mr. Angelo Meyer, the wealthy Philadelphia whisky man, has been appointed one of the general managers of the business of the Kentucky Distilleries Company and is engaged in appointing men to take charge of the various departments of the combine's affairs."

そして、2日後の3月17日には、これが登場しました:「フィラデルフィアの裕福なウイスキー家、Angelo Meyer氏が、ケンタッキー蒸留所会社の事業部長の1人に任命され、連合の業務のさまざまな部門を担当する人の任命に携わっている。」

The discrepancy in the above two paragraphs need not be charged to the untruthfulness of the newspaper reporter. Reporters as a rule faithfully report what they are told; but sometimes what they are told is not true.


"Mr. Meyer has commonly been called the Napoleon of the whisky trade. He is largely interested in the recently formed combine.


"'We intend to make plenty of whisky. No brand will be killed.' said Mr. Meyer."


Henceforth the names of Levi Mayer, Alfred Austrian and Angelo Meyer appear most frequently in the reports.

以後、Levi Mayer、Alfred Austrian、Angelo Meyerの名前が最も頻繁に報告に登場する。

"Alfred Austrian, who is Levy Mayer's legal representative, says that all the distilleries now negotiated for will be absorbed in three weeks more."

「Levy Mayerの法定代理人であるAlfred Austrianは、現在交渉中のすべての蒸留所があと3週間で吸収されるでしょうと言います。」

"In an interview today Mr. Angelo Meyer said, 'I believe confidently that in the next five years a business calling for 10,000,000 gallons of whisky a year will be built up.'"

「本日のインタビューで、Angelo Meyer氏は言いました、『今後5年間で、年間1000万ガロンのウイスキーを呼び求める事業が確立されると私は自信を持って信じます。』」

In April 1899, another Jewish movement appeared: "Joseph Wolf, the Chicago whisky dealer, who is said to own more Kentucky whisky, independent of the Kentucky Distilleries and Warehouse Company, than any other individual or corporation, is behind the new whisky combine formed in Chicago with a capital stock of $3,000,000. The purpose of the new trust, which it is said will be given the title of the Illinois Distilleries and Warehouse Company, is to fight the Kentucky Distilleries and Warehouse Company."

1899年4月、別のユダヤ人の運動が現れた:「Joseph Wolfは、ケンタッキー蒸留所倉庫会社から独立して、他のどの個人または企業よりも多くのケンタッキー州のウイスキーを所有していると言われているシカゴのウイスキー販売業者で、シカゴに資本金300万ドルの設立された新しいウイスキー連合の背後にいます。新しい信託の目的は、Illinois Distilleries and Warehouse Companyの名称が与えられると言われており、Kentucky Distilleries and Warehouse Companyと戦うことである。

The few remaining Kentucky Distillers were wary; they regarded Wolf, probably with reason, as simulating enmity to the other part of the Jew-made whisky trust in order to sweep into his net the remaining independents.


"Alfred Austrian and C. H. Stoll, attorneys for the Kentucky Distilleries and Warehouse Company, will leave Louisville today for Chicago to confer with Levy D. Mayer, chief counsel for the trust; and in fact, counsel for three big whisky and spirits combines."

「Kentucky Distilleries and Warehouse Companyの弁護士のAlfred AustrianとC. H. Stollは、信託の主席顧問であるLevy D. Mayerと協議するために、本日ルイビルを発ってシカゴに向かう;そして実際には、3社の大手ウィスキーと蒸留酒の連合会社の顧問です。」。

"Alfred Austrian, of Chicago, left last night for Cincinnati to close the deal for the celebrated Sam Clay distillery of Bourbon County."

「シカゴのAlfred Austrianは、バーボン郡の有名なSam Clay蒸留所の取引をまとめるために、昨夜シンシナティに向けて出発した。」

Under an exciting headline detailing the departure of the Jew lawyer Austrian to Chicago to see the Jew lawyer Mayer, there is the story of a still greater whisky combine:


"The projected combination of all the whisky interests of the country will probably be completed in Chicago today. A rye whisky trust is now being formed and will soon be ready for incorporation and presentation to men with capital. ... It is said that the capitalization of the rye whisky trust will be $60,000,000, and the combined capitalization of the five companies will amount to about $175,000,000. ... Levy Mayer, of Chicago, Alfred Austrian, of Chicago, and C. H. Stoll, of New York, are the attorneys for the three trusts, Mr. Mayer being the chief counsel."

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「国の全てのウイスキー利害関係の計画された連合は、おそらく今日、シカゴで完成するだろう。ライ麦ウイスキー信託が現在設立されており、まもなく法人化されて資本を持つ人々に提供される準備が整う予定である。…ライ麦ウイスキー信託の資本金は6000万ドルで、5社の資本金の合計は約1億7500万ドルになると言われている。…シカゴのLevy Mayer、シカゴのAlfred Austrian、ニューヨークのC. H. Stollが弁護士で、Mayer氏が主任顧問である。」

And still later, a statement by Levy Mayer:

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さらにその後、Levy Mayer氏は次のように述べる:

"The new rye distillery combination will be the largest individual whisky amalgamation in the world. It is controlled and is being financed by the same people and the same trust companies of New York and Philadelphia now controlling and financing the Kentucky Distilleries and Warehouse Company, whose capital is $32,000,000; the Standard Distilling and Distributing Company, with a capital of $28,000,000; the American Spirits manufacturing Company, with a capital of $35,000,000; and the Spirits Distributing Company, with a capitalization of $15,000,000.

「新たなライ麦蒸留所の連合は、世界最大のウイスキーの合併となる。資本金が3200万ドルのKentucky Distilleries and Warehouse Company、、資本金2800万ドルのStandard Distilling and Distributing Company、資本金3500万ドルのAmerican Spirits manufacturing Company、資本金1500万ドルのSpirits Distributing Companyを現在支配し、資金提供しているニューヨークとフィラデルフィアの同じ人々と同じ信託会社によって支配され、資金を提供されています。

"Rumor has it," and Mr. Mayer smiled as he patted a big bundle of legal documents, "that after the rye consolidation has been perfected all the separate companies will be merged into one central company, which will have an aggregate capital close to $200,000,000. A whisky combination of that size will certainly hold foremost place among the world's liquor trusts and organizations."


Another dispatch: "Alfred Austrian today returned to Louisville from New York, where he assisted in forming the combine of the American Spirits Manufacturing Company (and the three other companies).

別の特報:「Alfred Austrianは本日、ニューヨークからルイビルに戻り、American Spirits Manufacturing Company (と他の3社) の合併設立を支援した。

"Mr. Austrian leaves tonight for Chicago, where he expects to close the deal with Elias Bloch & Sons to purchase the Darling distillery in Carroll County, and with Freiberg and Workum to secure their two plants in Boone County."

「Austrian氏は今夜シカゴに向けて出発し、Carroll郡のDarling蒸留所を購入するElias Bloch & Sonsと、Boone郡のFreibergとWorkumの2工場を確保する取引をまとめる予定だ。」

Here it is possible to see the Jewish agents of Jewish capital hurrying to and fro with every assurance of success, working along well-defined lines, known to themselves but concealed from the public, building up a colossal structure which public opinion was to hurl down in two decades. But two decades were enough for enormous revenues to be derived from the criminal debasement of all kinds of liquor, which became more apparent from the time of the giant consolidation.


Whisky became so rotten that in Kentucky, the pioneer whisky state, there were only four whole "wet" counties by 1908. The first decade of absolute Jewish control put even the first whisky state in the "dry" column.


The Jewish compounders did not care how they marketed their goods, so long as they could sell them in quantities. The cheap "barrel house" appeared with its windows full of gleaming bottles and gaudy labels and "cut rate" whisky prices. The compounders became saloon owners toward the end of the saloon era, and many Jews went into the "barrel house" business for a quick cleanup. The proportion of vicious dives increased everywhere, and the moral guardians of society were amazed at "the wave of vice" that was "sweeping over the country"; but they did not have the key that explained it. The whisky business was riding to a wild finish, but the men at the helm knew exactly what they were doing every moment of the time. To look back upon that period, with all the facts at hand, makes it more and more apparent how fitting is the term, "boob Gentile."


Why, even Norman Hapgood knew how bad it was and Collier's Weekly, under his editorship, was the first journal in the land to print the names of Jews in connection with the liquor debauchery of the country. But those were the good old days, when Hapgood could tell the truth even about Hearst, the man for whom he now writes his graceless palaver of pro-Jewish propaganda.

Norman Hapgoodでさえ、それがいかに酷いかを知っていたし、Collier's Weeklyは、彼の編集者の地位のもとで、この国の酒の放蕩に関連したユダヤ人の名前を掲載したこの国で最初の雑誌だった。しかし、それは古き良き時代のことであって、HapgoodがHearstについてさえ真実を語ることができた時代であった、Hearstのために、彼は今、親ユダヤのプロパガンダという無礼な無駄話を書いている。

In Collier's Weekly, during the year 1908, solid truths appeared which are in point today as proofs of what was transpiring. There was a specially scathing attack on what was called "nigger gin," a peculiarly vile beverage which was compounded to act upon the Negro in a most vicious manner. Will Irwin spoke of this gin as "the king iniquity in the degenerated liquor traffic of these United States." This author and Collier's started a new fashion in giving publicity not only to the names of certain brands of liquors, but also the names of the men who made them. It turned out that the maker of a brand of "nigger gin" which had spurred certain Negroes on to the nameless crime, was one Lee Levy. Mr. Irwin wrote:

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Collier's Weekly誌では、1908年の間に、何が起こっていたかの証拠として今日の要点である確固とした真実が現れた。特に「ニガージン」と呼ばれていたものに痛烈な攻撃があった、この非常に下品な飲み物は黒人に非常に悪い影響を与えるように調合されていた。Will Irwinはこのジンを「合衆国の退化した酒の取引における王の不義」と語った。この著者とCollier'sは、特定の銘柄の名前だけでなく、それを作った人の名前も宣伝するという新しい流行を始め、ました。特定の黒人を名もなき犯罪に駆り立てた「ニガージン」のブランドの製造者は Lee Levyという人物であることが判明しました。Irwin氏はこう書いている:

"Because the South is not through with Lee Levy, and because its citizens may at least drive him out of business -- if they cannot get him behind the bars -- one declaration of the Commercial Appeal is worthy of reply. That paper raises a question of fact -- it charges that Levy's gin, Dreyfuss, Weil & Company's gin, Bluthenthal & Blickert's gin, the Old Spring Distilling Company's gin, do not exist; or that, if they exist, their sales are insignificant. Let me present my own evidence on that point."

pp 390 ~ 391

「なぜなら南部はLee Levyと絶交していないから、そしてなぜならその市民は少なくとも彼を廃業に追いやる -- もし彼を刑務所に入れられないとしても --かもしれないので、商業控訴の宣言の1個は返答の価値がある。この新聞は事実の疑問を提起している -- それは、Levyのジン、Dreyfuss, Weil & Companyのジン、Bluthenthal & Blickertのジン、Old Spring Distilling Companyのジンは、存在しないと告発しています;あるいは、もし存在していても、その売り上げは取るに足らないものだと。その点について私自身の証拠を提示しましょう。」

Mr. Irwin then details some of this experiences. The gin which he was discussing was provocative of peculiar lawlessness, its labels bore lascivious suggestions and were decorated with highly indecent portraiture of white women. "I bought, for evidence, many other brands, some emanating from the big liquor cities and some put up by local people; but I could always get Levy's. I never saw it in any saloon which bars the Negro.

p 391


"In Galveston, which prides itself on its clean government, some brand or other was for sale in nearly all the corner grocery 'drums.'


"In a Negro street of New Orleans I saw five saloon shop windows in one block which displayed either Lee Levy's or Dreyfuss, Weil & Company's. This latter firm is more clever in its work than the others, much more delicate and subtle in its labeling policy. It takes one who understands the Negro and his slang to appreciate the enigma of their wording; it all comes in a 'caution label' on the obverse of the bottles.

「ニューオリンズの黒人街で、あるブロックに5件の酒場のショーウィンドウがあり、Lee Levyの物かDreyfuss, Weil & Companyの物が陳列されていました。後者の会社は、他の会社よりも仕事が巧妙で、ラベリングの方針もずっと繊細で容易には気付きません。黒人と彼のスラングを理解していないと、彼らの言葉遣いの謎を理解することはできません;それは全て、ボトルの表面に「注意ラベル」が付いています。

"... Such gins were sold everywhere in Birmingham ... . a bottle of the stuff, half empty, had been taken from a Pickens County Negro just after his arrest for the nameless crime.


"Levy -- so the gossip of the liquor trade has it -- grew rich through this department of his business. Dreyfuss, Weil & Company advertise everywhere that theirs is 'the most widely sold brand in the South.' And more and more one hears of tragedies that lie at the end of this course."

「Levyは -- 酒類取引業界の噂では -- 自分の事業のこの部門で金持ちになった。Dreyfuss, Weil & Companyは『南部で最も広く販売されているブランド』だとあちこちで自分たちの物を宣伝している。そしてますます多くの人が、この過程の終わりにある悲劇を耳にするようになっています。」

That is a sample -- an expurgated sample -- of what went on in every part of the country. Newspaper reporters will remember how the police used to wonder about the change that came over certain foreign communities. "They come here nice people," the experienced police captain would say, "but in a short time they are giving us all sorts of trouble. They don't do that in their own country."

これは国のあらゆる場所で起こったことのサンプル -- 削除されたサンプル -- です。新聞記者たちは、警察が特定の外国人コミュニティに起こった変化をいかに不思議に思っていたかを思い出すでしょう。「彼らはここに来ると素敵な人々だ、」と経験豊富な警察署長は言うでしょう、「しかしすぐに彼らは私たちにあらゆる種類の困難の原因を与えている。彼らは自分たちの国ではそんなことはしません。

"It's the drink," somebody would suggest.


"No, they drink in their own country, they drink all the time there. It's the kind of drink they get here that does it -- the 'rot-gut,' that drives them wild." That was the captain's diagnosis, made a thousand times, but no one was the wiser. No one saw the key, which was the Jew.

「いいえ、彼らは自分たち自身の国で飲んでいます、彼らはそこで四六時中飲みます。彼らがここで手に入る種類の飲み物がそうします -- 彼らを狂わせる、『Rotgut(腐った臓腑)』。」それは署長の診断で、何千回も繰り返された、しかし誰も賢くなかった。誰も鍵であったユダヤ人を見なかった。


In the South a terrible lynching period came and divided the country into pro-lynching and pro-Negro parties, but still no one saw the reason for it all. The race question rose to threatening proportions, the Americans of the North and South looked at each other askance, there was a cooling of sympathy between the regions. Northerners were inclined to look at Southerners as unjust and inhuman in their treatment of the Negro, and Southerners were inclined to look upon Northerners as temperamentally unsympathetic and stupidly ignorant of what the conditions were.


Behind it all were the products of men like Lee Levy and Dreyfuss, Weil & Company, to use only the names quoted from Collier's.

Collierの物から引用した名前だけを使うために、その背後には、Lee Levyや Dreyfuss, Weil & Companyのような人たちの製品があった。

The ancient Jewish policy of Divide-Conquer-Destroy was in operation. Jewish policy favors disunion as a preparation to the kind of union which Jewish leaders want.


Jewish influence was strong for disunion in the Civil War. Jewish influence is directly behind the present attitude of the Negro toward the white man -- look at the so-called "Negro welfare societies" with their hordes of Jewish officials and patrons! Jewish influence in the South is today active in keeping up the memory of the old divisions. And, with reference to the Negro question, "nigger gin," the product of Jewish poisoned liquor factories, was its most provocative element.

南北戦争での分裂にはユダヤ人の影響が強かった。白人に対する黒人の現在の態度の背後には、ユダヤ人の影響が直接ある -- ユダヤ人の役人やパトロンの群れを伴ういわゆる「黒人福祉協会」を見なさい!南部におけるユダヤ人の影響力は、今日、昔の分裂の記憶を維持するために活発である。そして、黒人問題に関しては、ユダヤ人の毒入り酒工場の産物である「ニガージン」が最も誘発的な要素であった。

Trace the appearance of this gin as to date, and you will find the period when Negro outbursts and lynching became serious. Trace the localities where this gin was most widely sold and you will find the places where these disorders prevailed.

p 391


It is extremely simple, so simple that it has been overlooked. The public is being constantly deceived by an appearance of complexity, where there is none. When you find the fever-bearing mosquito, yellow fever is no longer a mystery.

p 392


The same policy of "Divide-Conquer-Destroy" tells the story of the liquor traffic. Jewish influence divided between distilling and compounding, drove out distilling, and in the end destroyed the traffic as a legalized entity.


It needs to be said, however, that the destruction is not part of the Jewish intention. "Divide and Conquer" is the formula as the Jewish leaders conceive it, as, indeed, it is stated in the Protocols. The "destroy" comes as Nemesis upon Jewish achievements. Russia was divided and conquered, but just as the Jews had conquered it, the canker worm of fate began to consume their conquest. The story is repeated wherever Jewish intrigue has succeeded. Whatever the Jews can succeed in making Jewish, falls!


It may be fate. It may be Destiny's way to the survival of the fittest. That which succumbs to complete Judiazation, as Jewish leaders conceive it, may deserve to fall. The justification of its destruction may appear in the possibility of its Judaization. Anything that can be Judaized is to that extent sentenced to oblivion.


The story of Jewish control of liquor has now been carried through two stages, the "Divide and Conquer" stages. The third stage follows with swift and relentless steps. Blind though the country was to the Jewish character of the liquor business, it was not blind to the ravages of that business upon society.


There came a sentiment that moved ceaselessly through the country, and mounted to stormy power; people could only speak of it as a "wave." The term became hackneyed by overuse, but it was accurately descriptive. The indignation of the people, the arousal of their just moral resentment was as a flood which rose to cleanse the land. The attack was on liquor, and the attack was just. The attack was on liquor and it came none too soon. The country was drenched in vile concoctions which rapidly undermined large sections of the population. Crime increased and domestic misery was everywhere. The people attacked the only thing they could see -- they attacked the stuff and the places that distributed it. They did not see the $200,000,000 Jewish whisky combination, they did not see the sinister devices by which strong drink was made vile and viler with the growth of Jewish control.

国中で絶え間なく移動し、嵐のような権力に備え付けられた感情が来た;人々はそれを「波」としか言えなかった。この言葉は使いすぎて陳腐になったが、正確に描写的であった。人々の憤り、彼らの正当な道徳的な憤りは、地を清めるために立ち上る洪水のようであった。攻撃は酒に対するもので、攻撃は正当なものだった。攻撃は酒に対するもので、それはまったくすぐに来なかった。その国は、急速に人口の大部分を弱体化させる卑劣な調合物にまみれていた。犯罪は増加し、家庭内の悲惨さは至る所で見られた。人々は彼らが目に見えるものだけを攻撃しました -- がらくたとそれを配布する場所を攻撃したのです。彼らは2億ドルのユダヤ人のウイスキー連合を見なかったし、ユダヤ人の支配の成長とともに強い酒が卑劣でより卑劣なものにされる邪悪な仕掛けを見なかった。

The people rose and swept away the saloon. They did not sweep away the stocks of liquor. They did not sweep away Jewish interest in liquor. They left the source untouched. And that source is still existent.


There remains another chapter of the narrative: the coming of Prohibition and of the illicit traffic in liquor. It remains to be seen whether the same thread carries through the latter phases.

p 392


[The Dearborn Independent, issue of 24 December 1921]
