50. ユダヤ人の貿易は世界の革命家と結びついている(Jew Trades Link With World Revolutionaries)

by Henry Ford

There are more Bolsheviks in the United States than there are in Soviet Russia. Their aim is the same and their racial character is the same. If they are not able to do here what they have done there, it is because of the greater dissemination of information, the higher degree of intelligence and the wider diffusion of the agencies of governmental authority, than obtains in unhappy Russia.

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The power house of Bolshevik influence and propaganda in the United States is in the Jewish trade unions which, almost without exception, adhere to a Bolshevik program for their respective industries and for the country as a whole.


This fact is proving most embarrassing to the Jewish leaders at the present moment. It is bad enough that Russian Bolshevism should be so predominantly Jewish, but to confront the same situation in the United States, is a double burden of which Jewish leaders do not know how to dispose.


Yet it is difficult to see how the International Jew can be absolved either from the necessity of being confronted with it, or from the necessity of bearing sole responsibility for it. Russian Bolshevism came out of the East Side of New York where it was fostered by the encouragement -- the religious, moral and financial encouragement -- of Jewish leaders. Leon Trotsky (Braunstein) was an East Sider. Whether he was a member of the New York Kehillah is not known. But the forces which fostered what he stood for centered in the Kehillah, and both the Kehillah and its associated American Jewish Committee were interested in the work he set out to do, namely, the overthrow of an established government, one of the allies of the United States in the recent war. Russian Bolshevism was helped to its objective by Jewish gold from the United States. And now that it is found to be numerically much stronger in the United States than it is in Russia, the fact causes no little embarrassment.

しかし、国際ユダヤ人がそれに直面する必要性からも、それに対する単独の責任を負う必要性からも、どのようにして免れることができるのかを理解するのは困難である。ロシアのボルシェビズムはニューヨークのイーストサイドから生まれ、ユダヤ人指導者の宗教的、道徳的、財政的な励ましによって育まれた。Leon Trotsky (Braunstein) はイーストサイド出身だ。ニューヨークKehillahのメンバーであったかどうかは不明である。しかし、彼が支持したものを育てた勢力はKehillahに集中しており、Kehillahとそれに関連するアメリカユダヤ人委員会の両方が、彼がやろうとした仕事、すなわち、最近の戦争で合衆国の同盟国の1国である確立された政府の転覆に関心を持っていた。ロシアのボルシェビズムは、合衆国からのユダヤ人の金によってその目的を達成することができた。そして今、ロシアよりも合衆国の方が数値的にはるかに強いことがわかっているので、その事実は少なからず当惑させられる。

Denial is useless, for the thing is too blatant and has advertised itself too long. What amazes the student of the Jewish Question in the United States is the stupidity which permitted Jewish Bolshevism to flaunt itself so openly during the past few years. The only explanation that seems at all adequate is that the Jews never dreamed that the American people would become sufficiently awake to challenge them. The present widespread exposure of Jewish tactics in the United States has doubtless come as a surprise to the Jewish leaders, and this cannot be accounted for otherwise than that they thought they had gained too strong a grip on the American mind to make a challenge possible.


It remains to be seen whether the Jewish leaders shall be able to control the Frankenstein that their false policies have created.


Following exactly the program which the Jewish leaders approved for Russia, the organized Jews of New York are exhibiting a zeal and a directness which Jewish leaders would like to curb for the present, if we are to judge from some of the complaints that the Bolshevik Jews are making.


Benjamin Schlessinger, president of the International Garment Workers' Union, whose membership numbers 150,000, and which is a part of the New York Kehillah, is one of the complainants. His union, of course, is not the regular American labor union formed for the betterment of working conditions and wages; it is a revolutionary union for the complete change of the social system, involving also a change of government. In an interview printed in the Jewish Forward of April 8, Schlessinger complains against the manner in which Jewish judges have recently come to interfere with Jewish strikes:

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ニューヨークKehillahの一部であり、会員数15万人の国際衣料労働組合の会長であるBenjamin Schlessingerは、原告の1人である。彼の組合は、もちろん、労働条件と賃金の改善のために結成された通常のアメリカの労働組合ではない;それは、政権交代も含めた社会システムの完全な変革のための革命的な連合である。4月8日のJewish Forwardに掲載されたインタビューの中で、Schlessingerは、最近ユダヤ人の裁判官がユダヤ人のストライキに干渉するようになったやり方に不満を述べている:

"'And Jewish judges come to their assistance. They issue injunctions; and it is said that they do it to save the Jewish name, so that it shall not be said that "all Jews are Bolshevists." So the injunctions become a Jewish affair. ...

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"'We have a gigantic wide-branched Kehillah in New York. In all corners, Jews! All over, what you see and what you hear -- Jews. And, of course also dress; politicians and greater ones.'

「ニューヨークには巨大で枝の広いKehillahがある。隅々に、ユダヤ人!至る所であなたが見たり聞いたりするのは -- ユダヤ人です。そして、もちろんドレスも;政治家とより偉大な者たち。」

"But only we may say this. And I understand Schlessinger ... . Schlessinger explains it this way: Several reasons are given why judges like (here a Jewish judge is named) twist the law ... . The real purpose is to break our strike ... . But, then, after all, there is a reason, a Jewish reason. He wants to demonstrate to the American community, he claims, that not all Jews are Bolshevists."

「しかし、これを言えるのは我々だけである。そして、私はSchlessingerを理解します…。Schlessingerはそれをこのように説明している:(ここではユダヤ人の裁判官が指名されている) のような裁判官が法律を捻じ曲げる理由はいくつかある..。本当の目的は我々のストライキを破ることだ…。しかし、結局のところ、ユダヤ人の理由がある。彼は、すべてのユダヤ人がボルシェビストではないことをアメリカ社会に示したいと主張している。

This excerpt shows several things: that only "we" may say certain things; that Jewish authority is trying to cover the blemish of Bolshevism; and that this is done in order to demonstrate to "the American community" a certain desirable thing. The Jewish community, it is presumed, is not so easily impressed. The Kehillah is apparently trying to call in its kites but they have apparently flown too high in the rarefied atmosphere of revolutionism.



Another big union which makes part of the New York Kehillah is the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, whose membership is about 200,000. It is officered by Russian Jews whose pronounced Bolshevik utterances have been widely reported in the Jewish press of New York, until plain and unprivileged Americans have wondered how far treason to the United States Government could go on our own soil.


Sidney Hillman, the president, is one of the most radical Socialists in the United States -- so radical that he would probably spurn the name of Socialist as ordinarily used. He is a Sovietist. He is so far "advanced" that to him the regular type of American labor union is "a scab union." The purpose of the American labor union is stated to be the improvement of the workers' condition in industry and the establishment of their industrial rights, whereas the object of Hillman's union is the overthrow of industry and its communization in the hands of the radical element. That is to say, Russia over again. Hillman was born in Russia. He personally knows most of the Bolshevik Jews now ruining that great land.

その会長であるSidney Hillmanは合衆国でもっとも急進的な社会主義者の1人である -- あまりに急進的なので、通常使われる社会主義者という名前をおそらく突っぱねるだろう。彼はソビエト主義者だ。彼にとって、アメリカの労働組合の典型が「スト破り組合」であるほど、彼は「進歩的」である。アメリカの労働組合の目的は、産業における労働者の状態の改善と労働者の産業権利の確立であると述べられているが、Hillmanの組合の目的は、急進的要素の手による産業の転覆とその共産化である。つまり、ロシアの再来です。Hillmanはロシアで生まれた。彼は、今その偉大な土地を破壊しているボリシェヴィキのユダヤ人のほとんどを個人的に知っています。


The secretary of the Amalgamated is Joseph Schlossberg, also born in Russia. Schlossberg has a very free gift of words. One of his promises to his Jewish followers, publicly made at Madison Square Garden, is this:

連合の幹事は、同じくロシア生まれのJoseph Schlossbergです。Schlossbergは非常に自由な言葉の才能を持っています。Madison Square Gardenで公になされた、彼のユダヤ人信者への約束の1つはこれです:

"The clothing industry is ours. We are not going to permit the employer to determine where his factory shall be, or how many hours we shall work."


Abraham Shiplacoff, a Socialist member of the New York board of aldermen, and next to Sidney Hillman in command of the Amalgamated, is also a free speaker, as the following excerpt will show:

以下の抜粋が示すように、ニューヨーク市会議員会の社会党員で、Sidney Hillmanの隣で連合の指揮を執っているAbraham Shiplacoffも自由演説者である:

"We are going to move heaven and earth to educate our people that they and they alone are the owners of industry. The workers of Russia have found it out, God bless them!


"If I knew old Sammy Gompers knew as much as that, I would tell you to go and do what the workers did in Turine. Ten thousand of them marched to the factory with music and a flag, and they opened the doors and went to work and said, 'To hell with the owners of the factory.'

「Sammy Gompers爺さんがそれくらい知っていると知っていたら、トリノで労働者がしたことをしに行けと言うだろう。彼らの1万人が音楽と旗を持って工場に行進し、ドアを開けて仕事に行き、『工場の所有者などくそ食らえ』と言った。

"Everybody knows it is war. We are going to control the industry."

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Always the omission, of course, that the factories so spectacularly captured, cease to run soon after. The Hillmans and the Schlossbergs and the Shiplacoffs are heroic figures on the platform, but in manufacturing the common commodities of life and making both ends meet so that the consumer may be served and the producer rewarded, they have been the most tragic failures. "The workers of Russia have found it out, God help them!"

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As a matter of fact, besides the I. W. W., the Amalgamated is the only organization which not only preaches Bolshevism but actually practices it -- all in the United States, and all apparently in perfect consistency with its membership in the Kehillah and under the officership of the high gentlemen of the American Jewish Committee. The Amalgamated actually does run the industry which has mulcted such a heavy tax from the American public since 1914.

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実際のところ、I.W.W.を除けば、連合(Amalgamated)はボルシェビズムを説くだけでなく、実際にそれを実践している唯一の組織である -- すべて合衆国内にあり、すべてKehillahの会員であり、アメリカユダヤ人委員会の上級紳士の下にあることと完全に一致しています。1914年以来、アメリカ国民からこのような重税を徴収してきた業界を実際に運営しているのは連合です。

They tell the factory manager where the factory is to be located.


They have a minimum wage of $12 a day, independent of skill or production.


They enforce that rule, that an employe who has worked for two weeks has thereafter a job for life.


No improved machinery can be introduced without the union's permission.


The employer cannot hire even a cartage firm that the union has not first approved.


The employer cannot withdraw from business unless he goes into bankruptcy, else the whole force of the union and its allies will be marshaled against him and his. He must inform the union of all his plans in advance.


This, of course, is part of the endowment of Trotsky to the East Side. He did great missionary work there while waiting to go across and take the Czar's place. Even to this day in the Jew-controlled theaters that crowd Broadway, the picture of Trotsky brings wild delirious cheering, while the portrait of the President of the United States is hissed. A favorite state scene is the Star of David high over all flags. The recent debate between Senators King and France, said to have been organized with the assistance of two rabbis, developed into such an outrageously anti-American pro-Soviet demonstration, that prudence intervened to prevent a vote. Recently when pro-Jewish Germans endeavored to stir up trouble by holding a great mass meeting to protest the alleged "Black horror on the Rhine," the audience was packed with Jews. Not that they love Germany more, but they love any regular government less. While a few days later, at a great American meeting, the Jews of New York, according to the testimony of incredulous observers, were most conspicuous by their absence.

もちろん、これはトロツキーのイーストサイドへの寄付の一部です。彼は、渡って行き皇帝の後がまに座る間、そこで偉大な宣教活動を行った。ブロードウェイにひしめくユダヤ人支配の劇場では今日でも、トロツキーの写真は狂おしい歓声をもたらし、合衆国大統領の肖像画はシーッと言って黙らせられる。お気に入りの国家のシーンは、すべての旗の上に高いダビデの星です。2人のラビの援助で組織されたといわれているKing上院議員とフランスの間の最近の討論は、傍若無人な反アメリカ親ソビエトに発展したので、慎重さが投票を阻止するために介入した。最近、親ユダヤのドイツ人たちが「Black horror on the Rhine(ライン川の黒い恐怖)」に抗議する大規模な集会を開いて騒ぎを起こそうとしたとき、聴衆はユダヤ人で埋め尽くされた。彼らはドイツをより愛しているわけではありませんが、通常の政府をより愛していません。数日後にはアメリカの偉大な会議があったが、懐疑的な観察者の証言によれば、ニューヨークのユダヤ人は欠席が目立ったという。

Now, the Jewish leaders must admit that the Jewish Question does not consist in American citizens uncovering these facts and helping other American citizens to become aware of them; the Jewish Question inheres in the facts themselves and in Jewish responsibility for the facts. If it is "anti-Semitism" to say that Bolshevism in the United States is Jewish, so be it; but to unprejudiced minds it will look very like Americanism.


There is not a single, solitary American-born citizen serving as officer or director of those great unions which form part of the New York Kehillah. These men have not the faintest idea of what America stands for. They are not here to become Americanized, but to change America to their own model. In this they have the articulated support of most of the Jewish rabbis who have been very keen to explain that Americanization does not at all mean what the American means by it.


America will have become what these people want it to be when America is sovietized with Jewish radicals in control, and that is the objective toward which they are working now.


The other officers of the Amalgamated are Jacob Petowsky, secretary, who is a Russian Jew, and J. B. Salutsky, who is also a Russian Jew and "National Director of the Educational Department," which means that he is the propagandist of the union in the United States.

連合の他の役員は、ロシア系ユダヤ人で書記であるJacob Petowskyと、同じくロシア系ユダヤ人で「教育局の国家局長」であるJ. B. Salutskyである、つまり、彼は合衆国における組合の宣伝者である。

Regarding the assertion that the great radical unions are not officered by native-born citizens (the statement has been made that Russian Jews do not usually complete their citizenship but stop short at the "declaration of intention"), there is some interesting material in a study of 2,000 presidents of Jewish organizations in New York City.

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大規模な急進的組合は現地生まれの市民によって執行されていないという主張 (ロシアのユダヤ人は通常市民権を完全なものではなく、「意思表示」の段階で突然止まると言われている) に関しては、ニューヨーク市のユダヤ人組織の2,000人の会長の研究に興味深い資料がある。

Of this number, 1,054 were born in Russia, 536 in Austro-Hungary, 90 in Rumania, 64 in Germany and four in Palestine. These countries produced 89.1 per cent of Jewish leaders in New York.

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Of this number, 531 entered the country between the ages of 14 and 21, and 977 entered over the age of 21.


Of this number, 1,270 are still under 50 years of age.


These figures include all organizations from synagogues to trade unions.


How far they have been Americanized, or wish to be, can only be judged by the policies and activities of the organizations which they direct.


The big Jewish labor organizations are the direct offspring of the Jewish Socialist Bund of Russia. It is due to the propaganda of the Bund in the United States that the united Hebrew trades have gone over to the ranks of radicalism. Bundists swarmed to the United States after the abortive revolution of 1905, at which time they failed to put Bolshevism over in Russia, and these Bundists gave their time to the Bolshevizing of the Hebrew Trade Unions in this country. An Agitation Bureau was formed which propagated radical Socialism through the medium of the Yiddish language, which is one of the official languages of the New York Kehillah, made so by the demands of the Kehillah's overwhelming radical constituency.



The Bundists incorporated in 1905 in New York an organization known as "The Workmen's Circle" and "swelled the ranks of the Jewish trade unions," to quote the Kehillah's Register. After a brief attempt to propagate Socialism without reference to the Jewish Question, it was given up, and in 1913 a resolution was adopted declaring that the whole purpose of the work was Jewish. This is attributed, in the Kehillah record, to the spread of "the idea of Jewish nationalism."

同盟主義者たちは1905年にニューヨークで「The Workmen's Circle(労働者のサークル)」として知られる組織を組織し、Kehillahの記録簿を引用すると「ユダヤ人労働組合の層を増大させた」。ユダヤ人問題への言及なしに社会主義を広めようとする短い試みの後、それは断念され、1913年に決議が採択され、その活動の目的全体はユダヤ人であると宣言した。これは、Kehillahの記録では、「ユダヤ民族主義の考え」の普及に起因している。

Now, care would have to be exercised to avoid confusion between the Hebrew labor unions, radical as they are, and the avowed communistic bodies, if it were not the fact that the unions and Communists are so inextricably interlocked as to make distinctions unnecessary.


That this is not a judgement dictated by mere adverse attitude may be seen from the following facts:


The Workmen's Circle has 800 branches throughout the United States and is officered by Jews throughout. The membership is 98 percent foreign-born and is Jewish in like portion.


Among the higher officers of this organization are Joseph Schlessinger, Sydney Hillman, Benjamin Schlossberg, Sam Feinstein and J. B. Salutsky. The names will probably have become familiar to the reader by this time. They form part of the interlocking directorate so commonly found among Jewish organizations, a system that finally heads up in the executive committee of the Kehillah, which also composes the leaders of the American Jewish Committee, of which the great public lights of Jewry are members.

この組織の上級役員には、Joseph Schlessinger、Sydney Hillman、Benjamin Schlossberg、Sam Feinstein、J. B. Salutskyがいる。この頃には、読者にもなじみのある名前になっているだろう。彼らは、ユダヤ人組織の間で一般的に見られる連動した理事会の一部を形成し、最終的にはKehillahの執行委員会を率いるシステムであり、また、ユダヤ人の偉大な公共の光がメンバーであるアメリカユダヤ人委員会の指導者を構成しています。

Schlessinger is president of the Union of Ladies' Garment Workers, and made a trip to Russia in behalf of communism in the United States, to finance which the members of the Communist party were assessed $1.50 each.


Hillman is president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America.


Schlossberg is secretary of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America.


Feinstein is secretary of the United Hebrew Trades.


Salutsky is food commissar to the striking Amalgamated, and is national director of Bolshevik propaganda carried on by his crowd.


They are, of course, all Jews.

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The line-up is this: Hebrew trade union leaders are also members of the Workmen's Circle and of the Communist party, and the majority of their trade union followers go with them into the other associations. The reverse process is this: Communism and radical Bolshevism then find their way to the consciousness of the American public by the Bolshevik demands of the so-called trade unions of Jewry.

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An extreme defense of all this activity might be that these Jewish leaders and workers are only enamored of the idea of Bolshevism, are playing with it academically, and are not to be considered as actively the proponents of a form of government contrary to the Constitution of the United States and to be established by "direct action."


This defense, however, appears insufficient when confronted by another set of facts in which these same union leaders and Communists are shown to be in communication with the Soviet government in the United States -- and the Soviet government in the United States is not a mere idea, it is a program. Moscow has repeatedly stated that the purpose of the Lenin-Trotsky government has been World Revolution. And one reason for the colossal economic failure of the Soviet governmental experiment has been the Jewish Soviet leaders' neglect of their proper work to follow this fetish of World Revolution. If one-tenth the effort had been made to govern and feed Russia that has been made to sow Bolshevik ideas in other countries, Russia might today have been in a less unhappy plight. Propaganda is the sole art which the Bolsheviks have mastered.

しかしながら、これらの同じ組合指導者と共産主義者が合衆国のソビエト政府と連絡を取り合っていることが示されているという別の一連の事実に直面すると、この弁護は不十分であるように見える -- そして合衆国におけるソビエト政府は単なるアイデアではなく、プログラムである。モスクワは、レーニン・トロツキー政権の目的は世界革命であったと繰り返し述べている。そして、ソビエト政府の実験の巨大な経済的失敗の理由の1つは、ユダヤ人ソビエト指導者たちが、この世界革命のこだわりの対象に従うための適切な仕事を怠ったことである。他国にボルシェビキの考えを蒔くために行われた1/10の努力がロシアを統治し、養うために行われていたならば、ロシアは今日、それほど不幸な状況にはなかったかもしれません。プロパガンダはボリシェヴィキが習得した唯一の技術である。

This Soviet government in the United States, therefore, must be regarded as an advance post of World Revolution. It is so regarded by those who know anything about it. It is so regarded by those who ordered the deportation of L. C. A. K. Martens, the "Soviet Ambassador." Martens was announced to be here for the purpose of opening up trade relations with the United States. He had a vast fund of gold -- indeed, it was to explain his gold hoard that he used the story about trade relations. The Government of the United States judged, however, that his purpose here was World Revolution -- and the government was right.

したがって、この合衆国のソビエト政府は、世界革命の前哨基地と見なければならない。それについて何か知っている人にはそう見なされる。「ソビエト大使」であるL. C. A. K. Martensの国外追放を命じた人たちはそう考えている。Martensは、合衆国との貿易関係を開く目的のためにここにいると発表されました。彼は莫大な金の資産を持っていた -- 実際、彼が貿易関係の話を使ったのは、彼の金の蓄えを説明するためだった。しかし、合衆国政府は、彼の目的は世界革命であると判断した -- そして政府は正しかった。

Martens has departed but the Soviet Embassy remains. As stated in a former article, Martens' successor is Charles Recht, who is a Russian Jew about 36 years of age. In the same building with Recht is Isaac A. Hourwich, another Russian Jew and attorney, whose office is supposed to be the headquarters whence proceeds much of the Russian Bolshevik propaganda.

Martensは去ったが、ソビエト大使館は残っている。以前の記事で述べたように、Martensの後継者は36歳前後のロシア系ユダヤ人Charles Rechtである。Rechtと同じ建物には、もう1人のロシアのユダヤ人で弁護士のIsaac A. Hourwichがいて、彼の事務所はロシアのボルシェビキのプロパガンダの大部分を進める本部であるとされている。

Now, the people who go to the offices of Recht and Hourwich are the same people whose names we have been tracing all through this interlocker, with some notable additions. Into the sanctum of ambassadorial Bolshevism in the United States, come, of course, Recht the representative and Hourwich the attorney for Lenin and Trotsky in this country.


Another caller is Judah L. Magnes, head of the New York Kehillah. He is a rabbi without a synagogue, an extreme extremist, a master of the language of agitation, and pro-Bolshevist in his influence and associations. He is credited with being the mediator between rich Jews and radicals when the latter are in need of funds. This is the Judah L. Magnes, head of the Kehillah, who tried to tell New York newspaper reporters what a weak and innocent foundling the New York Kehillah is; the same Judah L. Magnes whom the American Hebrew tried to picture as a diaphanous idealist broken-hearted because the ghetto doesn't fall in with his educational schemes. The Kehillah is not an educational institution; it is not a welfare institution in the charitable sense; it is a nerve-center of Jewish power; in Rabbi Magnes' own words, "a clearing house"; and if it amounted to nothing politically and nationally, the men who are now prominent in it would soon desert it. Kehillah is just what the word signifies -- the whole Jewish Community.

別の相談者は、ニューヨークKehillahの代表であるJudah L. Magnesです。彼はシナゴーグを持たないラビであり、極端な過激派であり、扇動的な言葉の達人であり、その影響力と結社においてボルシェビスト支持者である。彼は裕福なユダヤ人と過激派が資金を必要としているときに、彼らの間を仲介で高い評価を得ています。これは、ニューヨークの新聞記者に、ニューヨークKehillahがいかに弱くて無実の捨て子であるかを伝えようとした、Kehillahの代表であるJudah L. Magnesである。アメリカのヘブライ人が、ゲットーが彼の教育計画に合わないために失意に陥った高潔な理想主義者として描こうとしたのと同じJudah L. Magnesである。Kehillahは教育機関ではありません;それは慈善的な意味での福祉施設ではありません;それはユダヤ人の権力の中枢である;ラビMagnesの言葉を借りれば、「手形交換所(clearing house)」;もしそれが政治的にも全国的にも何の役にも立たなければ、今それで傑出している人たちはすぐに見捨てるでしょう。Kehillahはその言葉が意味する通りのものです -- ユダヤ人コミュニティ全体

Then, of course, there are Benjamin Schlessinger again, president of the Ladies' Garment Workers, and Sydney Hillman, president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, and Joseph Schlossberg, another Amalgamated official whose Bolshevik utterances were quoted earlier in this article, and others of the Hebrew trades crowd whose radical relationships have been shown.

それからもちろん、婦人衣料労働組合の会長Benjamin Schlessinger、衣料労働組合連合の会長Sydney Hillman、連合の幹部でボルシェビキの発言がこの記事の前半で引用されたJoseph Schlossberg、そして過激な関係が示されたヘブライ人貿易集団の他の人々がいます。

In addition, there are certain immigration inspectors from Ellis Island -- all Jews, of course; occasionally a courier from Russia who has slipped into the country for a secret purpose; occasionally also a courier to Russia bearing messages from Recht and Hourwich.

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さらに、エリス島出身の入国審査官もいます -- もちろん全員ユダヤ人です;時々、秘密の目的のために国に忍び込んだロシアからの運び屋;時にはRechtとHourwichからのメッセージを運ぶロシアへの運び屋でもあった。

Then I.W.W. leaders -- Jews; among them Baletin, secretary of the I.W.W. Metal Machinery Workers' Branch, and Peltner, joint secretary of the I.W.W. branches in New York.

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当時のI.W.W.の指導者たち -- ユダヤ人;その中にはI.W.W.の金属機械労働者支部書記であるBaletinとI.W.W.のニューヨーク支部の共同書記であるPeltnerがいた。

In close touch with these Jewish radicals are a number of revolutionists of other countries, representing various violent programs against the established order.


It is through the office of Charles Recht that passports, issued by the State Department of the government of the United States, are being visÈed. This statement refers to a regular practice known to have been followed until a few days preceding this writing, and there is no reason to believe it has since been altered. Ambassador Recht, or Acting Ambassador Recht, or whatever he may be called, is in close touch with Soviet authorities and has full notice of all their intentions regarding American affairs.

合衆国政府の国務省によって発行されたパスポートが査読されているのは、Charles Rechtの事務所を通じてである。この声明は、この執筆の数日前まで続いていたことが知られている通常の慣行に言及しており、その後変更されたと信じる理由はありません。Recht大使、あるいはRecht大使代理、あるいは彼が何と呼ばれようと、ソビエト当局と緊密に連絡を取っており、アメリカ情勢に関する彼らの意図をすべて知っている。

A frequent subject of conferences in Recht's office is the Soviet propaganda in America. Men like Hillman and Schlossberg and Schlessinger are merely liaison officers between the Soviets and the Hebrew trades unions. The orders received from Moscow are thus transmitted to the Jews in America, and are obeyed along perfectly defined lines.


Of course, Rabbi Magnes, head of the New York Kehillah, could hardly be expected to remain in ignorance of what the whole Kehillah knows. And that Magnes is temperamentally a radical, any two-minute perusal of his speeches will show. He is head of what Schlessinger calls the "gigantic, wide-branched Kehillah," the foremost political racial organization in this country, a close community of a single racial type which has its own code and its own customs and its own method of gaining its ends.

もちろん、ニューヨークKehillahの長であるラビMagnesが、Kehillah全体が知っていることを知らないままでいることはほとんど期待できません。そして、Magnesが気質的に急進的であることは、彼の演説を2分間熟読すればわかります。彼は、Schlessingerが「巨大で多岐にわたるKehillah 」と呼ぶものの党首であり、この国でもっとも重要な政治的人種組織で、独自の規範、独自の習慣、目的を達成するための独自の方法をもつ単一人種の密接な共同体である。

This is not the whole story by any means. Schlessinger and Schlossberg and Hillman and the rest are leaders, but they are not the higher-ups. The connections run straight up to the lofty heights of those who dwell in palaces and sway the finances of the nation, and to those who play large parts in the government of the United States. The Jews who finance radical publications -- good conservative Jews who form the standing illustration in the argumentative question, "What possible gain can they hope from Bolshevism?" Jews who pull official wires to gain immunity and privilege for known traitors and revolutionists. Jews who replenish the coffers of dangerous elements. It is a long story, and all of it does not require telling, for the point to be gained is not that everyone should be told, but that the involved persons should be aware that it is known, proved, safely put away, in hope that the occasion to use it may never come. However, it is due the public to tell at least a part of it.

決してこれがすべてではありません。Schlessinger、Schlossberg、Hillmanなどは指導者だが、上層部ではありません。その繋がりは、宮殿に住んで国の財政を左右する人々や、合衆国政府で大きな役割を果たす人々の高みにまでまっすぐに伸びています。急進的な出版物に資金を提供するユダヤ人 --「彼らはボルシェビズムからどんな利益を期待できるだろうか?」という議論の的となる問題の典型をなす善良な保守的ユダヤ人。既知の裏切り者や革命家の免責と特権を得るために公的な電線を引っ張るユダヤ人。危険分子の金庫を補充するユダヤ人。これは長い話で、すべてを語る必要はありません、というのは、得られるべき点は、すべての人に語ることではなく、関係者がそれが知られていること、証明されていること、安全に保管されていることを認識し、それを使う機会が決して来ないことを期待することだからです。しかしながら、大衆は少なくともその一部でも伝える義務がある。

The Jewish leaders never played so stupid a card as when they endeavored to minimize the Kehillah and the place it fills. Nor did their Gentile echoes ever fall for so miserable an imposition.

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[The Dearborn Independent, issue of 23 April 1921]
