
CherryMagic Questionnaire Result 〜Part.1〜


Thank you very much for taking the time to fill out the survey the other day!
It was hard to summarize all of your enthusiastic answers in one article, so I'm going to present the results of the survey little by little.
This time, as "Part 1", I'd like to announce the results of the questionnaire on favorite episodes and favorite scenes!

0. Outline

Period:2021  2/13 〜 2/23 (JST)
The number of answers:344 
(※If the same answer was sent multiple times, the duplicate answer was invalidated.)


1. Choose your most favorite 3 episodes.
2. Please tell your favorite scene!
3. Write your favorite words said by Adachi!
4. Write your favorite words said by Kurosawa!
5. Which character do you think you are most similar to in terms of personality?+Please write the reason, if any!
【Additional Question】Which do you like, sweet omelet or salty omelet?
6. Which country do you live in?
7. Why did you start to watch CherryMagic?
8. Did you know Mr.Akaso and Mr.Machida before watching CherryMagic?
9. Did you buy photo books by Akaso or Machida?
10. How many times did you see the drama? (episode1-12 as one time)
11. Choose all of the items you purchased or reserved.
12. Write other non-official/official items you purchased if any.
13. Please tell any dramas or movies which you recommend for CherryMagic fans!
14. Write anything about your passion for CherryMagic!

The first two are in this article, and the third and subsequent ones will be announced later.

Now, let's take a look at the results!

1. "Choose your most favorite 3 episodes."

Here are charts showing the number of votes for each episode. (The graph goes clockwise from episode 1 to episode 12. The numbers in the charts are the number of votes each episode received.)


The majority of people chose episode 7 as their favorite!


As for second favorite story, episode 7 came in first!


It is interesting that each person has a different favorite story.

2. "Please tell your favorite scene!"

I'd like to introduce answers in same order as the drama.
There are so many answers that I want to introduce that it's getting very long.
The number of responses in parentheses shows the number of answers for that scene, and in the gray squares are quotes from the actual responses.

I'm sorry for not translating Japanese answers to English. I would not like to change the subtle meanings by translating. If you need to translate, please make use of some translation apps. (My recommendation is DeepL. -> https://www.deepl.com/translator )


・Elevator in the morning(3)

・Where Adachi realised that Kurosawa actually liles him in the elevator.



・Scarf&Kurosawa's delusion(13)

・たくさんあるけど やっぱり1話のマフラーかな!丁寧に巻きすぎてて 長すぎってツッコミ入れたのが懐かしい 雑誌読んだり何回も見てるうちに 黒沢の気持ちとか伝わりすぎて まったく長く感じなくなりましたけど(笑)
・The scarf scene is always gonna be my most favorite, just because it frames Kurosawa's love and Adachi's conflict with himself well!
・いっぱいあって選べないよー(^。^;) あえて決めるなら第1話でマフラー巻いた後の黒沢の妄想wwに安達が「ええー!!」って驚愕したシーン。あれ見て「このドラマ絶対見る!」と決めた思い出のシーンです。


・Staying at Kurosawa's house(14)


・Picking up a file(5)


I was touched by Kurosawa's pure feelings for Adachi.


・"I cannot just leave him."(3)


・King's game, "Sorry..."(6)

・I really love the 3rd episode a lot because of how kurosawa was afraid of hurting adachi and how gentle he was to kiss him on the forehead instead.

・The rooftop scene(13)


I think Kurosawa's kindness can be felt in episode 3.


・The episodes with Ms.Fujisaki(2)

・(episode4) Fujisaki's confession to Adachi in the elevator. And Adachi and Fujisaki's conversation in the hallway from when Adachi said he will meet Fujisaki's mother. That Fujisaki is doing her best at work and having fun so there's no need to worry.
Of course there are a lot of scenes of Adachi and Kurosawa that I like. But I'm sure everyone else will give that answer. So I want to share other scenes that I like. Scenes that probably no one will answer ^^

I couldn't help but laugh at the second half of the latter answer (the English one). Indeed, he/she was the only one who chose the scene where Ms.Fujisaki confesses her heart & Adachi told her that he will see her mother. 


The Mont Blanc incident, Adachi's misunderstanding when he witnessed Kurosawa's sister, princess carrying, and many other things happened in episode 5, but not a single person answered the scene from episode 5 as their favorite scene...!


・The morning after nursing(1)


・Takoyaki-party with Rokkaku(4)


・Kurosawa's confession(5)※ones shown as in ep.6 not in ep.7


I can't forget the sadness of Kurosawa who came to unable to control his feelings.


・Kurosawa's confession(10)


・7 years ago, Kurosawa's recollection(23)←3rd number

・Kurosawa fell for Adachi 7 years ago. (Scene at night in the park ep 7)
・7話 公園で安達に胸をポンポンされて堪えきれない涙を手で隠す黒沢

The scene at the park was really beautiful and I get mesmerized every time I see it.

・Adachi's confession(93)←It is number one by far
Since there are so many, I've categorized them further.

Until Adachi ran to Kurosawa(5/93)

・気づくと黒沢のこと探してる。黒沢のこと考えてる。気がついたら黒沢でいっぱいで……そうだよ俺  って走りながら考えている所です。

Until Adachi confessed(48/93)

・Episode 7, where Adachi confesses his feeling to Kurosawa! It's very heartwarming and sincere when Adachi responded to Kurosawa's confession!

Adachi's confession ~ the embrace of the two(38/93)


Until the scene where they walk together(2/93)


Just by reading the answers here, it was as if I could re-live the scene.
All of them are unforgettable for me.

There was also the following response about episode 7.


(The answer above means "All of the 7th episode.")
Me, too...!!!!!


・In the Toyokawa's office at the beginning(2)


・Kurosawa's misunderstanding(1)

・Kurosawa jealous to Tsuge, 8 ep

That's where he hit a bike.


・bus scene, where kurosawa makes up a poem about adachi

・The scene at the bus stop(2)


・Holding hands for the first time(4)



・Breakfast at Adachi's house(7)

・Their breakfast together at Adachi's place

・Lunch at Toyokawa(3)

・When Kurosawa winked at Adachi in Ep. 9 and both were smiling at each other 🥺💕

・Kurosawa's Delusion(5)

・Kurosawa's fantasy, bathrobe scene, in ep 9.

・Tsuge ran, "It's my faultーー!"(1)


・Hug in the middle of the street(47)←2nd only to Adachi's confession

・When Kurosawa gives adachi the sign-up sheet for the competition and they end up hugging in the middle of the street
・9話.(黒)これ以上好きにさせて〜 (安)オレこいつの事めっちゃ好きかも〜のハグシーン 黒沢も安達も本当に幸せそうな笑顔で大好きなシーンです。


・Until they went to practice dating(2)


・Practice dating at an amusement park(7)


・Izakaya (practice) date(5)


It's nice to see the distance between them grow even closer.


・Tearful ending(4)


It's painful even to remember, but it couldn't have been more true to life...


・at the roof of the Anton building(20)

・Ep 12 Kurosawa's "proposal", because of how he looked so full of hope for their future and Adachi looking so touched and overwhelmed with happiness just as he says "Yes".

・The morning at the bed(3)


・Until the elevator closed(10)

・12話 最後の藤崎さんがお勉強をしているシーンの直後、黒沢が安達を無言で見つめているシーン。逆光で黒沢の横顔が何度見てもきれいです。


Some answers were not limited to specific scenes.

・I love so much when Fujisaki speak with Kurosawa <3
・All hug scene, and forehead kiss

Some of you listed favorite scenes!

・1. moment when Kurosawa tells Adachi to go for a walk (to park), and babyboy's looks so soft and tender. 2. Hugs and little sway in episode 9. 3. conversation at the bar in episode10



(The answer above means "I like so many scenes that I cannot choose one.")
That's all I have to say..!

And that's it for the announcement of the results this time...!
I've only dealt with two questions, but this is a huge volume... Thank you once again for all the responses.

When I write the next article, I'll update this note with the link, and I'll also announce it on Twitter (@maki_sushi_ol).


Links(updated on 2021.3.15)





