
I am studying English. favorite things: Foo…


I am studying English. favorite things: Football (Premier League), Animation, Exercise, AWS, etc 英語を勉強中ですが、日本語でのコミュニケーションも歓迎です!


[Diary 78] Do you fall asleep easily or do you have trouble getting to sleep?

I fall asleep easily after I moved0 to current house. However I was beset by noise during night time in previous house so I couldn't sleep easily before. About 5 years ago, I noticed I could be HSP who is sensitive noise. The reason for th

    • [Diary 77] Are you suffering from any illnesses?

      No, I'm not suffering from any illnesses luckily. I haven't had heavy illnesses until now like I need to spend in the hospital. There is only one heavy injuring in my life that was ligament damage of my knee. The injuring was heppend when

      • [Diary 76] If you were reincarnated, who would you like to come back as?

        That's intesting qustion. If I was reincarnated, I'd like to come back someone who lives in the future. I have interest for the far future like 1,000 years later, 10,000 years later because I can't live forever and can't see the tecnolocy

        • [Diary 75] What would you name your child?

          If a girl will born, I would name Sakura. If a boy will born I don't have idea as of right now. The reason I would name Sakura is related with girl's magazin "Card Capter Sakura" wrriten by CLAMP. When I was a junior high school student, I

        [Diary 78] Do you fall asleep easily or do you have trouble getting to sleep?

          [Diary 74] Do you have a favorite sports team?

          Yes, my favorite sports team is Liverpool which is one of football teams in England. I love the team since I was a high school student. At that time, there are many good players such as Steven Gerrard, Fernando Torres, Xabi Alonso and more

          [Diary 74] Do you have a favorite sports team?

          [Diary 73] Has anything made your heart skip a beat recently?

          A woman I met last week made me heart skip beat recently. We met last Wednesday and since then, we've been chatting on message every day. She is good at rewarding me so sometimes my heart skip a beat and I'm always so happy. I also want to

          [Diary 73] Has anything made your heart skip a beat recently?

          [Diary 72] What cheers you up no matter what?

          The thing cheers me up no matter what is Aqours' songs. Aqours is a school idol group in anime "LoveLive Sunshine", that is one of LoveLive series. There are over 100 Aqours' songs and I especially like some of them. These days I listen to

          [Diary 72] What cheers you up no matter what?

          [Diary 71] Are there any phrases or expessions that you tend to use frequently?

          In Japanese, I often tend to use "kanji" that meens like "feeling" in English. For example in English, when I say "are you sleep?", in Japanese I say "眠い感じ?". I think It's very convinience word when I can't explain deteil about things. On

          [Diary 71] Are there any phrases or expessions that you tend to use frequently?

          [Diary 70] Is there anything that you think you couldn't live without?

          The thing I couldn't live without is the definitly the internet. I use it every day through personal time and work time. One of my morning routines is watch anime or video on the internet. During work time, I definetly need the internet in

          [Diary 70] Is there anything that you think you couldn't live without?

          [Diary 69] If you were to describe yourself in colors, which color would you be today?

          Today's my color was orange. There are two reasons this: The first one is that I did my best in my work as usual. Every Saturday, I have to handle inquery from our customers but rest of team members without me are days off. Due to the reas

          [Diary 69] If you were to describe yourself in colors, which color would you be today?

          [Diary 68] Did anything tick you off today?

          There was nothing tick me off today and I don't have anything tick me off these days. When I was a student during junior high or high, while playing video games alone, sometimes I was irrited. I used to play football game like winning elev

          [Diary 68] Did anything tick you off today?

          [speech 02] About my job history 2

          [speech 01] About my job history 1 I shared you my job history for 5 years after graduating university from above blog. I'll introduce you my job history after becoming a systems engineer. I joined the IT company for the frist time after r

          [speech 02] About my job history 2

          [Diary] What has been your greatest failure in life?

          To be honest, I don't think I have greatest failure in life because I am optimistic. I think any failures are seeds of success so any failures improve me. If I had to choose, I have a regret about finding work when I was in university. At

          [Diary] What has been your greatest failure in life?

          [speech 01] About my job history 1

          At first, I went to the University in Niigata after graduated high school. I learned about training method, management of sports, exercise science and more. During a university student, I took a certified of Health Fitness Programmer. After

          [speech 01] About my job history 1

          When was the last time you had a cold?

          The last time I had a cold was 4 years ago. In recent years, I don't catch a cold because of covid-19. I think the reason why is people become wearing mask to protect from the virus. Before covid-19 spreaded, I had cought a cold once a year

          When was the last time you had a cold?

          What do you do to stay healthy?

          I have been working out every weekend for 6 year to stay healthy. The reason why I started was I spent lazy on my days off. So I began working out for killing time at first. During continuing to do that, working out have became my habit. It

          What do you do to stay healthy?