
[Diary 75] What would you name your child?

If a girl will born, I would name Sakura.
If a boy will born I don't have idea as of right now.

The reason I would name Sakura is related with girl's magazin "Card Capter Sakura" wrriten by CLAMP.
When I was a junior high school student, I watched it on TV for the first time and then I was into it

A heroine of the story is Sakura Kinomoto who is 10 years old girl.
One day, she dreamed a wondering dream.
Soon After dreming, she found a strange book in her fathers stack room.
Her story started when she met a funny creature there.

Sakura is so active and she has courage, consideration for people around her.
Additionay, she has a lot of greate friends because of her personality.

If I will have my child, I'm grateful that my child will be like Sakura.
However, most important thing I think is my child will be growing healthy and who can reach who's dream.

Correction by AI

If a girl is born, I would name her Sakura.
If a boy is born, I don't have any ideas as of right now.

The reason I would name her Sakura is related to the girls' magazine "Cardcaptor Sakura" written by CLAMP.
When I was a junior high school student, I watched the TV show for the first time and then I became fascinated by it.

The heroine of the story is Sakura Kinomoto, a 10-year-old girl.
One day, she had a strange dream.
Soon after the dream, she found a mysterious book in her father's study.
Her story began when she met a funny creature there.

Sakura is very active, courageous, and considerate of the people around her. Additionally, she has a lot of great friends because of her personality.

If I have a child, I hope they will be like Sakura.
However, the most important thing to me is that my child grows up healthy and is able to pursue their dreams.

In Japanese


桜と名付けたい理由は CLAMP の少女漫画「カードキャプターさくら」に関連しています。

物語の主人公は木之本桜という 10 歳の女の子です。



Today's expressions

  • fascinate

  • mysterious

  • creature

  • courageous

  • considerate

  • pursue
