When was the last time you had a cold?

The last time I had a cold was 4 years ago.
In recent years, I don't catch a cold because of covid-19.
I think the reason why is people become wearing mask to protect from the virus.
Before covid-19 spreaded, I had cought a cold once a year.
My cold’s feature is starting sore throat.
When I was a child and I caught a cold, my mother made me white radish candy as a medicine.
The medicine really efectts for me and you can make it very easliy.
Ingredients you need to make it are only two, white radish and honey.
You can make it only mixing them.
The medicine is also taste of mother's home cooking for me.

Correction by AI

The last time I had a cold was 4 years ago.
In recent years, I haven't caught a cold because of Covid-19.
I think the reason is that people have started wearing masks to protect themselves from the virus.
Before Covid-19 spread, I used to get a cold once a year.
The first sign of my cold is a sore throat.
When I was a child and got a cold, my mother made me white radish candy as a remedy.
This remedy really works for me, and you can make it very easily.
The ingredients you need are only two: white radish and honey.
You can make it by simply mixing them.
This remedy also tastes like my mother's home cooking to me.
