
[Diary 77] Are you suffering from any illnesses?

No, I'm not suffering from any illnesses luckily.

I haven't had heavy illnesses until now like I need to spend in the hospital.
There is only one heavy injuring in my life that was ligament damage of my knee.

The injuring was heppend when I skied and sliped in elementary school.
It took over one month the ligament damage was healed.
I had used crutch then for the first time.

Except for that, I don't have experiecne of having heavy illnesses.
In recent years, I have been consciousing my life style such as eating, excercising, sleeping.
I hope I can do anything in daily life by myself until I will die.

For that, I think consciousing health is important.

Correction by AI

No, I'm not suffering from any illnesses, luckily.

I haven't had any serious illnesses that required hospitalization until now. There has been only one serious injury in my life, which was ligament damage to my knee.

The injury happened when I was skiing and slipped in elementary school.
It took over a month for the ligament damage to heal.
I used crutches for the first time then.

Except for that, I don't have experience with serious illnesses.
In recent years, I have been conscious of my lifestyle, such as eating, exercising, and sleeping.
I hope I can manage daily life independently until I die.

For that, I think being conscious of health is important.

In Japanese






Today's expressions

  • suffer

  • illnesses

  • hospitalization

  • ligament damage

  • crutches

  • independently
