
[Diary 78] Do you fall asleep easily or do you have trouble getting to sleep?

I fall asleep easily after I moved0 to current house.

However I was beset by noise during night time in previous house so I couldn't sleep easily before.
About 5 years ago, I noticed I could be HSP who is sensitive noise.
The reason for that was a little noise caused by neighborhood bothered me when I tried to sleep at night.

I had tried some methods to protect myself from noises, such as listening music, using earplug, relaxing before sleeping.
But those methods didn't resolve my trouble about noises.

One day after I moved to current house, I found "white noise" in YouTube which protects me from noises.
White noise is like static on the TV or sound in cafe.

Thanks to white noise, I have been sleeping well so far.

Correction by AI

I fall asleep easily since I moved to my current house.

However, I was beset by noise during the night in my previous house, so I couldn't sleep easily before.
About five years ago, I noticed I might be a highly sensitive person (HSP) who is sensitive to noise.
The reason for that was that even a little noise caused by the neighborhood bothered me when I tried to sleep at night.

I had tried some methods to protect myself from noises, such as listening to music, using earplugs, and relaxing before sleeping.
But those methods didn't resolve my trouble with noises.

One day after I moved to my current house, I found "white noise" on YouTube, which protects me from noises.
White noise is like static on the TV or the sound in a café.

Thanks to white noise, I have been sleeping well so far.

In Japanese


5 年ほど前に、自分が HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) かもしれないと気づきました。




Today's expressions

  • fall asleep

  • might be

  • earplugs

  • static on the TV
