
よかった旅YouTube動画と面白かった国Good travel YouTube videos and interesting countries

★【寝台列車の旅】羊肉が旨すぎ、タシケント抑留日本人墓地、ブハラ、ウズベキスタン★ [Sleeper train trip] The lamb is so delicious, Tashkent Japanese interned cemetery, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

I want to go and see it. I want to try it.A video like the Nachi Falls. It's like it's for people who can't travel far for various reasons.

Cuba  キューバ ハバナ

My first trip to a socialist country was to Varadero in Cuba, where the sea was incredibly beautiful. But there were great white sharks. Rum and cigars are the specialty of Cuba, and the daiquiris are very delicious. Cubans seemed to like having their pictures taken.  But I also got a glimpse of the horror of economic sanctions in the city at night.

★Most Beautiful Villages of Himachal Pradesh | Kinnaur Valley | Kalpa and Nako 北インドヒマーチャル・プラデーシュ州の最も美しい村々 | キナウル渓谷 | カルパとナコ

このエリアはチベット仏教とヒンドゥー教がミックスしたような信仰があるみたいです。農産物が豊かで特産はサフランや松の実など色々で、レコンピオのバス停付近の食堂のカレーライスは普通にサフランライスでした。ちなみに、カレーは辛くないのが高地の特徴みたいです。驚いたのは一妻多夫制度の伝統があるそうです。資産を分割しないためとか。このエリアに行く時は、チベット語を少し勉強していくと役に立つと思います。ダラムサラの図書館で外国人用のチベット語クラスがあります。日本人であれば、すぐ覚えられます。Spiti Valley in the highlands of northern India is a place where you can feel the great outdoors.
This area seems to have a mixed religion of Tibetan Buddhism and Hinduism. It is rich in agricultural products, and specialties include saffron and pine nuts. The curry rice at the restaurant near the bus stop in Recong Peo was just saffron rice. By the way, it seems that curry is not spicy, which is a characteristic of the highlands. What surprised me was that there is a tradition of polyandry. Apparently, this is to avoid dividing assets. If you go to this area, it would be useful to study a little Tibetan. There are Tibetan language classes for foreigners at the library in Dharamsala. If you are Japanese, you will be able to pick it up quickly.

Ladakh Part 4: Alchi Monastery, Hemis Gompa, Diskit Gompa, Thiksey Monastery, The Place. 北インド ラダックパート4:アルチ僧院、ヘミス・ゴンパ、ディスキット・ゴンパ、ティクセ僧院、

Tibetan. I also recommend the Lhasa edition in China. Tibetans are very kind. They are like the Japanese of the past.

Only the area around Berg at the east exit of Shinjuku Station has a Showa-era feel to it.
It's almost inside the station, so you can drink without worry.
The breakfast was super cheap.
