





スクリーンショット 2021-08-29 234347

スクリーンショット 2021-08-29 234418



ex.) in two weeks [今から二週間で], two weeks from now [二週間のうちに], later [後で]

He will be back in three weeks. ( three weeks from now. )
He said he would be back in three weeks. ( three weeks from then )
The bus leaves in two minutes. ( 現在形で表現可能 )
That can be left later. [そんなことは後でもできる。]



ex.) two weeks later, after two weeks [それから二週間後]

I got married her, but I got divorced three years later. ( after two weeks )



ex.) two years ago [今から二年前に], before [以前に]

I built my house two years ago
I think I see that boy before. [前にあの少年を見た気がする。]



ex.) two years before, two years earlier [その時より二年前に]

I got divorced her, who I had married three years before.


「~という今」:Now that SV ~, 
高齢化となった今、:Now that there are more and more the elderly, 

「~よりも~前(後)に」:--- before ( after ) SV,
戦争が始まる三年前に、:Three years before the war broke out,

「はじめは~だったが、やがて…」:At first SV~, but then SV~.
英作文は最初難しいと思っていたが、実際にやってみると簡単だった。:Writing in English seemed difficult at first, but then when I actually tried it, I found it easy.

「~ぶり」:for the first time in ~
10年ぶりに彼と会った。:I met him for the first time in ten years.

「初めて~した時」:The first time SV~,
初めて彼に会った時、:The first time I met him,


次の文章を英訳しなさい。(京大前期 1996)

 ワープロ( word procession )やパソコンが普及したおかげで、「書く」という行為はすっかり様変わりして、例えば「筆をとる」といった言葉も死語になりつつある

 Because word processions and personal computers have been used widely, the act of "writing" has been transformed. For example, the expression "to take a pen" is getting out of date

 「普及する」:Be used widely は使える表現です。覚えておこう。
