
Momo by Michael Ende

Book review: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I like it very, very much. This feels like a hidden gem disguised as an adventure book for children. I'm already 28, and it was my first time reading this, but as soon as I started, I couldn't put it down. It resonated so much with me.

(Might contain spoilers from here.)

The first chapters felt so personal to me. Like how they described Momo as an essential part of the community just by contributing her listening ears. Just by listening to people, giving a look that doesn't judge, one can get comfortable with the silence and the company at the same time. It gives them time to reflect on everything and the space to collect their thoughts and build better ones. Momo acts like my journal, which I started just a week ago. I gather my thoughts, write everything I feel about it, and as I read it again after writing it down and being by myself with the notebook that doesn't judge me at all, I somehow see the events from a different perspective. It allows me to think of better thoughts and therefore improve my feelings and moods. That's exactly what Momo is to her neighbors.

And the things Beppo said to her or the stories Guido told people, I learn a lot from them. They give me a new and better perspective when looking at things. And how when the gray men appeared and had these computations about time, I think we've all been there, hurrying ourselves up and eliminating things that make us who we are.

The way Momo described the modern toys—it doesn't have much to offer. Unlike the traditional games we play. We think, we imagine, we move our bodies, like the ones they had with the scientific expedition. Even Salvatore's story. You would see similar buildings nowadays, and you'd look at them and they're beautiful and space-saving, with many advantages and good things about them, but if you look at the buildings from hundreds or thousands of years ago, even just the ruins, they put so much into them, not just energy, money, and time, but their soul. Now, even if you go to another country, you'll see houses and buildings that look similar, and each country has been losing its soul and history. And now, thinking that old buildings are just for tourists to see and not to use or create more of, it's kind of sad.

And all these people who lost their time to visit Momo, I resonated with them. I also felt what they had felt. And I haven't visited Momo (my heart) for a long time. I haven't had the time to gather my thoughts and write down my feelings anymore. I haven't had the time for reflection and quiet time to see things clearly and think better thoughts. Or rather, I didn't give time to it. I was lost for some time, about what's really important to me, what makes me, me, and what things I give time to.

Momo's adventure taught me the importance of time and how to make it worthwhile. Not just the feeling of achieving something, but the feeling of being fulfilled and enjoying the process. Not only that, but the time we give to our family and friends is equally important, and the time to visit our hearts and listen to it and have a meaningful conversation. And now I see time differently.

“You see, Momo?” he asked one day. “It’s like this: sometimes you have a very long street ahead of you. It’s so terribly long, you think to yourself, that you’ll never be able to finish sweeping it.”

He stared silently off into the distance for a while before continuing.

“So you begin to hurry. You keep getting faster and faster, but every time you look up, you see that the street isn’t getting any shorter. There’s always just as much left as before. You start straining yourself even more, you panic, and finally you’re all out of breath. You can’t go on at all, and the street still stretches out far ahead of you. That’s not the way to do it.”

He thought for a while more. Then he said,

“You can never think about the whole street all at once, understand? You can only think about the next step, the next breath, the next broom stroke. Only ever the next one.”
「いちどに道路ぜんぶのことを考えてはいかん、わかるかな? つぎの一歩のことだけ、つぎのひと呼い 吸き のことだけ、つぎのひと掃は きのことだけを考えるんだ。いつもただつぎのことだけをな。」

He paused and thought again before continuing.

“Then it’s pure joy, and that’s the most important thing, because then you do your work well. That’s how it’s supposed to be.”

He paused again for a long time.

“Suddenly you notice that, step by step, bit by bit, you’ve finished the whole street, and you don’t even know how because you’re not out of breath.”

He nodded again and finally said,

“That’s also important.”
