
27歳の誕生日の振り返り【My 27th Birthday Reflection】

As I was sorting out my notes, I found a note that I wrote last year November, on my birthday. I always write reflections during my birthday about the life I have lived, and I think this note has the deepest message. Am I growing up properly?

This was what I wrote.

When I was in high school, I used to think that people in their 20s had their lives together. I imagined myself at 25 excelling in my chosen career, having my own family, making good life decisions, being able to do whatever I wanted, and having a clear mind about everything. I was so overwhelmed with my adolescent tantrums, which, back then, seemed like a very serious life problem. And I thought turning into an adult would solve all of it. I was in such a hurry to become one.

But I just turned 27 today, and I'm still reading books, hoping to find some clues about how to properly live a life; there were even times I had to consult a therapist to help me figure out what seems to be the problem. And you know what I learned? that everything has to do with my childhood. Budgeting money, developing self-care, skin care, hygiene habits, managing diets, waking up on time, learning to make life choices, developing self-confidence and motivation, coping with stress, accepting failure and rejection, training perseverance, developing a sense of morality, exploring potential talents, and so on are all adulthood prerequisites that should have been learned during childhood and adolescence.

If you feel like you're lagging behind when it comes to adulthood, then maybe it's because you're like me, who's doing a lot of trial-and-error because we didn't learn the ABCs of adulthood in time.

I'm not saying I'm having such a bad life. I'm honestly in a better situation than I was several years ago. But I still feel like it could have been better. So for kids and teens reading this, I hope you surround yourselves with good influence and responsible adults who will help you, guide you, and teach you what you need to learn before entering adulthood. And I hope you grow to become a good adult as well. And as adults, I hope we act responsibly because we have the power to change the course of a child's life. We play the most important role in determining what kind of adult a child becomes and what kind of life they will face later in life.

Today, as I turn 27, I wish to become a better adult.
