
非小麦粉パンの系譜を持つポンデケイジョ Pão de Queijo(cheese bread), a bread made from non-wheat flour

A look at flour-based food culture around the world

Recipe trivia


Wheat and rice are not the only grains that humans have used as staple foods.
The history of the New World is something that we, the people of the Old World, do not know much about. For the people of the Old World, the history of the New World is the history that we know well from the time when adventurers such as Columbus discovered the existence of the New World, and history books have not devoted many pages to the history before that. This is because history is often written by the family of the conquerors.
Regardless of that, there were many civilizations in South and Central America before the Christian era, and they rose and fell repeatedly. These civilizations were supported by various cultivated plants. Because the New World was separated from the Old World for thousands of years, it was a treasure trove of ingredients that did not exist in the Old World. When exchanges began between the New World and the Old World, it had a huge impact on the food culture of the world. It is not difficult to imagine that food hunters who could rival Indiana Jones were active. Even if they took on large debts and crossed the sea without regard for incredible danger, if they could bring back treasure ingredients, they could make a huge fortune. Among the foods brought by these food hunters and traders were tomatoes and chili peppers. In other words, tomatoes were not used in Italian cuisine until the late 16th century, and chili peppers were not used in Indian, Thai, or Korean cuisine. Just looking at this example, you can see the impact that new ingredients have on food culture.
The impact of grains from the New World on the diet of the Old World is even greater. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn. These three carbohydrate sources were also new species brought from the New World. These three grains saved the world from famine in the 17th and 18th centuries. If there were more options for grains with different cultivation conditions, it would make sense to increase the number of methods to avoid famine. In Japan, the promotion of "Aoki Konyo's sweet potatoes" and "Nakai Seitayu's potatoes" is still talked about today.
And although it is not very familiar to Japanese people, there is another important crop called "cassava." It grows well in tropical areas with poor growing conditions and requires little maintenance. It is now the most popular crop in Southeast Asia and Africa, but it originates from the Amazon basin. It is the second most produced crop in the world after potatoes. It is also a shining star of hope for biofuel. Tapioca flour is a starch made by refining cassava. Tapioca, the hugely popular beverage, is made from this starch.


In a previous article, I explained the "chemical reaction of gluten formation" using wheat flour. The reason wheat flour is most widely used as dough for bread is because it contains a component called gluten. It stretches like a film, and with the help of yeast and leavening agent, it makes fluffy bread. When you look at bread cultures around the world, you can see that they pursue how to mold and bake bread into a shape that is soft and easy to eat. That's why wheat flour, which contains gluten, remains the most important grain. However, the problem is that humans have continued to consume large amounts of refined wheat flour, which has led to frequent development of gluten allergies. However, in the New World, where wheat did not exist, people lived without gluten until Europeans brought wheat flour. And even now that wheat flour has become widespread, as mentioned in the previous article, tacos are still very popular in Mexico. In Central and South America, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and cassava still maintain their position as staple foods. I think the diversity of food culture is full of hints for dealing with food allergies and the future of food.


Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of non-wheat flour that does not contain gluten. In order for the flour to be able to be shaped without falling apart, a "chemical reaction to hold the dough together" is necessary. For non-wheat flour starches, this is the "chemical reaction of starch gelatinization." Of course, wheat flour also contains starch. Even with wheat flour, pancakes and other things use the principle of gelatinization, and do not use the characteristics of gluten. On the other hand, the presence of gluten gets in the way, so wheat flour with a low gluten content is used for this purpose. This means that for pancakes and confectionery, starch other than wheat can be used instead.
Gluten forms a film even at room temperature using water as a medium, but the phenomenon of gelatinization does not occur at room temperature. When heated with water, gelatinization begins at around 50 degrees Celsius, and the viscosity increases up to around 90 degrees. This phenomenon is related to the amylose and amylopectin components of starch. Both contribute to gelatinization, but it is amylopectin that maintains the soft viscosity, and amylose quickly causes a phenomenon called "glue aging." This is why dumplings made with joshinko, which is milled from non-glutinous rice with a high amylose content, quickly become hard. Conversely, shiratamako is made from glutinous rice that contains only amylopectin, so it stays soft even when cooled. Even if it has a lot of amylose, adding sugar slows down the aging process. Therefore, in order to bind ingredients together using the principle of gelatinization, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the characteristics of each type of starch. Tapioca flour is the least likely to aging, and it stays soft for a long time even when cooled. The masa flour used in tacos also contains starch, so when heated it gelats and bakes into a round crepe shape. The reason that masa flouyr is kneaded with hot water to make tacos is also to prevent the dough from falling apart due to gelatinization.


Here I will introduce a recipe for Pão de Queijo (cheese bread), a national dish of Brazil. This bread is a non-wheat flour, unleavened bread made with tapioca flour. The mechanism by which this bread rises to become fluffy is similar to that of cream puffs. Water evaporates from within the gelatinized film of starch, turning into steam, which pushes the film of glue apart and makes it fluffy. If left as is, it would wilt, but the eggs and oil give the film of glue flexibility and serve to hold the expanded film in place. It may have been born from the combination of the confectionery techniques brought over by the Portuguese with the local ingredient tapioca flour. It is a traditional bread that has been eaten since the 18th century. A staple breakfast.




Tapioca flour
Edam cheese powder (or Parmesan cheese powder)
Olive oil
Natural salt



Crack and beat a large egg (about 50 grams), add the same weight of grated cheese per egg, add salt and pepper, and mix well.
Put milk, water, and olive oil (5:5:2 weight ratio, assuming the weight of eggs is 5) in a pot and heat it.
Heat until just before boiling, turn off the heat, add all the tapioca flour (1:2 weight ratio with eggs), and mix with a spatula. Once cooled, press with your hands to form a lump.
Mix the prepared egg and cheese mixture into the lump in several batches, and mix well by folding with your hands until it becomes smooth.
Divide each egg into about nine or ten balls, roll them into balls, and arrange them on a tray in a toaster oven.
Spray with water using a spray bottle and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for approximately 20 minutes.
After baking, do not open the toaster oven door immediately, but wait until it cools down before removing it.

Tips and tricks:    


If tapioca flour is hard to come by, you can use flour with a high amylopectin content, such as shiratama flour, instead, but the finished product will vary slightly depending on the ingredients. If you use regular rice flour, the starch will gelatinize quickly because of the high amylose content, and the surface will become dry, so mixing it with shiratama flour or tapioca flour will improve the result considerably.
Add tapioca flour all at once to milk, water, and olive oil that have been heated to just before boiling, and mix quickly. At this point, the most important thing is how well the gelatinization is done.
The weight ratio of starch to water (milk + water + egg) is important, and depending on the ratio, the possibility of failure increases.
If the temperature of the dough drops, the dough will harden, so it is necessary to gather the dough while it is still hot and work on shaping it as quickly as possible.
As for shaping, it is not as delicate as cream puffs, so it does not need to be handled so delicately. Just divide it normally and roughly roll it with your hands.
The reason for spraying water with a spray bottle is to prevent the outside from becoming hard and burning before the dough has a chance to rise.
In Brazil, where it originates, many variations are made. Once you've become familiar with the basic recipe, you can try adding chocolate, matcha, herbs, spices, chopped bacon or sausage, and other ingredients to make it more interesting.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


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