
潔いブロッコリーだけのリングイーネ Linguine made with only broccoli

I’m a vegetarian sometimes

Recipe trivia

田舎パンの記事ですでに紹介したが、学生時代に読んで料理を職業にしようと思うきっかけになった本のうちの一冊から、このパスタはアイデアをいただいている。Raurie Colwinの書いた「Home Cooking -A Writer in the Kitchen-」という本だ。この本の中で彼女は「野菜嫌いに野菜をたっぷり食べさせる方法」として、ブロッコリーを粉砕してソースとして使うアイデアを紹介している。彼女の提示したのはベジタリアン専用のメニューではなかったけど、自分で作ってみて、ブロッコリーという野菜の持つ旨みにノックアウトされてしまった。その当時は、この本の著者の国、家電先進国のアメリカとは違い、日本ではフードプロセッサーはプロ専用の機材で、到底学生に手の出る代物ではなかったので、マッシャーで潰して作った。後日、個人的な僕の好みだけど、フードプロセッサーを使って作ったものよりもマッシャーを使ったものの方が美味いと感じ、さらに、僕はベジタリアンではないけれど、ブロッコリー以外の副材料は蛇足と思うようになって、自家用の完成したレシピとして自家用飯コレクションに殿堂入りしたのだった。

This is the pasta I have eaten the most up until this year.
As I mentioned in the article about country bread, the idea for this pasta came from one of the books I read when I was a student that inspired me to make cooking my career. It was a book called "Home Cooking -A Writer in the Kitchen-" written by Raurie Colwin. In this book, she introduces the idea of ​​crushing broccoli and using it as a sauce as a way to "make people who don't like vegetables eat a lot of vegetables". Although what she presented was not a vegetarian dish, I was knocked out by the deliciousness of the vegetable broccoli when I tried making it myself. At that time, unlike the country where the author of this book is from, America, which is a developed country of home appliances, in Japan, food processors were equipment for professionals only and were far beyond the reach of students, so I made it by crushing it with a masher. Later, I felt that the dish made with a masher was more delicious than the one made with a food processor, which is my personal preference, and even though I'm not a vegetarian, I began to think that the ingredients other than broccoli were unnecessary, so it has entered the hall of fame as a perfected recipe for my own home use.


Usually, when I provide recipes for work, I write them with the client's demand and sales contribution in mind, so I rarely reflect my own preferences. One day, I had the opportunity to work as a chef at a Spanish-style dining bar. That's where this recipe made its public debut. By chance, vegetarians and Western customers started coming to the bar frequently, and the number of vegetarian dishes on the menu gradually increased. Among them, this pasta was one of the three most popular vegetarian dishes. The other two were vegetarian curry and pizza marinara.
This is purely my personal preference, but I only used broccoli. If you like broccoli, please enjoy it with your own arrangement.



Broccoli (don't be stingy, use lots)
Linguine (your favorite pasta that holds the sauce well)
Chili pepper*
Sunflower oil and olive oil
*I've substituted yuzu pepper here for my preference.



Bring a heavy-bottomed pot of water to a boil.
Meanwhile, cut the broccoli into bite-sized pieces. Cut off any dry, bitter parts of the stem. Also peel off any tough parts of the skin. These vegetable scraps make a great vegetable stock, so don't throw them away.
Put the broccoli into boiling water and boil until it's almost completely soft. Once it's done, don't discard the water, but use tongs or a wire spoon to remove the broccoli.
Bring the water to a boil again, add the pasta, and continue to boil. Remove the pasta into a colander or similar container about 3 minutes before the recommended cooking time. Again, don't discard the boiling water, but set it aside.
Add oil to a pot and heat over medium heat. Add the seeded chili peppers and when they become fragrant, return the boiled broccoli to the pot and pour in the reserved boiling water until it's just covered.
Use a fork or masher to finely mash the broccoli, add salt and pepper, and turn the heat up to high.
Put the pasta back in and stir to absorb the water, then mix in the broccoli sauce while cooking the pasta. If the liquid has reduced, add some of the reserved cooking water to adjust the liquid.
Taste the pasta to make sure it's still firm enough (it should still have a slight core, so it's cooked just right when you bring it to the table) and salty, then turn off the heat. Ideally, most of the liquid should have evaporated at the same time.

Tips and tricks:    


Since this is a pasta dish that you can enjoy the broccoli in, use a generous amount. One stalk per person will do.
This recipe assumes you have one burner, but the broccoli flavor comes out in the boiling water, so I think it's better to use it to boil the pasta instead of throwing it away.
When preparing the broccoli, removing as many of its strings as possible will affect the texture. Of course, use the stems as well. Cutting the stems into thin slices will help them cook faster.
This is just my personal preference, and I want to enjoy the flavor of the broccoli, so I deliberately did not add garlic. If you want a flavor similar to aglio e olio, add crushed garlic at the same time as you add the chili peppers. If you use yuzu kosho or chili powder instead, add them at the same time as the salt and pepper.
I feel that the flavor is complete with this, but if you feel it is not enough, adding a little light type soy sauce as a secret ingredient will add more flavor.
For non-vegetarians, you can add pancità, bacon, whitebait, clams, anchovies, shrimp, or minced chicken. I also think it would be good to add mushrooms such as mushrooms or enokitake mushrooms. If it's in season, you can also add bamboo shoots, green peas, or asparagus.
In addition to Italian pasta, the sauce is also delicious when mixed with udon or rice noodles.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


*I participate in Amazon affiliate programs. If you would like to purchase this product by clicking here, I would be very grateful, as the money would go towards the cost of a coffee.

